
千島 喜久男(ちしま きくお、1899年10月10日 - 1978年10月23日)は、日本の生物学者。医学博士






千島喜久男, 1948 : Relation between the Origin of the so called Primordial Germ Cell and Differentiation of Blood Cells in Chick Embryos. (in Japanese) 科学 vol. 18, no. 3.

千島喜久男, 1948 : Histogenesis of Gonads and Differentiation of Blood Cells in Chick Embryos (in Japanese) 畜産の研究 vol. 2, no. 7.

千島喜久男, 1949-1950 : Relation between the " Cytoplasm-Extrusion of Erythrocytes " and the Formation of Blood Platelets or several kinds of Leucocytes in Mammals (in Japanese with English resume) 動物学雑誌 vol. 58, no. 12, vol. 59, no. 1.

千島喜久男, 1950 : The Behaviour of Blood Cells in the Capillaries in living Amphibian Larvae (with English resume) Ibid. vol. 59, no. 5.

千島喜久男, 1950 : New Formation of Cell by Budding of Erythrocyte in Ayes and Amphibia. 科学 vol. 20, no. 10-11.

千島喜久男, 1950 : Relation between the Formation of Muscle Fiber and Differentiation of Blood Cells in Amphibian Larvae.  医学と生物学 vol. 16, no. 2.

千島喜久男, 1950 : Relation between the Formation of Pigment C 311:1 D :3 Ilitiation of Blood Cells in Amphibian Larvae. Acta Anatomica Nipponica. vol. 25, no. 1.

千島喜久男, 1951 : Relation between the Histogenesis of the Wolffian Body and the Differentiation of Blood Cells in Chick Embryos (in English). Okajimas Fol. anat. jap. Bd. 23, Heft 6.

千島喜久男, 1952 : Differentiation from Non-nucleated Erythrocyte into Lymphocyte. Acta Anatomica Nipponica vol. 27. (Essentials of the 57th general meeting).

千島喜久男, 1952 : On the New-formation, Differentiation and Mitosis of Cells. 生物科學 vol. 4, no. 1.

千島喜久男, 1952 : Studies on the Relationship between the Histogenesis of Gonads and the Differentiation of Blood Cells in the Chick Embryos (in English). Okajimas Fol . anat. jap. Bd. 24, Heft 3.

千島喜久男, 1953 : On the Differentiation and De-Differentiation from Erythrocytes into Ovarian Elements, and on the Re-differentiation from Yolk material into Erythrocytes in Chickens and Rabbits. (in English). 岐阜大学農学部研究報告 no. 2.

千島喜久男, 1955 : Reversible Differentiation between the Erythrocytes and the Bone marrow Elements (or Bone) under Normal or Starved Conditions, (in English), Okajimas Fol. anat. jap. Bd. 25, Heft 3.

千島喜久男, 1955 : Reversible Differentiation between the Hepatic Cells and the Blood Cells under the Well-fed or the Starved Conditions. 岐阜大学農学部研究報告 no. 5.

千島喜久男, 1956 : Re-examination of Germ layer theory. Ibid. no. 6.

千島喜久男, 1956 : The Cleavage of Amphibian Egg, and Yolksphere's Role played on the increasing in number of Embryonic Cell. 岐阜大学農学部研究報告 no. 6.

千島喜久男, 1956 : Re-examination of the Cell theory. Ibid. No. 6.

千島喜久男, 1956 : New formation of Blastomere from the Yolk Spheres in the Amphibian Larvae. 生物科學 vol. 8. no. 3.

千島喜久男, 1958 : New-formation of Cell in the Fresh water Sponge by means of Aggregation and Differentiation of Unicellular green Algae, the Zoochlorella. Lectured at Fifth Ann. Meet. of Nippon Ecological Ass.

千島喜久男, 1958-1959 : Antagonism between Evolutionism and Present day Scientific Thought, and its Synthesis. (I-III) Academia no. 34-36.

千島喜久男, 1958 : The Origin, Behaviour and the Differentiation of Blood Corpuscles and of Certain other Cells (I)  岐阜大学教育学部研究報告. 自然科学 vol. 2. no. 2.

千島喜久男, 1960-1961 : Present-day Biological Science is confronted by a Turning-point (I-IV). Academica. no. 40-43.

千島喜久男, 1961a : Histological Studies on the Relation among Carcinoma, Leukemia, Blood Corpuscle and Food. (Preliminary report). Commonwealth of World Citizens (新しき世界 G. Ohsawa編) no. 305.

千島喜久男, 1961b : An Criticism on the Five Fundamental Principles of the Present-day Biological Science (I-II). 生化学評論 vol. 1, no. 1-2.

千島喜久男, 1961c : The Origin, Behaviour and the Differentiation of Blood Corpuscles and certain other Cells. Macrobiotic News, no. 12. (New York Ohsawa 財団).


  • 『千島喜久男生命医学全集』全10巻
  • 『骨髄造血学説の再検討』(千島喜久男 医学書院 1954年)
  • 『血液と健康の知恵』(千島喜久男 地湧社 1977年)
  • 『千島学説論争』(千島喜久男 新生命医学会 1976年)
  • 『血液の起源』(森下敬一 生命科学協会 1960年)
  • 『血液とガン』(森下敬一 生命科学協会 1966年)
  • 『血液幹細胞』(三浦恭定 中外医学社 1983年)



  1. ^ 新生命医学会
  2. ^ 1961年までの論文を Kikuo Chishima, Studies on the Origin of Cancer Cell, 《Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica》,Volume 37, pp. 353-369, 1961より参照 https://note.com/14550/n/n924861809f9a
