The components of the diphthongs are phonetically close to the short vowels transcribed with the same symbols, so that /ei/ is phonetically more or less [e̞ɪ], whereas /øy/ and /øʉ/ are phonetically more or less, respectively, [ø̞ʏ] and [ø̞ʉ̞].[3]
Mimura, Tatsuyuki (2010a), Noruwee-go Sandnes-hoogen no aruhwabetto-kasiramoji-go no on'in-ron. [Phonology of the initialisms in the Sandnes dialect of Norwegian.] (in Japanese)
Mimura, Tatsuyuki (2010b), Noruwee-go Sandnes-hoogen no hukugoo-go akusento-kisoku [On the compound accent rules of the Sandnes dialect of Norwegian] (in Japanese), pp. 182–187