"Marvellous!" is a single by The Twelfth Man, a series of comedy productions by skilled impersonator Billy Birmingham. The single peaked at No. 1 on the Australian ARIA Singles Chart in April 1992. In response to the single's release, Richie Benaud tried replacing his titular catchphrase, which the song is themed around with "glorious!". However, this did not stop it from reaching number one.[1] Birmingham later re-recorded the track for his 2006 album Boned!. Track listingCD single (EMI – 4360152)
PersonnelThe personnel for the backing vocals, credited as The First XI Choir, are listed in the style of the batting lineup of a cricket team. In order of listing on the album sleeve:
Lead vocals were by Birmingham, credited as "M.C.G. Hammer", a portmanteau of MCG and MC Hammer. "D.I. Esel" also played guitar on the track. ChartsWeekly charts
Year-end charts
See alsoReferences