User talk:VKokielov
Freedom Tower picturesI noticed on Freedom Tower talk page you said you wanted to photograph the tower in construction. No one seemed to have responded to you but it sure seemed like a good idea to me. I would definetely appreciate you photographing the tower construction. Maybe even photograph the progress once a year. :) Be good for historical purposes. - Tutmosis 00:29, 20 September 2006 (UTC)
Živio ŽidŽivio moj dragi Žid 100 godina...sve najbolje Keep in touch Jagoda 1 06:14, 26 October 2006 (UTC) Dangling hyperlinksPlease assist the AFD discussion by providing the sources that you were working from when you created the redlink to this article in the first place. Uncle G 12:24, 12 October 2006 (UTC) Talk:Croatian War of IndependenceAs far as I see, the Algerian War of Independence was a fight between the Algerian rebels and separatists on one side and France on the other. The American War of Independence was a (partially) international conflict between independist Americans and their sympathizers (Holland, Spain, France) and the British and their unionist sympathizers. In the Angolan War of Independence was a conflict between Angolan separatists and Portugal, although it continued as an international-sponsored civil war. The Bangladesh Liberation War is about Bangladesh's armed seccession from Pakistan with the hel of India. The Chilean Independence is Chile's war for independence from Spain. The Greek War of Independence is just like the Serbian War of Independence - to secede from the Ottoman Empire. The same thing's with the Romanian War of Independence. The Eritrean War of Independence was the struggle of Eritrea to secede from Ethiopia. In the Irish War of Independence the Irish fought to secede from Great Britain. The Estonian Liberation War is a failed war, so then the comparation on how the "Serbian Krajina War of Independence/Liberation" cannot be used because it failed falls down. In the Mexican War of Independence Mexico was fighting for its independence from Spain. The Scottish Wars of Independence is a collection of wars that Scottish dissidents & separatists led against the English. The South American Wars of Independence are indeed wars in which various countries fought for independence from either Spain or Portugal. The Turkish War of Independence is most definately a little silly name (and indeed the article has a POV tag on it); since it would have been more definately a revultion, rather.
P. S. - the Arab-Israeli conflict has had a little different nature - and indeed it bears a different name. So should the Croatian War of independence bear another name. --PaxEquilibrium 11:33, 17 October 2006 (UTC) AnswerThe current version is acceptable, but pray tell me, how was I defacing art? If I was defacing anything, it was a politically charged propaganda piece... --estavisti 14:11, 17 October 2006 (UTC) I agree, but then I'd have people complaining my horrendous "pro-Serb POV" etc etc. We all have to come to terms with the reality of Wikipedia, unfortunately. --estavisti 17:43, 17 October 2006 (UTC) Hey Millburn!Apparently, we are supposed to have some bad blood between us lol...(Livingston-Millburn rivalry). Anyway, how do you like NYU? I'm planning to apply there regular decision. And yeah...I saw that Iceland thing and I was like wth? So, then I changed it lol. Nishkid64 21:14, 22 October 2006 (UTC)
Excuse me. Which text on what medal? --LambiamTalk 22:56, 25 October 2006 (UTC) Па ти си неки зајебант? Напис'о си да је град "звезда" књиге! Тако још више знучи да је град глумац :-) --estavisti 04:00, 26 October 2006 (UTC) Re: dobar siSamo sam mu htio objasnit neke stvari, ali mislim da nisam bio uspjesan. Ne mislim da je on los, ali je nacionalisticki odgajan sto je cest slucaj za Hrvate i Srbe koji zive van svoje drzave. Ako pogledas problematicne clanke na Wikipediji, vidjet ces da oni koji forsiraju nacionalni POV uglavnom zive izvan svoje drzave. To me nekad posebno ljuti jer se zbog nacionalizma losije zivi i u Hrvatskoj i u Srbiji, a Hrvati i Srbi koji zive u Americi, Australiji, Njemackoj ili Velikoj Britaniji nemaju nikakvih problema. Jakiša Tomić 17:32, 16 November 2006 (UTC) Re: ??To je Korisnicka stranica u uporabi Jskova.miljaka, a ne Vas. To sto ste ucinili nije mala prepravka (vec masivnija promjena). --PaxEquilibrium 11:30, 17 November 2006 (UTC) Begging pleaCould you please stop for once. As per Wikipedia's policy, you should comment the content, and not users. I advise you to go to a discussion board (forum - like stormfront) if that's all you are interested in. Those edits of yours have been nothing but repeated propaganda (Jakisa's talk page and numerous other, where you patronized yourself in the role of a "higher force" speaking to an "inferior" one that simply does not understand) and your expressions of POV (aside from mostly hanging out in circles of users who have a reputation of trolling and/or POV-pushing) altogether with other weird edits of yours (like on Jakov's user page, which altogether you in anger, totally against WP:Civil, justify like someone just threw a nuke at you [when it was just introducing in Wikipedia's policy], respond to) have been completely unconstructive to this Project. I know I myself have strolled away from WP:Civil on this one perhaps a little... but this hostile attitude of yours is getting tiresome, just like David Brandt or Willy on Wheels. With heart (and hope you understand), --PaxEquilibrium 00:12, 18 November 2006 (UTC) I'm referring to your constant personal attacks; like this one accusing me of schizophrenia?!? I'm sorry if it's so blind to you, but I am Vukovar or Dubrovnik and you're Serbia or Montenegro (or Yugoslavia); I am the Jew, you're Germany; I'm Finland, you're the Soviet Union; I'm the Albanian, and you're Serbia; I'm the Serb.. you're Croatia... do you understand? Does that tell you anything at all? It's rather weird that you bring the admin-nominations from my "past wiki-life" to call it. To quote a user: "Serbs and Croats voted against him; Serbs and Croats voted for him...", and not in the nationalistic connotation you present it (by the way - whenever I come across you I notice that you're always referring to nationalism - insisting to now my "ethnicity", then comparing nations constantly (regardless of "good" or "bad" connoting, like with Mir Harven, comparing Croats with others, or always generalizing "they" this, "they" that [e. g. "serbs never learned.. blah, blah]); is that really important? I mean, it is shocking to me that you don't see your own actions highly offensive and nationalistic... and more shocking is that you use "defender's assault" on this one, rather than simply explaining calling people "names" and telling them that they speak in emptiness... Some people would simply tell you grow up... --PaxEquilibrium 00:34, 18 November 2006 (UTC)
: Pardon -- "I'm the Serb and you're Croatia". Wonderful slip-in. congratulations. --VKokielov 00:46, 18 November 2006 (UTC) What does this mean? Fine with me; in the first place we conflicted over the simple fact that you couldn't speak Serbo-Croat very well and I was still an idiot who couldn't understand a simplified version of his/her own native language. :) --PaxEquilibrium 00:53, 18 November 2006 (UTC) Frankly, that's not a solution. We'd be acting like immature children. :) The reason why alerted you had nothing to do with the Balkan topics, it had solely to do with the fact that you keep insulting me; either at my talk page or other peoples' by either propagating against me or directly calling me schizophrenic; or trying to impose a feeling of inferiority, diving me (using words) from the community and referring to me like I am a puppet. Do you understand? I'm trying to ask you to spot offending me. That's all I ask. And only that "deal" (no more personal attacking/lobbing from you) is what I ask for. --PaxEquilibrium 01:02, 18 November 2006 (UTC) Kada sam dosao na net (prvih par mjeseci), bio sam nezrela budala. To svi znaju; to ja znam; tu nema tajne, niti je potrebna ikakva prica/diskusija. Samo, moram opet povuci:
Ovo opet vidim kao uvredu, i ono sto me cudi je sto se opet vracas na nacionalizam. :) Nijesi mi odgovorio na to pitanje uopce... --PaxEquilibrium 01:08, 18 November 2006 (UTC)
Ta ne predstavljam ja sebe kao zrtvu u cilju WP:POINT-a! Ti (ajde, neka bude) si me nazvao Sizofrenicarom na mojoj stranici, bukvalno pljuvao o meni kod Jakise Tomica, Thewanderera, i brojnih drugih, pa i napadao one koji su bili do mene (pa i blokiran zbog toga). Quote: to je ono najgore u tebi sto svi mi tko ne slazemo se s tobom volimo najmanje. Eto to je bas ono o egoizmu sto sam pominjao malo gore. --PaxEquilibrium 01:15, 18 November 2006 (UTC) Neutralnost?Ne znam zasto to spominjes. Ja nijesam neutralan - niti tvrdim da to jesam (zar je itko?). Ja vodim svadje samo s tobom. (i jednim trolom koji je sada indef blokiran) :). Za nevinost ne vidim nista... Ja sam vec podvukao da mozda imam pro-srpski pogled na povijest koju pisem (o tome smo moji suradnici i ja diskutirali), jer imam pristum brojnim arhivama i bibliotekama u Beogradu (sto jest glavni grad Srbije).
Ne razumijem tvoju poredbu s Izraelom (i to bi bilo pogresno generaliziranje), mada mi se ne svidja to sto opet ides stopama nacionalizma. --PaxEquilibrium 01:32, 18 November 2006 (UTC) ZdravoZdravo. Samo da ti kažem, nemoj da se zbavljaš s PaxEquilibrium-om. Vala si jedan glup što se zbavljaš sa ovima Crnogorcima na Vikipediju. Ovo je sada rat protiv tebe! Ako ćeš da provociraš Crnogorci, e vala ćemo i mi tebe. Ajde sada viđi što će se desit poslijedni put. Crna Gora 02:01, 18 November 2006 (UTC) GliganI know that the Serbs do not want Macedonia now, but they do not want it in Bulgaria too. I have written several times that Macedonia would be an economic burden to Bulgaria, but nonetheless most of the Bulgarians want it back, because of the spiritual value of Ohrid, Skopie, Doiran and the numerous monasteries ans churches from the Medieval Bulgarian Empire. The Serbs wanted Macedonia in the past, because they feared (rightfully) that Bulgaria would become too strong; it is strong without Macedonia, the Westrn lands, Eastern and Westrn Thrace; if they were ours... --Gligan 09:15, 18 November 2006 (UTC) Pa jednostavno nemoj misliti na nacionalizam kao na fasizam. :) Kada sam spomenuo to, nisam nista lose mislio, vec sam se zacudio zasto cesto govoris po nacionalnim linijama. Bas cesto preferiras to, a i, primjerice, uopce nije lijepo inzistirati na necijoj etnicnosti (a ti ako nijesi primjetio, to trazis uvijek kada nekoga upoznajes - kao mene). Ne mislim na ono sto ti mislis, vec na cinjenicu da to vrijedja ljude oko tebe.. a i plasi (barem mene). --PaxEquilibrium 14:04, 18 November 2006 (UTC) "Crnogorac?!" Evo opet onog inzistiranja. :S Pa zasto je to toliko vazno? Imam osjecaj da si ti rekao meni da si samo djelom Jevrejin jer si mislio da sam anti-semita. E pa nijesam. A i imam osjecaj da si mi rekao da si djelom Rus/Poljak jer si mislio da nekako vise volim Slavene od drugijeh. Ali meni je iskreno, svejedno.
Pa iritantnto je isto bilo vidjeti "nas stari HRE", ili "mozda ce nauciti" na drugim stranicama, ili "ti si sizofrenicar" na mojoj, ili napadati ljude koji me (bar malo) cijene kao sto je CrnaGora ili ono kada si bio blokiran zbog licne uvrede... --PaxEquilibrium 16:15, 18 November 2006 (UTC) IzraelDobra je Izrael zemlja, samo gubi svoju visinu i prestiz zbog gresaka koje prave i ostali smrtnici. Npr, koliko se sjecam, sluzenje vojnog roka u Izraelu je vrlo strogo, a cak i zene moraju da prodju kroz to. Sto mislis zasto su zene manje (otprilike) ubojice i politicki demagozi od muskaraca? :) Dalje, nacionalizam je velika opasnost Izraelu. Zrtve, putem nacionalizma, cesto postanu sve ono protiv cega su se borili (uzmi za primjer Srbe, Hrvate, Albance, muslimanske Bosnjake, Francuze, pa i Amerikance). Na primjer, Premijer izraela tvrdi da ce se boriti protiv svake pretnje njegovom narodu - zapocinjuci i rat oko nekoliko otetih ljudi. Sa strane cinjenice da je takva stvar i opravdana, to vec zazilazi u neki oblik fobije. Kao Amerika sa svojim invazijama nekih zemalja svijeta. Kao i ideja o unitaristickoj Bosni Bosnjaka, il' Hrvatski rat protiv Srba, il' Srbijin "kosovoski krstaski pohod". Postepeno, tim koracima se zaboravlja (u ovom slucaju Palestinci) da drugu stranu cine ziva humanoidna bica s dusom, priblizava se sopstvenom svrsishodnom ljublju svoga naroda, pa i ka tezi da je narod "visi, bolji, u pravu". (pa i kako ri kazes, naginje ka fasizmu) --PaxEquilibrium 13:40, 19 November 2006 (UTC)
'tis my business:)) --Joy [shallot] 14:07, 19 November 2006 (UTC) DaSto jes, jes (nazalost). Ovdje (jos uvijek) traje rat na Kosovu (u neku ruku), i bojim se da ce se on zavrsiti tek kada ili Albanaca ili Srba ne bude bilo vise na Kosmetu. S obzirom da Albanaca ima neuporedive vise, bojim se da eventualni odlazak svih ne-Albanaca s Kosova predstavlja jedino rjesenje. Ne zelim ni da nagadjam o neodrzivoj situaciji u Bosni i Hercegovini. Pa eto - stavi sebe na mjesto nekog Srbina iz Hrvatske, i iskreno mi reci koji bi ti stav bio. Onakva razmisljanja bi mogla dovesti samo do Hrvatofobije nenormalne razine... no reci, kakva bi bila tvoja razmisljanja? --PaxEquilibrium 22:46, 19 November 2006 (UTC) Ne, mislio sam na smisao zivota. Na to da je podijeljenost i borba (nacionalno solidarisanje) ono sto nas cini ljudima i ono za sto zivimo. Tako izgleda za sada... Naravno da su emocije ono sto nas cini homo sapiens sapiensima - ali zar su potreba za solidarisanje s nekom grupom (kao danas sto je etnicko porijeklo aktuelno) i takmicenje sa grupama kojima ne pripadamo (nacionalna, verska, i rasna netrpeljivost i mrznja) neophodni u zivotu? --PaxEquilibrium 23:41, 19 November 2006 (UTC)
CommonlyHuh? Last I checked, "common" and "usual" meant pretty much the same thing; i.e., in widespread use. Please explain to me the distinctions. What makes "commonly" vain and "usually" perfectly fine? Chrismith 05:48, 10 December 2006 (UTC) Thanks!I'll need it! :) Are you going to be in Belgrade, as well? --FlavrSavr 04:40, 11 December 2006 (UTC) Sto mislis o ovome? --PaxEquilibrium 20:30, 11 December 2006 (UTC)
ChapmanFeel free, but for what it's worth, I see no reason to mention "conviction" in the first paragraph. If an encyclopedia can't say "Mark Chapman murdered John Lennon", it's not much of an encyclopedia. If some twit objects on the basis that "murder" has a legal definition (even though it's been established that the circumstances fit this definition), "killed" can be used. :) - Nunh-huh 17:50, 4 January 2007 (UTC) Slavic languagesErr... this is not my speciality. And what does it has to do with Ghirla? What comes to mind is the discussion at Talk:Slavophile - perhaps you could comment there?-- Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus | talk 02:14, 8 January 2007 (UTC) Bulgars- pa Bugari su manje Slaveni od vas, imajuci u sebe nesto vise turaka (u prvom nasledu, kad ih je bilo puno manje).
Zasto.....cesto mijenjas stranice raznih korisnika? Ne mislim samo na sitnice, vec na i one stvari koje spadaju pod vandalizam.??? --PaxEquilibrium 21:54, 30 January 2007 (UTC) Pa, bilo je mnogo slucaja osim mijenjanja Miljakovljeve stranice. Npr. totalno si uklonio jedan cijeli (sa external linkom) section sa Bormalagurskijeve stranice. --PaxEquilibrium 14:09, 31 January 2007 (UTC) On jeste malo nezgodan, i zna da se pomasa krajnje neumjesno (nekada i trolovski), ali cemu opet uklanjanje toga? Mislim da to uopce [nije/nije trebalo da bude] provokacija na prvom mjestu. Zamisli da netko ukloni ono tvoje "jew" sa korisnicke stranica sa osnovom da je to provokacija. :) --PaxEquilibrium 19:45, 31 January 2007 (UTC) Dugujem ti izvinjenje. Lose sam se ponasao prema tebi svo ovo vrijeme. Moram da priznam da sam stekao dojam da si ti neki ultranacionalista (od tvojih najranijih postova, kao sto je ovaj), i da dijelis vrlo rasisticke stavove (a iskreno da kazem, i mnogi su mi rekli da jesi). Ali... ispostavilo se da ti uopste nijesi takav. :) --PaxEquilibrium 23:46, 31 January 2007 (UTC) Ransom Smiley AwardFor your contributions to Wikipedia and humanity in general, you are hereby granted the coveted Random Smiley Award originated by Pedia-I (Explanation and Disclaimer) --TomasBat (Talk) 13:28, 1 February 2007 (UTC) Ma da, da. To su samo primjeri (sjecam se i drugih slucajeva kada si mijenjao user-pages). Pa kojih razloga? Hm, pa vidis, tvrdnja da njegova krvna zrnca znace ista sa njegovim opredjeljenjima i slicne iredentisticke "nauke"... sve me to podsjeca na Nazi Eugenics. Razumijes li me sad sto sam tako reagirao?
And that praise is not for restraining Croat nationalists as they are, but for serving the interests of Croats by defending their good name without resorting to trickery and slander.
RasizamMa zaboravi na to, to cak nema ni veze s Borisom. (koji je ponosan sto je Hrvat :) --PaxEquilibrium 19:13, 1 February 2007 (UTC)
Naravno da mozes shvatiti bar toliku apstrakciju, da se ne moze covjek optuziti za pristrasnost svojoj vlastitoj strani.
Translation?Hello VKokielov, I've noticed you are listed on Wikipedia:Translators available#Serbian-to-English, so I wanted to point out this request on talk page of WP Serbia for translation help. I don't mean to impose, but perhaps you can assist her or maybe can recommend someone who can? I've also requested assistance from another user listed on the translators available page but I'm not sure if he's available. Хвала :) // Laughing Man 03:28, 1 February 2007 (UTC)
SiguranUh, pa ne znam. Ja vrlo cesto (a i sada) ne pricam onako kako jeste, vec onako kako treba da bude (sto je ujedno i jedno od mojih mnogobrojnih mana). Nemoj me pogresno razumjeti. Ja dijelim takve stavove (i nijesam jedini). Ali ja jesam realista i znam sto je realnost (vrlo [ne]rado je prihvacam). No to ne znaci da se necu protiv nje. :) --PaxEquilibrium 23:31, 1 February 2007 (UTC) KosovoJesi li cuo za Kosovo? Konacno su pri kraju. Najzad ce i ta kontroverza biti zatvorena. --PaxEquilibrium 20:20, 2 February 2007 (UTC)
Jedna stvar je vrlo interesantna. Bas sada smo imali jednu Repliku (dan-dva nakon sto si pricao o onoj izdaji). Kada sam govorio da stav zvanicnog Beograda nije realan i da je realnije resenje nezavisnost od neceg drugog, zaista je bilo "urocenja" protiv mene, cak i obrusnih reakcija od naj-liberalnijih mojih kolega.
Eh? --PaxEquilibrium 14:10, 3 February 2007 (UTC) Hi, VKokielov! I've responded to your questions on this talk page. Have a great day! DavidCBryant 13:40, 22 May 2007 (UTC)
This user's unblock request has been reviewed by an administrator, who declined the request. Other administrators may also review this block, but should not override the decision without good reason (see the blocking policy).
VKokielov (block log • active blocks • global blocks • contribs • deleted contribs • filter log • creation log • change block settings • unblock • checkuser (log)) Request reason: I am writing from work, and there are a lot of us here. Please unblock me, and I will refrain from editing from work in the future. Decline reason: It's an autoblock. Please follow these instructions. — Kurykh 18:35, 13 July 2007 (UTC) If you want to make any further unblock requests, please read the guide to appealing blocks first, then use the {{unblock}} template again. If you make too many unconvincing or disruptive unblock requests, you may be prevented from editing this page until your block has expired. Do not remove this unblock review while you are blocked. Ladino & co.שלום! Govori ga, cini mi se, jos jedino Moric Albahari, mada ne znam koliko tecno. Sin Amiela Fincija ozenio je u Izraelu tursku Jevrejku i njihova djeca ga govore tecno, kad dodju u BiH na odmor. Govorio ga je i (nedavno?) preminuli otac ministra vanjskih poslova, Svena Alkalaja, i Sven se, cini mi se, snalazi, ali to je to. Jadno! U Mostaru ima grupa (ili je bila grupa) goyim koji su pjevali na (dosta dobrom) Ladinu. I bili pretty popular odmah po ratu. FreshBreeze 08:30, 30 July 2007 (UTC) Replaceable fair use Image:JZbanic.jpgThanks for uploading Image:JZbanic.jpg. I notice the 'image' page specifies that the image is being used under fair use, but its use in Wikipedia articles fails our first fair use criterion in that it illustrates a subject for which a freely licensed image could reasonably be found or created that provides substantially the same information. If you believe this image is not replaceable, please:
Alternatively, you can also choose to replace the fair use image by finding a freely licensed image of its subject, requesting that the copyright holder release this (or a similar) image under a free license, or by taking a picture of it yourself. If you have uploaded other fair use media, consider checking that you have specified how these images fully satisfy our fair use criteria. You can find a list of 'image' pages you have edited by clicking on this link. Note that fair use images which could be replaced by free-licensed alternatives will be deleted 7 days after this notification, per our Fair Use policy. If you have any questions please ask them at the Media copyright questions page. Thank you. Calliopejen1 19:40, 22 August 2007 (UTC) Ms. Jovovich / SerbianThanks for taking that off. I wasn't sure if she did or not, I just re-worded what somebody else put up. But it's good it's off if it's not true, anyway. I'm a huge fan of hers, but I'm only recently finding out things like that, so I didn't know for sure. Anyway, thanks again, see you around Wikipedia, Jay 20:14, 11 September 2007 (UTC)
Re: i was in ZagrebYou should have told me you were coming, we could have had a cup of coffee :) --Joy [shallot] 22:14, 18 September 2007 (UTC) academic sourcesVKokielov, coming off of Talk:Mary Wollstonecraft, it seems to me that your larger problem is with WP:V and WP:RS, and possibly WP:NOR and WP:NPOV. You seem like a thoughtful sort, so I'd really encourage you to think about how your opinions in opposition to academic sources are consistent with those policies. If they're not, then you need to think about whether you should try to change those policies or whether you can in good faith work with editors who are guided by and accept those policies. But you've been here a while, based on your talk page, so I have to wonder: if you know the policies, and yet attempt to make changes that you understand are counter to those policies -- does this seem like good faith editing on your part, to you? --Lquilter (talk) 16:54, 25 January 2008 (UTC) Responding to your accusationYou recently deleted an entry that I made on the Maureen Dowd page, claiming it was gossip. You further sent me a message where you warned me not to spread gossib on First of all, had you actually read my entry, you would have seen clearly that I posted a source about what was said, that source being the Washington Post. So obviously, you didn't read it. Your accusation of me knowing something about her that no-one else knows are baseless. The paragraphs you deleted were not re-instated. But next time, do not make accusations. Learn to read carefully first. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 23:23, 29 January 2008 (UTC) Emir KusturicaI also don't understand Emir Kusturica, who, by the rules of decency, had better set himself in a corner and sit there quietly. --VKokielov 19:51, 12 November 2007 (UTC) ? :) --PaxEquilibrium (talk) 10:35, 22 March 2008 (UTC) Greetings. I've noticed you are one of the editors who has edited the Bosniaks article. I was wondering if you would have any input into a few "revert wars" happening lately over there. Here's a diff. Personally, I think the changes are biased, a little racist/xenophobic, but mostly, they are wrong. P.S, I've sent this message to a few of the users I've seen in the page history to try to get a discussion started. (talk) 10:03, 7 April 2008 (UTC) Speedy deletion of Salvo D'AcquistoA tag has been placed on Salvo D'Acquisto requesting that it be speedily deleted from Wikipedia. This has been done under section A7 of the criteria for speedy deletion, because the article appears to be about a person or group of people, but it does not indicate how or why the subject is notable: that is, why an article about that subject should be included in an encyclopedia. Under the criteria for speedy deletion, articles that do not indicate the subject's importance or significance may be deleted at any time. Please see the guidelines for what is generally accepted as notable, as well as our subject-specific notability guideline for biographies. If you think that this notice was placed here in error, you may contest the deletion by adding Re:RequestHi! I think that requests like this one are not appreciated here. Anyway, I'm quite sure Salvo D'Acquisto is notable (and the article explains why) and I have improved the article a bit. Ciao ;-) --Jaqen (talk) 19:08, 12 April 2008 (UTC)
Re: questionYes, currently all the articles are written in Syriac. The wiki isn't only limited to Syriac, though. If you can write in another dialect (preferably in another script, like Hebrew), I don't think there would be any problem with that. I believe the Kurdish Wikipedia has something similar where generally Kurmanji Kurdish is written in the Latin alphabet while Sorani Kurdish is written in the Arabic alphabet. --334 (talk) 19:31, 6 May 2008 (UTC)
TomKatHello VKokielov It would be great if you could contribute your ideas to the debate on the worthiness of deleting the article TomKat, as you have previously discussed it on it's discussion page. Thanks! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 23:05, 8 July 2008 (UTC) RFC at WP:NOR-noticeA concern was raised that the clause, "a primary source may be used only to make descriptive claims, the accuracy of which is verifiable by any reasonable, educated person without specialist knowledge" conflicts with WP:NPOV by placing a higher duty of care with primary sourced claims than secondary or tertiary sourced claims. An RFC has been initiated to stimulate wider input on the issue. Professor marginalia (talk) 18:58, 4 January 2009 (UTC) Shalom, ShlamaWhere you the one who sent the email about the name Gabr-el? Just curious. If you were, nice to meet you!Gabr-el 16:30, 21 April 2009 (UTC)
What do you mean by this? And what does that have to do with your removing a sourced statement from the lead? Also, when you removed sources like, make sure that the source is not being used for other stuff within the article. Those reference bot rescuers do not always show up, at least not always on time. On another note, if there is a celebrity supercouple article you should really take issue with, it should be the Brangelina one. It is completely redundant, as discussed on the Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie talk pages. Flyer22 (talk) 23:01, 16 May 2009 (UTC) RENo problemo. ICTYoda (talk) 17:33, 20 July 2009 (UTC) ChristmasA lot of Jews do celebrate Christmas (usually in a distinctly non-religious sense). The very famous song White Christmas was even written by a Jew, Irving Berlin. Trachtenberg may very well have only one Jewish parent, but there should be some kind of reliable source to back that up. All Hallow's (talk) 13:59, 27 July 2009 (UTC) Affirmation in lawI have a very difficult time in following most of your argumentation (or sometimes even figuring out what you're talking about), but if you're claiming that Quakers never explained why they were reluctant to swear, then unfortunately that's simply incorrect -- many 17th and 18th century Quakers were very vocal in explaining their reasons. AnonMoos (talk) 22:04, 16 September 2009 (UTC) Hi! It seems you recently created an unreferenced biography of a living person: Giulia Luzi. Our verifiability policy requires that all content be cited to a reliable source. Please add references as soon as possible. Thanks! --LaraBot (talk) 00:20, 20 November 2009 (UTC) I just sent you an email, but in case it does not get through to you, I thought I should write to you here, as well. I am hoping you can help me with the Friedrich Kellner article, to translate it into Russian. I have a condensed version of the article that I can send to you (about 1500 words). Thank you, Scott Rskellner (talk) 23:55, 13 December 2009 (UTC) Unreferenced BLPsHello VKokielov! Thank you for your contributions. I am a bot alerting you that 4 of the articles that you created are tagged as Unreferenced Biographies of Living Persons. The biographies of living persons policy requires that all personal or potentially controversial information be sourced. In addition, to ensure verifiability, all biographies should be based on reliable sources. if you were to bring these articles up to standards, it would greatly help us with the current 11 article backlog. Once the articles are adequately referenced, please remove the {{unreferencedBLP}} tag. Here is the list:
Thanks!--DASHBot (talk) 00:14, 9 January 2010 (UTC) You are now a ReviewerHello. Your account has been granted the "reviewer" userright, allowing you to review other users' edits on certain flagged pages. Pending changes, also known as flagged protection, is currently undergoing a two-month trial scheduled to end 15 August 2010. Reviewers can review edits made by users who are not autoconfirmed to articles placed under pending changes. Pending changes is applied to only a small number of articles, similarly to how semi-protection is applied but in a more controlled way for the trial. The list of articles with pending changes awaiting review is located at Special:OldReviewedPages. When reviewing, edits should be accepted if they are not obvious vandalism or BLP violations, and not clearly problematic in light of the reason given for protection (see Wikipedia:Reviewing process). More detailed documentation and guidelines can be found here. If you do not want this userright, you may ask any administrator to remove it for you at any time. Courcelles (talk) 01:19, 18 June 2010 (UTC) Notice of WP:ARBMACPlease note that the article Croatian language and other articles relating to the Balkans fall under the ruling of WP:ARBMAC. Note in particular Wikipedia:ARBMAC#Discretionary sanctions, which states
Repeated blanket reversions, repeatedly and knowingly restoring material with large amounts of poor English and grammatical errors, and repeated introduction of material rejected by consensus all fall below the expected standards of behaviour at this project. Kubura (talk) 23:30, 10 October 2010 (UTC)
The article Farrukh Dhondy has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:
While all contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, content or articles may be deleted for any of several reasons. You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the Please consider improving the article to address the issues raised. Removing Nomination of Josip Novakovich for deletionA discussion has begun about whether the article Josip Novakovich, which you created or to which you contributed, should be deleted. While contributions are welcome, an article may be deleted if it is inconsistent with Wikipedia policies and guidelines for inclusion, explained in the deletion policy. The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Josip Novakovich until a consensus is reached, and you are welcome to contribute to the discussion. You may edit the article during the discussion, including to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion template from the top of the article. Phearson (talk) 02:13, 10 December 2010 (UTC) Russian translationHello. I was on Wikipedia:Translators available and notice that you were on the list for Russian to English translators and wondered if you could translate Maria Vladimirovna of Staritsa and/or Vladimir of Staritsa? Thanks.--Queen Elizabeth II's Little Spy (talk) 00:05, 30 January 2012 (UTC) Article upgrade assistance request (Pre-translation stage)Seasons Greetings, This is in reference to a relatively new umbrella article on en-wikipedia named Ceremonial pole. Ceremonial pole is a human tradition since ancient times; either existed in past at some point of time, or still exists in some cultures across global continents from north to south & from east to west. Ceremonial poles are used to symbolize a variety of concepts in several different world cultures. Through article Ceremonial pole we intend to take encyclopedic note of cultural aspects and festive celebrations around Ceremonial pole as an umbrella article and want to have historical, mythological, anthropological aspects, reverence or worships wherever concerned as a small part. While Ceremonial poles have a long past and strong presence but usually less discussed subject. Even before we seek translation of this article in global languages, we need to have more encyclopedic information/input about Ceremonial poles from all global cultures and languages. And we seek your assistance in the same. Since other contributors to the article are insisting for reliable sources and Standard native english; If your contributions get deleted (for some reason like linguistics or may be your information is reliable but unfortunately dosent match expectations of other editors) , please do list the same on Talk:Ceremonial pole page so that other wikipedians may help improve by interlanguage collaborations, and/or some other language wikipedias may be interested in giving more importance to reliablity of information over other factors on their respective wikipedia. This particular request is being made to you since your user name is listed in Wikipedia:Translators available list. Thanking you with warm regards Mahitgar (talk) 06:01, 24 October 2015 (UTC) Hi, |