Arms:Quarterly: 1st, Or a Mountain Azure in flames proper (Macleod of Lewis); 2nd, Azure a Buck's Head cabossed Or (Mackenzie); 3rd, Gules three Legs of a Man armed proper conjoined in the centre at the upper part of two of the thighs flexed in triangle garnished and spurred Or (Isle of Man); 4th, Argent on a Pale Sable an Imperial Crown proper all within a Double Tressure flory counterflory Gules (Erskine of Innerteall).Crest:A Sun in his splendour proper.Supporters:On the dexter side a Wild Man wreathed about the loins with Oak holding a Club resting on the exterior shoulder proper, and on the sinister side a Greyhound Argent collared Gules.
remainder firstly to Francis Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, her second surviving son, and the heirs male of his body, secondly to each of her younger sons in like manner in priority of birth, thirdly to said Francis Sutherland-Leveson-Gower and the heirs of his body, fourthly to each other her younger sons in like manner in priority of birth, fifthly to her daughter Florence Sutherland-Leveson-Gower and the heirs of her body, and sixthly to each other of her daughters in like manner in priority of birth "provided that if the said Francis Sutherland-Leveson-Gower or any other person taking under the said letters patent shall succeed to the Earldom of Sutherland, and there shall upon or at any time after the occurrence of such event be any other younger son or other daughter of the said Anne, Duchess of Sutherland, or any heir of the body of such other son or daughter, then, and so often as the same may happen, the succession to the honours and dignities thereby created shall devolve on the son or daughter of the said Anne, or their heirs, who would be next entitled to succeed to the said honours if the person so succeeding to the Earldom of Sutherland were dead without issue
マッケンジー氏族は12世紀以降にはスコットランドのロスシャー地方を本拠地とした一族である[1]。その一族のジョン・マッケンジー(?-1654)[註釈 3]が1628年にノヴァスコシア準男爵位の(ロス州ターバットの)準男爵(Baronet, of Tarbat in the County of Ross)に叙されたことがクロマーティ伯爵家の嚆矢である。この準男爵位は彼の直系非直系を問わない男子への相続を認めるものであった[2]。
その息子である2代準男爵ジョージ(1630–1714)はスコットランド国務大臣を務めた政治家で、1685年にスコットランド貴族としてターバット子爵(Viscount of Tarbat)及びマクラウド・キャスルヘイヴン卿(Lord MacLeod and Castlehaven)に叙された[2]。ついで1703年にはクロマーティ伯爵(Earl of Cromarty)に陛爵した[2]。初代伯ののちは、その長男ジョン(1656–1731)が爵位を相続した。また、翌年には準男爵位を王冠に戻したうえで、次男ケネスに再授与(resign and create)がなされている[3]。(→詳細はマッケンジー準男爵を参照。)
彼女は自身の権利として、1861年に連合王国貴族爵位のクロマーティ女伯爵(Countess of Cromartie)、クロマーティ州ターバットのターバット女子爵(Viscountess Tarbat, of Tarbat in the County of Cromartie)、クロマーティ州キャスルヘイヴンのキャスルヘイヴン女男爵(Baroness Castlehaven, of Castlehaven in the County of Cromartie)及びクロマーティ州におけるラウド城のマクラウド女男爵(Baroness MacLeod, of Castle Leod in the County of Cromartie)に叙せられた[6][7][8]。
^Way, George and Squire, Romily. (1994). Collins Scottish Clan & Family Encyclopedia. (Foreword by The Rt Hon. The Earl of Elgin KT, Convenor, The Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs). pp. 226 - 227.