Wild Knights Gulkeeva
Wild Knights Gulkeeva (獣戦士ガルキーバ, Jūsenshi Garukība, lit. Beast Warriors Gulkeeva) is an anime television series that debuted in 1995. A manga was concurrently serialized in Shōnen Sunday Super. SynopsisThe story takes place in a world known as Earthside, which exists along with three other inhabited worlds, Nosfertia, Heavenstia, and Eternalia. When beings known as Darknoids descended from Nosfertia and began their assault on Earthside, Heavenstia sent 3 Animanoids (beast-humans) to prevent an invasion. Meanwhile, the protagonist, Touya, who believed himself to be a human discovered that he was actually a being of Eternalia. With this in mind, Touya fights beside the Animanoids to defend Earthside. Characters
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