In January 2024, an anime adaption of two sagas of light novel series Monogatari—"Off" and "Monster" seasons—was announced, set to premiere in the same year.[2] Later, on May 1, the official website of the anime series teased the upcoming announcement by countdown with an image of the letter "Y" on a red-pink background, as well as posted the image by the official X (formerly Twitter) account for the writer Nisio Isin's anime project.[3][4] The next day, the anime series confirmed that Yoasobi would perform the theme song for Monogatari Series: Off & Monster Season, titled "Undead".[5]
In the press release, Ayase stated: "The Monogatari series has such a strong attachment to me that when asked about my favorite anime, I always answers Bakemonogatari."[6] He also revealed in a Comic Natalie interview that he wrote the song about the Monogatari character Hitagi Senjōgahara when he was 18–19 and often performed it live with his rock band.[7] A snippet of the song was previewed via the trailer of the anime's first two arcs Orokamonogatari and Nademonogatari on May 3.[8] Around two months later, on June 24, the duo additionally teased the song via their social media.[9][10] Five days later, they revealed the song's release date, to be July 1, 2024, and its cover artwork, featuring the character Yotsugi Ononoki making a V sign with both hands.[11]
Lyrics and composition
"Undead" was sourced from two short stories written by Nisio, Nadeko Past (なでこパスト) and Shinobu Future (しのぶフューチャー), published on the anime's website on July 1, 2024, the same day as the song release.[12] Both stories told the Monogatari characters Nadeko Sengoku and Shinobu Oshino lying on a sofa and receiving counseling from Yotsugi Ononoki about their nervousness.[13][7] Ayase compared the short stories to his mental gloom at the time he wrote about his musical novelty losing.[7]
Musically, "Undead" is an EDM track[14] that was composed the "danceable and very bright" music based on the image of Monogatari as a whole, rather than the short stories.[7] Tomoyuki Mori from Real Sound described it as a "perfect blend of kick and bass that reaches deep into the body," the track that "intertwines brilliant and sharp synth phrases," and the inorganic melody that reminisces about early Vocaloid music.[13] Lyrically, the song talks about living the lives to the fullest in the present without being bound by the past or the future.[15]
Commercial performance
"Undead" debuted at number two on the Oricon Digital Singles Chart for the issue dated July 15, 2024, with 18,199 digital sales, behind Be:First and Ateez's "Hush-Hush",[16] and peaked at number 14 on the Combined Singles Chart.[17] For Billboard Japan charts, the song entered the Japan Hot 100 dated July 10 at number ten. It also landed at number two on the component Download Songs and number 17 on the Streaming Songs, earning 17,284 downloads and 4,791,166 streams in its first week.[18][19] The latter later peaked at number 13.[20] Additionally, "Undead" debuted at number four on the specific-genre Hot Animation chart.[21]
Music video
An accompanying music video for "Undead" premiered on September 14, 2024, at 22:30 JST.[22] It was directed by Toshitaka Shinoda of Ijigen Tokyo and features characters from Monogatari: Off & Monster Season, with the footages including the ending sequence.[23]