The article provides an overview of the entire chain of command and organization of the Italian Air Force as of 1 January 2018 and includes all currently active units. The Armed Forces of Italy are under the command of the Italian Supreme Defense Council, presided over by the President of the Italian Republic.
The Italian Air Force is commanded by the Capo di Stato Maggiore dell’Aeronautica Militare ("Chief of the Air Force General Staff") in Rome.
Chief of the Air Force General Staff
The Capo di Stato Maggiore dell’Aeronautica Militare heads the Air Force General Staff in Rome, manages the operational aspects of the air force, and supervises four major commands.[1][2]
Air Force General Staff, in Rome
Comando della Squadra Aerea (CSA , "Air Fleet Command "), in Rome
Comando Logistico dell'AM (CLOG AM "Air Force Logistic Command"), in Rome
Comando 1ª Regione Aerea (1ªRA, "1st (North Italy) Air Region Command"), in Milan
Comando delle Scuole dell’AM/3ª Regione Aerea ( CSAM/3ªRA, "Air Force Schools Command - 3rd (South Italy) Air Region"), in Bari
Air Force General Staff
The following offices report directly to the Chief of the Air Force General Staff.[1]
Ufficio Generale del Capo di SMA (Main Office of the Chief of the Air Force General Staff)
Segreteria Particolare del Capo di SMA (Special Secretariat of the Chief of the Air Force General Staff)
Direzione per l’Impiego del Personale Militare dell’Aeronautica (Air Force Military Personnel Employment Directorate - DIPMA)
Ufficio Generale di Coordinamento della Prevenzione Antinfortunistica e della Tutela Ambientale (Accident Prevention and Environmental Protection Main Coordination Office - UCOPRATA)
Ufficio Generale di Coordinamento della Vigilanza Antinfortunistica (Accident Vigilance Main Coordination Office - UCOVA)
Ufficio Generale Centro di Responsabilità Amministrativa – Aeronautica Militare (Administrative Responsibility Center Main Office - Air Force - UCRA-AM)
Ispettorato per la Sicurezza del Volo (Flight Safety Inspectorate - ISV)
Istituto Superiore per la Sicurezza del Volo (Higher Flight Safety Institute - ISSV)
Ufficio del Generale del Ruolo delle Armi (General of the Arms Office)
Capo del Corpo del Genio Aeronautico (Air Force Engineer Corps Chief)
Capo del Corpo di Commissariato Aeronautico (Air Force Commissariat Corps Chief)
Capo del Corpo Sanitario Aeronautico (Air Force Medical Corps Chief)
Commissioni di Avanzamento e la Segreteria Permanente (Advancement Commissions and )
Commissione Permanente Avanzamento Volontari in S.P. dell'A.M. (Volunteers in Permanent Service Promotion Commission)
Aiutante di Volo del Capo di SMA (Chief of SMA Flight Adjutant)
Consulente Giuridico del Capo di SMA (Chief of SMA Legal Advisor)
Consulente Tecnico Militare Problematiche d’Avanzamento (Technical-Military Consultant Promotion Problems)
Presidente Capo dei Sottufficiali, Graduati e militari di Truppa per l’AM (Air Force Non-commissioned Officers, Graduates and Soldiers Chief President)
Ufficio Vicario Episcopale per l’AM (Air Force Episcopal Vicar Office)
Comando Carabinieri per l’AM (Air Force Carabinieri Command)
Sottocapo di Stato Maggiore Aeronautica Militare (SCaSMA)
The Deputy Chief of the Air Force General Staff manages the bureaucratic aspects of the Air Force.[3][1]
Ufficio del Sottocapo (Deputy Chief Office)
Segreteria Particolare del SCaSMA (SCaSMA Special Secretariat)
Ufficiale Addetto del SCaSMA (SCaSMA Adjutant)
1° Reparto "Ordinamento e Personale" (1st Department "Regulations and Personnel" - SMA-ORD)
3° Reparto "Pianificazione dello Strumento Aerospaziale" (3rd Department "Planning of the Aeroespacial Instrument" - SMA-PIANI)
Centro di Eccellenza per Aeromobili a Pilotaggio Remoto (CDE APR) (Center of Excellence for Remotely Piloted Aircraft), at Amendola Air Base
4° Reparto "Logistica" (4th Department "Logistics" - SMA-LOG)
5° Reparto "Comunicazione" (5th Department "Communications" - SMA-COM)
6° Reparto "Affari Economici e Finanziari" (6th Department "Economic and Financial Affairs" - SMA-FIN))
Reparto Generale Sicurezza (General Security Department - SMA-SEC)
Centro Coordinamento Sicurezza (Security Coordination Center), at Rome Ciampino Airport
33x Nuclei Sicurezza (33x Security Squads)
Ufficio Generale per lo Spazio (Space Main Office - SMA-SPAZIO)
Ufficio Generale per la Circolazione Aerea Militare (Military Air Traffic Main Office - SMAUCAM)
Ufficio Generale Consulenza e Affari Giuridici Aeronautica Militare (Air Force Counsel and Legal Affairs Main Office - SMAUCAG)
Ufficio Generale per l'Innovazione Manageriale (Managerial Innovation Main Office - SMA-UIM)
Comando Aeronautica Militare Roma
The Air Force Command Rome (COMAER), in Centocelle Airport has territorial and liaison functions for the city of Rome and provides administrative support to the air force headquarter and units based at Centocelle Airport and Vigna di Valle Airport.
Comando Supporti Enti di Vertice (Higher Commands Support Command - COMSEV), at Centocelle Airport
Distaccamento Aeronautico Terminillo (Aeronautical Detachment Terminillo), in Monte Terminillo
Comando Aeroporto di Centocelle / Quartier Generale del COMAER (Centocelle Air Base Command - COMAER Headquarter), at Centocelle Airport
Comando Aeroporto Vigna di Valle / Centro Storiografico e Sportivo dell’AM (Vigna di Valle Air Base Command / Air Force History & Sport Center), at Vigna di Valle Airport
Museo Storico (History Museum)
Centro Sportivo (Sport Center)
Gruppo Servizi Generali (General Services Squadron)
Plotone Protezione delle Forze (Force Protection Platoon)
Ispettore dell’Aviazione per la Marina (Aviation Inspector for the Navy)
The Ispettore dell’Aviazione per la Marina (Aviation Inspector for the Navy - ISPAVIAMAR) reports to the Chief of the Air Force General Staff and the Chief of the Navy General Staff. ISPAVIAMAR oversees the technical and logistic aeronautical aspects, and the training of the Italian military's airborne anti-submarine forces. The inspector is a brigadier general of the air force, whose office and staff reside in the navy's headquarter in Rome. The only unit assigned to ISPAVIAMAR is the 41° Stormo AntiSom Athos Ammannato, which is under operational control of the Italian Navy.
The Air Fleet Command (Comando della Squadra Aerea or CSA) controls all operative units, the intelligence, electronic warfare capabilities and the operational headquarter of the air force. The CSA ensures that unit is equipped, trained and prepared for combat duty and controls them during combat operations.
The Comando Operazioni Aeree (Air Operations Command - COA) conducts all operations of the Aeronautica Militare. COA controls all military radar installations in Italy and its Air Operations Center commands and controls the defence of Italy's air-space.
Reparto Servizi Coordinamento e Controllo Aeronautica Militare (Air Force Coordination and Control Service Department - RSCCAM), at Ciampino Air Base (Air traffic management)
Servizo Coordinamento e Controllo Aeronautica Militare Abano Terme
Servizo Coordinamento e Controllo Aeronautica Militare Linate
Servizo Coordinamento e Controllo Aeronautica Militare Brindisi
Reparto Preparazione alle Operazioni (Operations Preparation Department - RPO), in Poggio Renatico
Reparto Mobile Comando e Controllo (Mobile Command and Control Regiment - RMCC), at Bari Air Base (Air-transportable command and control post)
Gruppo Sistemi TLC e, Comando e Controllo (Command and Control, and Telematic Systems Squadron)
Gruppo Servizi di Supporto (Support Services Squadron)
Reparto Supporto Servizi Generali (General Service Support Regiment - RSSG), in Poggio Renatico
Gruppo Servizi Tecnico-Operativi (Technical Services Squadron)
Gruppo Servizi Logistico-Operativi (Logistic Services Squadron)
Gruppo Protezione delle Forze (Force Protection Squadron)
Gruppo Protezione delle Forze (Force Protection Squadron)
Reparto Supporto Tecnico Operativo Guerra Elettronica (Electronic Warfare Technical-operational Support Regiment - ReSTOGE), at Pratica di Mare Air Base
Gruppo Supporto Operativo (Operational Support Squadron)
Gruppo Sistemi Difesa Aerospaziale (Air-space Defense Systems Squadron)
Gruppo Supporto Tecnico (Technical Support Squadron)
Reparto Addestramento Controllo Spazio Aereo (Air-space Control Training Regiment - RACSA), at Pratica di Mare Air Base
Gruppo Addestramento Operativo Traffico Aereo (Air-traffic Training Squadron)
Gruppo Addestramento Operativo Difesa Aerea (Air-defence Training Squadron)
Gruppo Supporto Tecnico (Technical Support Squadron)
Centro Informazioni Geotopografiche Aeronautiche (Air Force Geo-topographic Information Center - CIGA), at Pratica di Mare Air Base
Centro Nazionale Meteorologia e Climatologia Aeronautica (Air Force National Meteorological and Climatological Center - CNMCA), at Pratica di Mare Air Base
Centro Operativo per la Meteorologia (Meteorological Operational Center - COMET), at Pratica di Mare Air Base
Combat Forces Command
Comando delle Forze da Combattimento (Combat Forces Command), in Milan
Gruppo Servizi di Supporto (Support Services Squadron)
Compagnia Protezione delle Forze (Force Protection Company)
Air Force Logistic Command
The Air Force Logistic Command provides operational units with all the required necessary logistics, combat support and service support functions.
Comando Logistico dell'Aeronautica Militare (Air Force Logistic Command), in Rome
Divisione Aerea di Sperimentazione Aeronautica e Spaziale (Division of Aeronautical and Space Experimentation - DASAS), at Pratica di Mare Air Base[12]
2ª Divisione – Supporto Tecnico Operativo Aeromobili, Armamento e Avionica (2nd Division – Aircraft, Armaments and Avionics Support), in Rome
3ª Divisione – Supporto Tecnico Operativo Sistemi Comando e Controllo, Comunicazioni e Telematica (3rd Division – Command and Control, Communication e IT Support), in Rome
Servizio dei Supporti (Support Service), in Rome
Servizio di Commissariato e Amministrazione (Commissariat and Administration Service), in Rome
Servizio Infrastrutture (Infrastructure Service), in Rome
Servizio Sanitario Aeronautica Militare (Air Force Medical Service), in Rome
Italian Air Force Delegation, at the International Eurofighter Support Team, at EADS CASA, in Madrid (Spain)
Italian Air Force Delegation, at the International Eurofighter Support Team and International Weapon System Support Centre, at Eurofighter GmbH, in Hallbergmoos (Germany)
Italian Air Force remote radar stations Remote radar station with Selex RAT-31DL Remote radar station with AN/FPS-117 Command and Control Centers Abandoned station
3ª Divisione – Supporto Tecnico Operativo Sistemi Comando e Controllo, Comunicazioni e Telematica (3rd Division – Command and Control, Communication e IT Support), in Rome
1° Reparto - Sistemi Difesa Aerea, Assistenza al Volo, Telecomunicazioni (1st Department - Air-defence, Flight Support, and Communication Systems)
2° Reparto - Sistemi Automatizzati (2nd Department - Automatic Systems) providing hardware and software support
Reparto Gestione ed Innovazione Sistemi Comando e Controllo (Command and Control Systems Maintenance and Innovation Regiment - ReGISCC), at Pratica di Mare Air Base (Manages the air force's classified communication network)
Gruppo Gestione Sistemi Comando e Controllo (Command and Control Systems Management Squadron)
Gruppo Innovazione, Sviluppo e Sperimentazione C4-ISR (C4-ISR Innovations, Development and Experimentation Squadron)
Reparto Sistemi Informativi Automatizzati (Automatic Information Systems Regiment - ReSIA), in Acquasanta
4th Communication and Air-defence Systems and Flight Support Brigade
4ª Brigata Telecomunicazioni e Sistemi per la Difesa Aerea e l’Assistenza al Volo (4th Communication and Air-defence Systems and Flight Support Brigade - 4ª Brigata TLC e Sist. DA/AV), at Latina Air Base
Gruppo Addestramento e Formazione TLC e Sist. DA/AV (Training and Formation Squadron)
Compagnia Protezione delle Forze (Force Protection Company)
1° Reparto Tecnico Comunicazioni (1st Technical Communications Regiment), in Milan
The Comando Scuole dell'Aeronautica Militare - 3ª Regione Aerea' (Air Force Schools Command - 3rd Air Region CSAM/3ªRA) is based in Bari and responsible for the formation and training of all members of the Aeronautica Militare, and also provides territorial functions and liaisons with communal, provincial and regional administrations in the South of Italy.
Centro Addestramento Equipaggi - Multi Crew (Crew Training Center - Multi Crew, for other armed services, police forces, and government agencies), at Pratica di Mare Air Base
204° Gruppo Volo (204th Squadron) with P.180 Avanti
Gruppo Istruzione Professionale (Professional Training Squadron)