1916. Der Begriff der Wahrscheinlichkeit für die mathematische Darstellung der Wirklichkeit. Ph.D. dissertation, Erlangen.
1920. Relativitätstheorie und Erkenntnis apriori. English translation: 1965. The theory of relativity and a priori knowledge. University of California Press.
1922. "Der gegenwärtige Stand der Relativitätsdiskussion." English translation: "The present state of the discussion on relativity" in Reichenbach (1959).
1924. Axiomatik der relativistischen Raum-Zeit-Lehre. English translation: 1969. Axiomatization of the theory of relativity. University of California Press.
1924. "Die Bewegungslehre bei Newton, Leibniz und Huyghens." English translation: "The theory of motion according to Newton, Leibniz, and Huyghens" in Reichenbach (1959).
1927. Von Kopernikus bis Einstein. Der Wandel unseres Weltbildes. English translation: 1942, From Copernicus to Einstein. Alliance Book Co.
1928. Philosophie der Raum-Zeit-Lehre. English translation: 1958, The philosophy of space and time. Dover.
1930. Atom und Kosmos. Das physikalische Weltbild der Gegenwart. English translation: 1932, Atom and cosmos: the world of modern physics. G. Allen & Unwin, ltd.
1931. "Ziele und Wege der heutigen Naturphilosophie." English translation: "Aims and methods of modern philosophy of nature" in Reichenbach (1959).
1935. Wahrscheinlichkeitslehre : eine Untersuchung über die logischen und mathematischen Grundlagen der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung. English translation: 1948, The theory of probability, an inquiry into the logical and mathematical foundations of the calculus of probability. University of California Press.
1938. Experience and prediction: an analysis of the foundations and the structure of knowledge. University of Chicago Press.
1944. Philosophic foundations of quantum mechanics. University of California Press.
1947. Elements of symbolic logic. Macmillan Co.
1948. "Philosophy and physics" in Faculty research lectures, 1946. Univ. of California Press.
1949. "The philosophical significance of the theory of relativity" in Schilpp, P. A., ed., Albert Einstein: philosopher-scientist. Evanston : The Library of Living Philosophers.
1951. The rise of scientific philosophy. University of California Press.
1954. Nomological statements and admissible operations. North Holland.
1956. The direction of time. University of California Press.
1959. Modern philosophy of science: Selected essays by Hans Reichenbach. Routledge & Kegan Paul.
1978. Selected writings, 1909-1953: with a selection of biographical and autobiographical sketches (Vienna circle collection). Dordrecht: Reidel.
1979. Hans Reichenbach, logical empiricist (Synthese library). Dordrecht : Reidel.
1991. Erkenntnis orientated: a centennial volume for Rudolf Carnap and Hans Reichenbach. Kluwer.
1991. Logic, language, and the structure of scientific theories : proceedings of the Carnap-Reichenbach centennial, University of Konstanz, 21-24 May 1991. University of Pittsburgh Press.
Gru¨nbaum, A., 1963, Philosophical Problems of Space and Time. Chpt. 3.
Carl Hempel, 1991, Hans Reichenbach remembered, Erkenntnis 35: 5-10.
Wesley Salmon, 1977, "The philosophy of Hans Reichenbach," Synthese 34: 5-88.
------, 1991, "Hans Reichenbach's vindication of induction," Erkenntnis 35: 99-122.