Bruce 2000
"Bruce 2000" (subtitled "A "Special" Tribute By The 12th Man") is a single by The Twelfth Man, a series of comedy productions by skilled impersonator Billy Birmingham. The single is a satirical commentary on Australian sports commentator Bruce McAvaney.[1] The song was released in December 2000 peaked at number 5 on the ARIA Charts. At the ARIA Music Awards of 2001, the single was nominated for Best Comedy Release, losing to Whatever by Guido Hatzis.[2] Background and releaseDuring the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, Birmingham and Mick Molloy broadcast a national radio show on Triple M, covering the Olympics. The show was called "Going for Bronze" and Birmingham would impersonate Bruce MacAvaney for a recurring segment of the show, which involved them noting Bruce was recording in a near-by studio, with Birmingham asking him to open the door to reveal Birmingham doing a one-liner with Bruce's voice. Birmingham pre-recorded these one-liners in the cupboard of the hotel room he stayed at while working on the show.[3] At the completion of the Olympics, Birmingham linked all the Bruce impersonations with background music to create "Bruce 2000", telling people it was a "great way to remember the Sydney Olympics in less than 4 and a half minutes".[4] Music videoA music video, running for three minutes and forty-two seconds is composed of footage from Seven's coverage of the 2000 Sydney Olympics. Track listingCD single (EMI – 724388988322)