BoJack Horseman is an American animated sitcom created by Raphael Bob-Waksberg. The series stars Will Arnett as the eponymous character, BoJack Horseman, the washed-up star of the 1990s sitcom Horsin' Around. In the first season, BoJack plans his big return to celebrity relevance with a tell-all autobiography that he dictates to his ghostwriter Diane Nguyen (Alison Brie). BoJack also has to contend with the demands of his agent and on-again-off-again girlfriend, Princess Carolyn (Amy Sedaris); the misguided antics of his freeloading roommate, Todd Chavez (Aaron Paul); and his frenemy, Mr. Peanutbutter (Paul F. Tompkins), who also undergoes a tumultuous long-term relationship with Diane. The series satirizes Hollywood, celebrity culture, and the film industry.
During the course of the series, 76 episodes of BoJack Horseman were released, including one special over six seasons. The sixth and final season is split into two parts, the second part premiered on January 31, 2020.[1][2]
BoJack and Todd watch a Christmas episode of Horsin' Around titled "Sabrina's Christmas Wish", in which his youngest adopted daughter, Sabrina, upon discovering Santa's existence, decides to wish for her parents to be alive again. When the ending brings much confusion to Todd, an initially skeptical BoJack suggests they watch the series' eight other Christmas specials.