20世紀初頭には、pedophiliaの語は広く定着してゆき、多くの医学辞典(例えば1918年の「tedman's Medical Dictionary第5版」など)に掲載されるようになった。1952年には、「精神障害の診断と統計マニュアル第1版(DSM-I)」にもペドフィリアの概念が掲載された[7]。DSM-IおよびDSM-IIでは、性的倒錯の一種であると分類され、診断基準は掲載されなかったが、1980年のDSM-IIIでは詳細の記述と診断のガイドラインも掲載され[8]、1987年の改訂版DSM-III-Rでは診断基準が更新された[9]。
^LeVay, Simon; Baldwin, Janice; Baldwin, John (2020). Discovering Human Sexuality. Oxford University Press. pp. 433-437. ISBN9781605357164. "A pedophile is a person—nearly always a man—who has a persistent sexual attraction to prepubescent children, generally defined as children under the age of 11. To meet the definition of pedophilia, a person’s sexual attraction to children must be greater than, or equal to, his attraction to adults."
^Freud, Sigmund Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex Mobi Classics pages 18–20
^Forel, Auguste (1908). The Sexual Question: A scientific, psychological, hygienic and sociological study for the cultured classes. Translated to English by C.F. Marshall, MD. Rebman. pp. 254–255
^American Psychiatric Association Committee on Nomenclature and Statistics (1952). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (1st ed.). Washington, D.C: The Association. p. 39
^American Psychiatric Association: Committee on Nomenclature and Statistics (1980). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (3rd ed.). Washington, D.C: American Psychiatric Association. p. 271
^ abBeier, Klaus M. (2021). “Managing Paraphilic Interests in the Community An International Perspective”. Sexual Deviance: Understanding and Managing Deviant Sexual Interests and Paraphilic Disorders. John Wiley & Sons. p. 268-281. doi:10.1002/9781119771401.ch17. ISBN9781119706007. "In this case, the DSM-5 and ICD-11 use the term “paraphilic disorder” and distinguish it from paraphilia (without significant distress or danger to others).This is true for pedophilia as well,which—according to the DSM-5—is now primarily seen as a sexual orientation/sexual interest and not as a disorder."
^ abDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Text Revision, 5th Edition. American Psychiatric Publishing. (2022). pp. 794-796. ISBN978-0-89042-575-6. "if they report an absence of feelings of guilt, shame, or anxiety about these impulses and are not functionally limited by their paraphilic impulses (according to self-report, objective assessment, or both), and their self-reported and legally recorded histories indicate that they have never acted on their impulses, then these individuals have a pedophilic sexual interest but not pedophilic disorder."
^“Paraphilic disorders”. World Health Organization (2023年). 2018年8月1日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2023年9月9日閲覧。 “Atypical patterns of sexual arousal that do not involve actions towards others whose age or status renders them unwilling or unable to consent or that are not associated with marked distress or significant risk of injury or death are not considered to be Paraphilic Disorders.”
^American Psychiatric Association :DSM-IV-TR [Text-Revised] :Diagnostic criteria for 302.2 Pedophilia. - Newly translated into Japanese by a present writer of the Wikipedia Japan.
^“Personality impairment in male pedophiles”. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry63 (10): 912–9. (October 2002). doi:10.4088/JCP.v63n1009. PMID12416601.
^Strassberg, Donald S., Eastvold, Angela, Kenney, J. Wilson, Suchy, Yana (2012). “Psychopathy among pedophilic and nonpedophilic child molesters”. Child Abuse & Neglect36 (4): 379–382. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2011.09.018. PMID22571910.
^Suchy, Yana; Whittaker, Wilson J.; Strassberg, Donald S.; Eastvold, Angela (2009). “Facial and prosodic affect recognition among pedophilic and nonpedophilic criminal child molesters”. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment21 (1): 93–110. doi:10.1177/1079063208326930. PMID19218480.
^ abDiamond, M.; Jozifkova, E.; Weiss, P. (2010). “Pornography and Sex Crimes in the Czech Republic”. Archives of Sexual Behavior40 (5): 1037–1043; discussion 1043–50. doi:10.1007/s10508-010-9696-y. PMID21116701.
^Wilson G. D.; Cox D. N. (1983). “Personality of paedophile club members”. Personality and Individual Differences4 (3): 323–329. doi:10.1016/0191-8869(83)90154-X.
^Schaefer, G. A., Mundt, I. A., Feelgood, S., Hupp, E., Neutze, J., Ahlers, Ch. J., Goecker, D., Beier, K. M. (2010). “Potential and Dunkelfeld offenders: Two neglected target groups for prevention of child sexual abuse”. International Journal of Law & Psychiatry33 (3): 154-163. doi:10.1016/j.ijlp.2010.03.005. PMID20466423.
^Seto, M. C., Cantor, J. M., & Blanchard, R. (2006). “Child pornography offenses are a valid diagnostic indicator of pedophilia”. Journal of Abnormal Psychology115 (3): 612. doi:10.1037/0021-843x.115.3.610. PMID16866601.
^Richards, Kelly. (2011). “Misperceptions about child sex offenders”. Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice429.
^Jahnke, S., Imhoff, R., Hoyer, J. (2015). “Stigmatization of People with Pedophilia: Two Comparative Surveys”. Archives of Sexual Behavior44 (1): 21–34. doi:10.1007/s10508-014-0312-4. PMID24948422.
^ abJahnke, S., Hoyer, J. (2013). “Stigma against people with pedophilia: A blind spot in stigma research?”. International Journal of Sexual Health25 (3): 169–184. doi:10.1080/19317611.2013.795921.