Libyan units of measurementA number of different units of measurement were used in Libya to measure length, mass, area, etc. The metric system was adopted in Libya in 1927.[1] System before the metric systemA number of different units were used. LengthSeveral units were used to measure length. One pik was equal to 0.68 m as it was defined by metric equivalent.[2][3] Some other units are given below (Note: these units too were defined by metric equivalents): 1 handaze = 1 pik 1 palmo = 1⁄3 pik 1 draa = 0.46 m.[2][3] In Tripoli, draa was equal to 26.42 in and arbi draa (lesser pik) was equal to 19.029 in.[4] MassA number of units were used to measure mass. One rottolo was equal to 0.512 8 kg as it was defined by metric equivalent.[2][3] Some other units are given below (Note: these units too were defined by metric equivalents): 1 oka = 2.5 rottolo = 1282 g 1 metical = 4.76 g 1 kharouba = 1⁄2560 oka 1 dram = 1⁄160 oka 1 termino = 1⁄128 oka 1 uckin = 1⁄16 oka 1 mattaro = 42 oka 1 cantar = 100 oka.[2][3] In Tripoli, metical (73.6 grains) wnuas to measure gold and silver.[4] AreaSeveral units were used to measure area. One pik2 was equal to 0.4624 m2 as it was defined by it metric equivalent.[2][3] Some other units were given below: 1 denum = 1600 pik2 CapacityTwo systems, dry and liquid were used to measure capacity. DrySeveral units were used to measure dry capacity. One orba was equal to 7.5 L as it was defined by metric equivalent (According to some sources, one orba was equal to 7.692 L[3]).[2] Some other units were given below: 1 nufsorbah = 1⁄2 orba 1 marta = 2 orba[3] 1 kele = 2 orba[3] 1 temen = 4 orba Following units were also used to measure dry capacity by weight: 1 oka =1282 g (defined by metric equivalent) 1 marta = 11–14 (oka of water) 1 kele = 2 marta.[2][3] In Tripoli, 1 cafiso (20 tiberi) was equal to 1.152 bushels.[4] LiquidSeveral units were used to measure liquid capacity. One barile was equal to 64.8 L as it was defined by metric equivalent (According to sources, one barile was equal to 62.4975 L.[3]).[2] One bozze was equal to 1/24 barile.[2][3] One gorraf was equal to 1/5 barrile, and giarra was nearly equal to 50/71 barile.[3] Following units were also used to measure liquid capacity by weight: 1 oka = 1282 g (defined by metric equivalent) 1 gorraf = 9.75 oka (of water) 1 giarra = 58.5 oka.[2][3] In Tripoli, Mataro, for oil, was equal to 9.163 gal.[4] Barca and Fezzan had the same units as units in Tripoli.[4] References