Monogatari is a Japanese light novel series written by Nisio Isin and illustrated by Vofan. The plot centers around Koyomi Araragi, a third-year high school student who survives a vampire attack and subsequently finds himself helping girls involved with a variety of apparitions, ghosts, beasts, spirits, and other supernatural phenomena.
The series began as three short stories serialized in Kodansha's Mephisto magazine between the September 2005 and May 2006 issues, which were later collected in a light novel volume published in Japan on November 2, 2006. Kodansha released 29 volumes in the series under its Kodansha Boximprint. Each of the 29 entries in the series share the common title suffix -monogatari (物語, lit. "story"). In 2015, Vertical licensed the novel series for English release.[1] The company began its paperback line with Kizumonogatari on December 15, 2015,[2] and later released the Bakemonogatari novels in three volumes: the first in December 2016, the second in February 2017, and the third in April 2017.[3] As of December 2020, the novels in the series up to Zoku Owarimonogatari have been translated.[4]
Nisio Isin has also penned a number of short short stories[a] and other related works set in the same fictional universe.
The English audiobook version of Kizumonogatari was released on May 25, 2016 by Bang Zoom! Entertainment with narration done by Keith Silverstein, Eric Kimerer, and Cristina Vee.[58] The audiobook for Nekomonogatari (White) was released on April 9, 2019 with narration done by Cristina Vee, Eric Kimerer, and Erica Mendez.[59] The audiobook for the three volumes of Bakemonogatari were released on March 24, 2020 with narration done by Eric Kimerer, Cristina Vee, Erica Mendez, and Keith Silverstein.[60]
The Japanese audiobook version of the entire series began release by Kodansha via Audible on February 17, 2021. Each novel features narration by the voice actors/actresses of the anime adaptation. It released one novel each month until June 16, 2023, with the second volume of Shinomonogatari.[61][62]
Kodansha revealed that Mijikanamonogatari (短物語, "Short Story" or "Short Stories") was scheduled to be released July 3, 2024 (ISBN978-4-06-536177-1).[106] The book contains 39 short stories, 33 of which were previously released and 6 new stories.[d][107] On June 12, 2024, Kodansha announced that the book would be delayed after it was discovered that a story that should have been included was inadvertently left out.[108] The publication date was later confirmed to be September 11, 2024.[109]
^ abnewly written story published online before the book due to the delay
Mazemonogatari (混物語) is a collection of short stories featuring characters from Nisio Isin's other works. Twelve of these stories were first distributed in Japanese cinemas during the Japanese theatrical releases of Kizumonogatari Part 1: Tekketsu,[110]Kizumonogatari Part 2: Nekketsu[111] and Kizumonogatari Part 3: Reiketsu.[112] A collected volume of these stories, alongside three previously unpublished ones, was published by Kodansha on February 6, 2019.[113] (ISBN978-4-06-513292-0)
Original Drama CD Hyakumonogatari (オリジナルドラマCD 佰物語, Orijinaru Dorama Shīdi Hyakumonogatari), released on August 4, 2009.[114]
"Challenge to the Readers" (読者への挑戦状, Dokusha e no Chosenjo) - Ōgi's challenge to the readers published as part of the serialization of Ōgi Formula in Bessatsu Shonen Magazine, October 2013 issue, released on September 9, 2013.[115]
"Black Hanekawa's Cat Sign Astrology" (ブラック羽川の12猫座占い, Burakku Hanekawa no Jū Ni Nekoza Uranai), published in Anime Monogatari Series Heroine Book #1: Tsubasa (アニメ<物語>シリーズヒロイン本 其ノ壹 羽川翼, Anime Monogatari Shirīzu Hiroin Bon Sono Ichi Hanekawa Tsubasa), released on September 20, 2013.[116]
"The Stray Snail" (まいごのかたつむり, Maigo no Katatsumuri), illustrated by Hiroki Haritama and published in Anime Monogatari Series Heroine Book #2: Mayoi (アニメ<物語>シリーズヒロイン本 其ノ貮 八九寺真宵, Anime Monogatari Shirīzu Hiroin Bon Sono Ni Hachikuji Mayoi), released on October 30, 2013.[117]
"Kimi to Nadekko!" (キミとなでっこ!), illustrated by Ema Tōyama, published in Anime Monogatari Series Heroine Book #4: Nadeko (アニメ<物語>シリーズヒロイン本 其ノ肆 千石撫子, Anime Monogatari Shirīzu Hiroin Bon Sono Shi Sengoku Nadeko) and the August 2014 issue of Aria, released on January 31, 2014,[118] and June 28, 2014,[119] respectively, and included in the Blu-ray and DVD volume 2 of Koimonogatari, released on July 23, 2014.[120]
"Koyomi Araragi, Tsubasa Hanekawa, Nadeko Sengoku's Hobonichi Techo" (阿良々木暦、羽川翼、千石撫子のほぼ日手帳, Araragi Koyomi, Hanekawa Tsubasa, Sengoku Nadeko no Hobonichi Techō), published in the Hobonichi Techo 2015 Official Guide Book (ほぼ日手帳公式ガイドブック2015 LIFEのBOOK, Hobonichi Techō Kōshiki Gaido Bukku Ni Sen Jū Go Raifu no Bukku), released on August 26, 2014.[121]
Tsukimonogatari Episode Cross: Tsubasa Lion (月物語 第交話 つばさライオン, Tsukimonogatari Dai Kō Wa Tsubasa Raion), included in the special edition of volume 12 of March Comes in like a Lion, released on September 29, 2016.[122]
Emergency Dialogue! Nonsense Bearer x Koyomi Araragi (緊急対談!戯言遣い×阿良々木暦, Kinkyū Taidan! Zaregoto Tsukai × Araragi Koyomi), released on February 22, 2023, as part of the celebration of Nisio Isin's 20-year career.[123]
^Short story in Japanese is Tanpen (短編), and Nisio uses the word Tantanpen (短々編), emphasizing the kanji for Short (短), to refer to the short stories he's been writing for the Monogatari series.[5]
^In the afterword of Wazamonogatari and Nademonogatari Nisio speaks of these chapters as "zeroth episodes", so it is assumed the printing of the stories in this volume as "Episodes One, Two, and Three" were due to technical issues.
^The Japanese e-book version of Bakemonogatari split the two volumes of the novels into three volumes.
^The Amazon sales listing states "...the initial 33 stories plus 6 newly written short stories" (初期三十三編に六つの書き下ろし短々編を加えた), however "Koyomi Dictionary" (こよみディクショナリ) was not included despite being published before "Kokoro Shite" (心して). The delay of the release also meant that two of the new short stories, "Nadeko Past" (なでこパスト) and "Shinobu Future" (しのぶフューチャー), actually got published online before the physical book: in the end, 35 of the short stories of the book were previously released, and only 4 were actual new stories.
^「〈物語〉シリーズ」西尾維新の短々編公開、YOASOBI「UNDEAD」の配信も開始 [‘Monogatari’ series: a short short story by Nisio Isin is released, and YOASOBI's ‘UNDEAD’ is now available.]. Natalie. July 1, 2024. Retrieved September 17, 2024.
^化物語(上) [Bakemonogatari (Vol. 1)] (in Japanese). Kodansha. Retrieved February 9, 2019.
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