La désignation internationale de l'astéroïde est le nom latinisé d'Amycos, un centaure de la mythologie grecque. La citation de nommage est la suivante :
« Amycus was the first centaur to engage in battle with the Lapiths after Eurytus was killed for raping Peirithous' bride Hippodamia. He began the battle by smashing the face of the Celadon with a candelabrum stripped from the inmost wedding shrine. Pelates of Pella killed Amycus by stabbing him with a table leg from a maple tree. »
↑John Stansberry, Will Grundy, Mike Brown, Dale Cruikshank, John Spencer, David Trilling, Jean-Luc Margot (2007-02-20). "Physical Properties of Kuiper Belt and Centaur Objects: Constraints from Spitzer Space Telescope"
↑Horner, J.; Evans, N.W.; Bailey, M. E. (2004). "Simulations of the Population of Centaurs I: The Bulk Statistics". arXiv:astro-ph/0407400 [astro-ph].