A reimagination of the Getter Robo story, it begins with Dr. Saotome, who seeks extraordinary men to pilot his invention: The Getter Robo. Many who have tried to pilot it have died, and his son, Tatsuhito, was seriously injured during a Getter battle. He finds three men to pilot the Getter Robo: Ryoma Nagare, Hayato Jin, and Benkei Musashibo. Now they must battle and destroy the Oni, mysterious creatures that appeared suddenly which happen to resemble mythological monsters.
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Ryoma Nagare (流竜馬, Nagare Ryōma): The team leader. Strong, and trained in martial arts in his father's footsteps, Ryoma is a powerful martial artist which allows him to effectively pilot the demanding Getter machine. Pilots the Eagle Machine and Getter-1.
Hayato Jin (神隼人, Jin Hayato): Both a terrorist and a genius, Hayato starts out as an insane and psychopathic terrorist leader. Upon joining the Getter team, Hayato's demeanour switches to a more serious but still cold attitude, wanting to learn more about the origins of Getter energy. Pilots the Jaguar Machine and Getter-2.
Benkei Musashibo (武蔵坊弁慶, Musashibō Benkei): A warrior monk named after the legendary Japanese hero of the same name in addition to Musashi Tomoe and Benkei Kuruma. Benkei Musashibo shares traits of both Musashi Tomoe and Benkei Kurama from the original Getter Robo, including their trademark Daisetsuzan Oroshi (大雪山おろし) attack. Pilots the Bear Machine and Getter-3.
Professor Saotome (早乙女博士, Saotome hakase): Inventor of the Getter Robo. Also pilots the Bear Machine during the second and third episodes, up until Benkei is recruited.
Voiced by: Kinryū Arimoto (Japanese); Tom Wyner (English)
Michiru Saotome (早乙女ミチル, Saotome Michiru): Professor Saotome's daughter. She is more interested in studying the Oni than fighting them. Unlike her appearances in the manga and flashbacks in Getter Robo: Armageddon, this version of Michiru is notably a lot colder and tougher.