Ephemeris of the Satellites of Mars for the Opposition of 1881, 1881
Distribution of Standard Time Signals from the Observatory of Washington University, 1882
A Hand List for the Student of Astronomy, 1885
The Red Spot on Jupiter, 1887
A Formula for Predicting the Population of the United States, 1891
Results of Double Star Observations Made with the Equatorial of the Morrison Observatory, 1897
Shall Engineering Belong to the Liberal Professions, 1903
A General View of the Proposed Plan for Co-operation in Technical Education Between Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1905
What is religion ? and other student questions, 1906
The Twentieth Century Type of Education, 1909
Andrew Carnegie : an anniversary address delivered before the Carnegie institute of technology, 1915
Democracy and Medical Education, 1915
A Comprehensive Plan of Insurance and Annuities for College Teachers, 1916
The Relations of Christian Denominations to Colleges, 1923
The Place of Industrial and Technical Training in Popular Education, 1923
The Proposed Child Labor Amendment, 1924
A Teachers Bonus Bill, 1924
Observations in Egypt, Palestine, and Greece, 1926
Honolulu the Peacemaker, 1928
Athletics : An Element in the Evolution of the American University, 1929