Monster Beach
Monster Beach is an Australian television series created by Bruce Kane, Maurice Argiro (who also created Kitty Is Not a Cat) and Patrick Crawley, which first premiered as a 70 minute TV special on Cartoon Network on 31 October 2014 and was then later commissioned as a full series airing in 2020. Originally produced by the companies Bogan Entertainment Solutions (later Studio Moshi) and Fragrant Gumtree Entertainment (in association with Cartoon Network Asia Pacific), it's the second locally animated production to be commissioned by the channel after Exchange Student Zero.[1] It was released on DVD on 1 June 2016 from Madman Entertainment. In 2017, a series was greenlit by Cartoon Network[2] for a 52 episode TV series consisting of 11 minute episodes; a pilot episode based on the televised film itself was announced but never released.[3] The series started airing on Cartoon Network Australia on 11 April 2020 and won Best Animated TV Programme at the 2020 Content Asia Awards.[4] Monster Beach is animated by Studio Moshi[5] in Australia and Inspidea[6] in Malaysia. SynopsisDean and his sister Jan visit their Uncle Woody on Iki-Iki Island for a relaxing Summer vacation at Mondo Beach, however they discover that it is now become "Monster Beach" when the late king's son Dr. Knutt used magic to curse the peaceful beach-goers (and accidentally himself) into monsters. The two siblings enjoy hanging out with their new ghoulish friends and have fun adventures with them, but often have to deal with anything that ruins it like Dr. Knutt trying to claim ownership of his father's island with the help of his Tiki minions, and the business antics of greedy resort tycoon Frances Butterfield. Voice cast
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