"The Light Bulb Scene" is the fifth season premiere of American animated television series BoJack Horseman, and the 49th episode overall. It was written by Kate Purdy and directed by Adam Parton,[1] and was released in the United States, along with the rest of season five, via Netflix on September 14, 2018.[2]Whoopi Goldberg and Natalie Morales provide voices in guest appearances in the episode.
BoJack works on his new web-series Philbert, an original show from WhatTimeIsItRightNow.com, a company that interviews Todd for a job.[3] The show is co-produced by Princess Carolyn, who mulls an adoption.[4][5]
The song "Los Ageless" by artist St. Vincent is featured in this episode, both in the opening scene and over the closing credits.[6]