Super Robot Wars Original Generation: The Animation
Super Robot Wars Original Generation: The Animation (スーパーロボット大戦ORIGINAL GENERATION THE ANIMATION, Sūpā Robotto Taisen Orijinaru Jenerēshon Za Animēshon) is a three-episode OVA that takes place after the events of Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation 2, a Game Boy Advance game featuring only original characters and mecha created by Banpresto for the Super Robot Wars franchise.[1] SynopsisSet after Original Generation 2, an unknown fleet of enemy mechs called Bartolls suddenly attacks the population of Earth, destroying all opposition, with millions of citizens instantly vanishing during the raids. ATX Team members Kyosuke, Excellen, and Bullet, along with Ryusei, Rai, and Aya of the SRX Team are sent to investigate, before the situation turns deadlier. MediaAnimeThe anime OVA is made up of three episodes. Episode 1, titled "Swarm of the Bartoll", was released on 27 May 2005. Episode 2, titled "People = Parts", was released on 26 August 2005, and the final episode, "Prisoner of the Maze", was released on 23 December 2005. The OVA premiered on Toku in the United States on December 31, 2015. The OVA was licensed for an English release in February 2013 by Media Blasters.[2] It was released in 2007 by Bandai Visual USA.[3] In June 2014, it was streamed online with regional subtitles via Crunchyroll.[4][5] Drama CDAlong with the release of the three-episode OVA, Banpresto also produced a three-volume series of audio drama CDs entitled Super Robot Wars Original Generation: The Sound Cinema (スーパーロボット大戦 ORIGINAL GENERATION THE SOUND CINEMA). Besides short omake segments, the Sound Cinemas introduced a new subplot to the anime. Featured within this side story were mecha, such as the Astelion AX and the Mironga. PrintedPrinted manga from the animation released on 27 March 2007, Total 1 Book, ISBN 9784840238366 Other mediaThe PlayStation 2 sequel to the Original Generation remake Original Generations, Original Generation Gaiden, deals with the events of the OVA, with new content and some taken from the Super Robot Wars Original Generation: The Sound Cinema drama CD. Production
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