Jaragua massacre
July 1503
Jaragua, Hispaniola
Killing of indigenous natives from the town of Xaragua on the island of Hispaniola
1804 Haiti massacre
February 1804 – 22 April 1804
All across the country
3,000 to 5,000
Genocide of Haiti's white population on the orders of the Haitian black general Jean-Jacques Dessalines.[1]
Virgins of Galindo
Several weeks after Haitian unification of 1822
Santo Domingo, Haiti
Refers to three maiden sisters (aged 7–16) that were slaughtered and then raped and dismembered shortly after the assassination of their father, at the Galindo Manor, located outside the city walls of Santo Domingo believed to be committed by Haitian occupation soldiers,[2] but some archives suggest it was done by civilian men on both sides of the island.[3][4]
Les Cayes massacre
6 December 1929
Marchaterre, Les Cayes
United States Marine Corps troops fire upon a group of 1,500 Haitians in Les Cayes who were protesting against the United States occupation of Haiti
Fignolists massacre
16-17 June 1957
After Kébreau's coup against Daniel Fignolé, the Haitian army massacred an unknown number of supporters of the deposed president.[5][6][7]
Massacre of 26 of April 1963
26 April 1963
Assassinations and arrests of dozens of alleged opponents of the Duvalier dictatorship and their families, mostly soldiers, before he declared himself "president for life" the following year.[8]
Massacre of the peasants of Mapou
July and August 1964
Arrondissement of Belle-Anse, Southeast Haiti
In response to an incursion by 15 anti-Duvalier militants of the FARH (Forces Armées Révolutionnaires d’Haïti) on June 29, the Haitian army, the militia, the paramilitary forces, death squads and the secret police known as the Tonton Macoutes (Volontaires de la Sécurité Nationale, VSN) killed several hundred residents of the towns of Thiotte, Grand-Gosier, Belle-Anse (Saltrou) and Anse-a-Pitres on the orders of the Haitian dictator François Duvalier (Papa Doc). The largest numbers of killings occurred in Mapou, a section of Belle-Anse, including at least 45 members of the Madoumbe family. Nineteen members of the family Fandal were shot, mainly in Thiotte. Government forces never successfully engaged the rebels, who abandoned their efforts in August 1964. Arbitrary executions continued to be frequent through 1965.[9][10]
Jérémie Vespers
August through October 1964
Jérémie, Grand Anse, Haiti
All members of several Jeremie families were executed in retaliation for the attempted guerrilla incursion in August by 13 members of "Jeune Haiti." Children and elderly people were amongst those murdered by the army, the secret police, private militia and other elements of François Duvalier dictatorship.
Fort Dimanche massacre
26 April 1986
Fort Dimanche, Port-au-Prince
Soldiers opened fire on demonstrators during a mass in memory of the victims of the 1963 massacre in front of Fort Dimanche facilities in Port-au-Prince, which caused numerous victims.
Jean-Rabel massacre
23 July 1987
Battle between wealthy landowners and a land-reform group
Haitian general election, 1987
November 1987
All across the country
Attacks on voters.[13]
St. Jean Bosco massacre
11 September 1988
Politically motivated attack on a church service, which was being led by future-President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who was a priest at the time.[15]
Pétionville bombing
5 December 1990
Pétion-Ville, Ouest Port-au-Prince
Raboteau massacre
22 April 1994
Massacre of civilian demonstrators.[21]
2018 Port-au-Prince massacre
13–18 November 2018
La Saline, Port-au-Prince
Massacre of civilians by masked men [22]
Croix-des-Bouquets jailbreak
25 February 2021
Croix-des-Bouquets, Ouest
More than 400 prisoners escaped during the jailbreak
Bel Air massacre
27 August 2020 - 15 May 2021
Belair, Port-au-Prince
16 Wounded
Battle of Plaine du Cul-de-Sac
24 April and 6 May 2022
Plaine du Cul-de-Sac, Port-au-Prince
Clashes broke out between the 400 Mawozo gang and the Chen Mechan gang, Nearly 200 people were killed, many of whom were civilians.
2022 Port-au-Prince gang battles
8-9 July 2022
Outbreak of gang violence occurred in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince, leaving 89 people dead and over 74 injured
2022 Cabaret attack
28-29 November 2022
20 people were killed by armed gangs in the town of Cabaret, a suburb of the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince.
2024 Pont-Sondé attack
3 October 2024
Pont-Sondé, Artibonite department
Armed gunmen from the Gran Grif gang commit a mass shooting with automatic rifles and a series of arson attacks in the town of Pont-Sondé, killing 115+ people and seriously injuring 50 others
2024 Cité Soleil massacre
6-7 December 2024
Cité Soleil, Port-au-Prince
Massacre of elderly practitioners of Haitian Vodou.