In September 2021, the series was renewed for a sixth season with Lord Alan Sugar returning as CEO, and revealing Turia Pitt and Will & Woody as some of the competing celebrities.[2][3] On 17 October 2021, Nine announced the full list of celebrities competing in the season.[4]
^1 Beck was originally fired in task 1, but was brought back into the competition during task 5. ^2 Eloni was originally fired in task 2, but was brought back into the competition during task 5.
The candidate won the competition and was named the Celebrity Apprentice.
The candidate won as project manager on his/her team.
The candidate lost as project manager on his/her team.
The candidate was on the losing team.
The candidate was brought to the final boardroom.
The candidate was fired.
The candidate lost as project manager and was fired.
The candidate won their place back in the competition in a Redemption task.
The candidate did not participate in the task.
Task 1
Airdate: 22 May 2022
Team Collaborate Project Manager
Team Innovate Project Manager
Darren McMullen
Turia Pitt
To organise and host the ultimate charity golf tournament
Winning Team
Losing Team
Team Collaborate
Team Innovate
Reasons for victory
Reasons for loss
Raised the most money - $365,000.
Raised the least money - $235,000
Sent to Final Boardroom
Turia Pitt, Beck Zemek, Gamble Breaux
Beck Zemek - despite bringing in the most money for her team, she was fired for not being a team player and causing divisions within the group.
Darren's charity received the proceeds of both teams' tournaments - $600,000 - making him the single largest earner from a Celebrity Apprentice task so far, however in Episode 2 he decided to split profits with Innovate team leader Turia Pitt.
Task 2
Airdate: 23 May 2022
Team Innovate Project Manager
Team Collaborate Project Manager
Jean Kittson
Jarrod Scott
Run a food delivery service. The team who receives the best customer feedback wins $20,000 for their Project Manager's charity.
Winning Team
Losing Team
Team Innovate
Team Collaborate
Reasons for victory
Reasons for loss
Delivered sixteen meals with an average rating of 2.8/5
Delivered eleven meals with an average rating of 2.7/5
Sent to Final Boardroom
Eloni Vunakece, Jarrod Scott, Vince Colosimo
Eloni Vunakece - Lord Sugar was not sure what Eloni had done in either of the first two tasks.
Task 3
Airdate: 24 May 2022
Team Collaborate Project Manager
Team Innovate Project Manager
Benji Marshall
Bronte Campbell
Develop and host a wellness retreat. The team who receives the best value-for-money retreat wins $20,000 for their Project Manager's charity.
Winning Team
Losing Team
Team Collaborate
Team Innovate
Reasons for victory
Reasons for loss
60% of their guests said their retreat offered value-for-money.
30% of their guests said their retreat offered value-for-money.
Sent to Final Boardroom
Bronte Campbell, Jodi Gordon, Turia Pitt
Jodi Gordon - for not contributing during the task and being singled-out during the feedback as leading the weakest part of the retreat.
Task 4
Airdate: 25 May 2022
Team Collaborate Project Manager
Team Innovate Project Manager
Will & Woody
Samantha Jade
While disguised, find ten items from a list and negotiate the best price for those items within three hours around Newtown. The team who gets the items for the lowest amount of money wins $20,000 for the Project Manager's charity. The Project Manager is not allowed to negotiate.
Winning Team
Losing Team
Team Collaborate
Team Innovate
Reasons for victory
Reasons for loss
Spent $1065, including a $100 fine.
Spent $1085
Sent to Final Boardroom
Samantha Jade, Gamble Breaux, Turia Pitt
Gamble Breaux - she wasted time negotiating for the wrong tea set at the beginning of the challenge, putting her team on the back foot.
Task 5
Airdate: 29 May 2022
Team Innovate Project Manager
Team Collaborate Project Manager
Carla from Bankstown/Ben James
Vince Colosimo
Team Reshuffle
Samantha and Turia move to Collaborate. Jarrod, Benji and Darren move to Innovate
Create a live infomercial. The team that produces the most effective informercial wins $20,000 for the Project Manager's charity
Winning Team
Losing Team
Team Innovate
Team Collaborate
Reasons for victory
Reasons for loss
Produced the most polished infomercial
Missed their on-air cue by seven seconds
Sent to Final Boardroom
Vince Colosimo, Turia Pitt, Ronnie Caceres
Vince Colosimo - for lack of time management in the task and getting into an argument with Nick Bell after his team missed their on-air cue.
The episode introduced a Redemption Challenge, where the four previously fired contestants would attempt the task as part of a third team. The strongest performers in Team Redemption would be invited to rejoin the competition.
Redemption Challenge
Create a live infomercial. The people who produce the most effective informercial win their place back in the competition.
Gamble Breaux & Jodi Gordon
Returned to Competition
Eloni Vunakece & Beck Zemek
Task 6
Airdate: 30 May 2022
Team Collaborate Project Manager
Team Innovate Project Manager
Ronnie Caceres
Eloni Vunakece
Team Reshuffle
Benji moves to Collaborate.
Bring your most prized possession to sell for charity at a car boot sale. The team makes the most money wins $20,000 for the Project Manager's charity.
Winning Team
Losing Team
Team Collaborate
Team Innovate
Reasons for victory
Reasons for loss
Raised the most money - $65,136
Raised the least money - $62,695
Sent to Final Boardroom
Eloni Vunakece, Carla from Bankstown/Ben James, Jarrod Scott
Jarrod Scott - for not being a team player, Janine was unimpressed with his attitude and participation in the challenge.
Beck and Eloni returned and joined Team Collaborate and Team Innovate respectively. Even though she was on the losing team, Bronte was allowed to keep the $50,000 for which her item sold, for her charity.
Task 7
Airdate: 31 May 2022
Team Innovate Project Manager
Team Collaborate Project Manager
Carla from Bankstown/Ben James
Beck Zemek
Design and model an intimate apparel line for the women in charge at Honey Birdette. The team with the highest score will win the challenge and $20,000 for the Project Managers' charity.
Winning Team
Losing Team
Team Innovate
Team Collaborate
Reasons for victory
Reasons for loss
Received a score of 81.4%
Received a score of 30.4%
Sent to Final Boardroom
Beck Zemek, Ronnie Caceres, Samantha Jade
Samantha Jade - for her poor catwalk performance, she was put in charge of designing the lingerie and decided on a sparkling gold material for all of the pieces.
Amy Shark joined the competition from this episode. She chose to join Team Innovate.
Task 8
Airdate: 1 Jun 2022
Team Collaborate Project Manager
Team Innovate Project Manager
Beck Zemek
Darren McMullen
Hold a Clearance Sale. The team who makes the most profit wins $20,000 and both teams' profits for their Project Manager's charity.
Winning Team
Losing Team
Team Collaborate
Team Innovate
Reasons for victory
Reasons for loss
Made $2,440.
Made $1,512.
Sent to Final Boardroom
Darren McMullen, Eloni Vunakece, Bronte Campbell
Eloni Vunakece - Lord Sugar felt he'd reached as far as he could go in the process.
Lord Sugar gave Eloni a donation for his charity after he was fired.
Task 9
Airdate: 5 Jun 2022
Team Innovate Project Manager
Team Collaborate Project Manager
Amy Shark
Will & Woody
Create an original storybook for a young demographic and present it in front of a crowd of tiny tots and their parents. The team has the most votes wins $20,000 for the Project Manager's charity, as well as a "special power" - which would be revealed in the following episode.
Winning Team
Losing Team
Team Innovate
Team Collaborate
Reasons for victory
Reasons for loss
Received 15 votes.
Received 13 votes.
Sent to Final Boardroom
Will & Woody, Ronnie Caceres, Turia Pitt
Will & Woody - for putting themselves in charge of writing during the challenge and taking full responsibility for their team's loss.
Task 10
Airdate: 6 Jun 2022
Team Collaborate Project Manager
Team Innovate Project Manager
Ronnie Caceres
Jean Kittson
Run a successful bucks and hens night. The team successfully fulfils all of their contractual obligations wins $20,000 for the Project Manager's charity. Due to being the winning Project Manager the previous week, Amy was given immunity from the task and got to choose the project managers.
Winning Team
Losing Team
Team Collaborate
Team Innovate
Reasons for victory
Reasons for loss
Fully signed and executed all of their contracts
Completed one out of three contracts
Sent to Final Boardroom
Jean Kittson, Carla from Bankstown/Ben James, Darren McMullen
Carla from Bankstown/Ben James - for failing to fill out the paperwork.
Task 11
Airdate: 7 Jun 2022
Team Innovate Project Manager
Team Collaborate Project Manager
Turia Pitt
Bronte Campbell
Team Reshuffle
Bronte and Darren move to Team Collaborate. Turia and Benji move to Team Innovate.
Deliver a guerilla marketing campaign for Subway. The winning team will be decided by Lord Sugar and Subway Australia's CEO. Subway will award $20,000 to the charity of the winning Project Manager.
Winning Team
Losing Team
Team Innovate
Team Collaborate
Reasons for victory
Reasons for loss
Successfully communicated the Subway message in their attempts.
Lack of media coverage
Sent to Final Boardroom
Bronte Campbell, Ronnie Caceres, Beck Zemek
Beck Zemek - for being weak in the task.
Before the results were revealed, Turia & Bronte agreed to split the winnings between their two charities.
Task 12
Airdate: 13 Jun 2022
Team Collaborate Project Manager
Team Innovate Project Manager
Darren McMullen
Amy Shark
Conceive, script, shoot and edit a short form piece of content inspired by social media influencers, the Inspired Unemployed. Jack and Matt will be judging the videos and will decide who will win $20,000 for the Project Manager's charity.
Winning Team
Losing Team
Team Collaborate
Team Innovate
Reasons for victory
Reasons for loss
Although their video was edited poorly, it was well-executed.
The self-deprecating humor was on-brand but the narrative was confusing.
Sent to Final Boardroom
Amy Shark, Benji Marshall, Turia Pitt
Turia Pitt - for being responsible for the muddled narrative of the video.
Task 13
Airdate: 14 Jun 2022
Team Collaborate Project Manager
Team Innovate Project Manager
Ronnie Caceres
Benji Marshall
Set up a pet photography studio and service members of the public and their animal friends. The team that nabs the most sales after refunds will win $20,000 towards their Project Manager's charity.
Winning Team
Losing Team
Team Innovate
Team Collaborate
Reasons for victory
Reasons for loss
Brought in $2,956.98 after refunds.
Brought in $2,396.00 after refunds.
Sent to Final Boardroom
Ronnie Caceres, Darren McMullen, Bronte Campbell
Bronte Campbell - for not contributing as much as Ronnie and Darren to the task.
Task 14
Airdate: 15 Jun 2022
Team Collaborate Project Manager
Team Innovate Project Manager
Darren McMullen
Jean Kittson
Create a sharable video for MYOB. The finished product will be judged by MYOB rather than Lord Sugar and MYOB will give the winning Project Manager $20,000 for their charity.
Winning Team
Losing Team
Team Collaborate
Team Innovate
Reasons for victory
Reasons for loss
They had a great singled-minded proposition and did a good job at explaining how MYOB can help business.
They demonstrated the product really well but MYOB thought the mixed storyline was confusing.
Sent to Final Boardroom
Jean Kittson, Amy Shark, Benji Marshall
Jean Kittson - for her poor video performance. She was responsible for the directing the video which her team lost the task.
Task 15
Airdate: 20 Jun 2022
Pitch a story about their lives to a panel of executives from streaming giant Stan. The best pitch wins a place in the Grand Final, leaving the other three to convince Lord Sugar that they should receive the second spot in the Final.
Winning Contestant
Losing Contestants
Benji Marshall
Amy Shark Ronnie Caceres Darren McMullen
Sent to Final Boardroom
Amy Shark, Darren McMullen, Ronnie Caceres
Amy Shark & Ronnie Caceres - Lord Sugar chooses Darren to participate in the grand final.
Task 16
Airdate: 21 Jun 2022
Finale Celebrities
Benji Marshall & Darren McMullen
Hold a charity event with a budget of $25,000 for their charities.
Darren McMullen
The Celebrity Apprentice
Benji Marshall
The Celebrity Apprentice won all their earnings from their charity event and an additional A$100,000 for their chosen charity. The runner-up also won their earnings from their charity event for their chosen charity.