Diagnosis of multiple sclerosis

Diagnosis of multiple sclerosis
Animation showing dissemination of brain lesions in time and space as demonstrated by monthly MRI studies along a year
Purposediagnosis via lab test, imaging and symptoms

Current standards for diagnosing multiple sclerosis (MS) are based on the 2018 revision of McDonald criteria. They rely on MRI detection (or clinical demonstration) of demyelinating lesions in the CNS, which are distributed in space (DIS) and in time (DIT). It is also a requirement that any possible known disease that produces demyelinating lesions is ruled out before applying McDonald's criteria.[citation needed]

This last requirement makes MS an ill-defined entity, whose borders change every time that a new disease is set apart. Some cases previously considered MS are now considered distinct conditions, like Neuromyelitis optica or antiMOG associated encephalomyelitis. Because of the requirement of distributed lesions, a single lesion (RIS) is not considered MS. For the same reason, the prodromal stage of MS (the unknown condition that causes the lesions) would not be considered as MS if it could be found.[citation needed]

Sometimes the diagnosis must be retrospective, relying on gradual worsening of neurological signs/symptoms, due to the lack of understanding of the pathogenicity driving disease progression.[1] However, the only definite diagnosis of MS is post-mortem autopsy, where lesions typical of MS can be detected through histopathological techniques.[2][3]


Multiple sclerosis is typically diagnosed based on the presenting signs and symptoms, in combination with supporting medical imaging and laboratory testing.[4] It can be difficult to confirm, especially early on, since the signs and symptoms may be similar to those of other medical problems.[5][6]

The McDonald criteria, which focus on clinical, laboratory, and radiologic evidence of lesions at different times and in different areas, is the most commonly used method of diagnosis[7] with the Schumacher and Poser criteria being of mostly historical significance.[8] While the above criteria allow for a non-invasive diagnosis, some state that the only definitive proof is an autopsy or biopsy where lesions typical of MS are detected.[5][2][3]

Clinical data alone may be sufficient for a diagnosis of MS if an individual has had separate episodes of neurologic symptoms characteristic of the disease.[2] In those who seek medical attention after only one attack, other testing is needed for the diagnosis. The most commonly used diagnostic tools are neuroimaging, analysis of cerebrospinal fluid and evoked potentials. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and spine may show areas of demyelination (lesions or plaques). Gadolinium can be administered intravenously as a contrast agent to highlight active plaques and, by elimination, demonstrate the existence of historical lesions not associated with symptoms at the moment of the evaluation.[2][9] Testing of cerebrospinal fluid obtained from a lumbar puncture can provide evidence of chronic inflammation in the central nervous system. The cerebrospinal fluid is tested for oligoclonal bands of IgG on electrophoresis, which are inflammation markers found in 75–85% of people with MS.[2][10] The nervous system in MS may respond less actively to stimulation of the optic nerve and sensory nerves due to demyelination of such pathways. These brain responses can be examined using visual- and sensory-evoked potentials.[11]

Prodromal or early phase

Studies have found increased interactions with health services by people who were diagnosed with MS several years later. The range of symptoms included pain and fatigue. Studies continue on whether MS has a prodromal or early phase, and could possibly be diagnosed and treated much earlier.[12][13][14][15]

DMT effectiveness

A range of disease-modifying treatments (DMT) are now available, to reduce the long-term progression of MS. Studies are increasingly indicating that early and aggressive use of DMTs is beneficial for long-term outcomes.[16][17]

Diagnostic criteria

McDonald criteria

As of 2021, the McDonald criteria for MS are the most commonly used.

The 2017 McDonald criteria can be summarize in this table:

Clinical Presentation Additional Data Needed
* 2 or more attacks (relapses)
* 2 or more objective clinical lesions
None; clinical evidence will suffice (additional evidence desirable but must be consistent with MS)
* 2 or more attacks
* 1 objective clinical lesion (as well as clear-cut historical evidence of a previous attack involving a lesion in a distinct anatomical location)
* 2 or more attacks
* 1 objective clinical lesion
Dissemination in space, demonstrated by an additional clinical attack implication a different CNS site or by MRI.
* 1 attack
* 2 or more objective clinical lesions
Dissemination in time, demonstrated by an additional clinical attack or by MRI


Demonstration of CSF-specific oligoclonal bands

* 1 attack
* 1 objective clinical lesion
(monosymptomatic presentation)
Dissemination in space demonstrated by an additional clinical attack implicating a different CNS site or by MRI.
Dissemination in time demonstrated by an additional clinical attack or by MRI, OR

Demonstration of CSF-specific oligoclonal bands

Insidious neurological progression
suggestive of MS
(primary progressive MS)
One year of disease progression (retrospectively or prospectively determined) and

Two of the following:

  • One or more T2-hyperintense lesions characteristic of multiple sclerosis in one or more of the following brain regions: periventricular, cortical or juxtacortical, or infratentorial
  • Two or more T2-hyperintense lesions in the spinal cord
  • Presence of CSF-specific oligoclonal bands

Okuda Criteria

These criteria, used mainly for research in MS, define what should be considered a Radiologically Isolated Syndrome (RIS).[18] Some reports point to the possibility of predicting RIS to CIS conversion based on oligoclonal bands and neurofilament light chain.[19]

Research into diagnostic techniques

Multiple sclerosis diagnosis can only be made when there is proof of lesions disseminated in time and in space. Therefore, when damage in the CNS is big enough to be seen. It would be desirable to make it faster.

The ideal diagnosis schema would be able to determine for any given subject, if he will develop MS, at any point in his life, and when. Nevertheless, not enough is currently known about the MS underlying conditions to achieve that.

In order to get as close as possible to the ideal diagnosis status, a lot of research into multiple sclerosis biomarkers is taking place currently.[citation needed]

Biomarkers in MS

An active field of research is looking for biomarkers for MS that could speed-up the diagnosis doing it more accurate at the same time. While most of them are still under research, there are some of them already well stablished:

  • oligoclonal bands: They present proteins that are in the CNS or in blood. Those that are in CNS but not in blood suggest a diagnosis of MS.
  • MRZ reaction: A polyspecific antiviral immune response against the viruses of measles, rubella and zoster found in 1992.[20] In some reports the MRZR showed a lower sensitivity than OCB (70% vs. 100%), but a higher specificity (69% vs. 92%) for MS.[20]
  • free light chains (FLC), specially the kappa-FLCs (kFLCs). Several authors have reported that the nephelometric and ELISA FLCs determination is comparable with OCBs as markers of IgG synthesis, and kFLCs behave even better than oligoclonal bands.[21]

Differential diagnosis

Several conditions can mimic MS. Given the unknown pathogenesis of MS, its differential diagnosis is based in exclusion of known conditions.[citation needed]

Very close diseases with similar symptoms are the whole "inflammatory demyelinating diseases spectrum", specially neuromyelitis optica and anti-MOG associated encephalomyelitis.[citation needed]

Outside this spectrum, another important mimic is neuroborreliosis. A Borrelia-specific IgG index exists, and testing for it could make the differential diagnosis.[22]

Clinical courses

Progression of MS subtypes, 1996 revision

Several phenotypes (commonly named types), or patterns of progression, have been described. Phenotypes use the past course of the disease in an attempt to predict the future course. They are important not only for prognosis but also for treatment decisions. In 1996, the United States National Multiple Sclerosis Society described four clinical courses.[23]

The original structure approved in 1996, sometimes still used, was:

  1. relapsing-remitting
  2. secondary progressive (SPMS)
  3. primary progressive (PPMS)
  4. progressive relapsing.

This set of courses was reviewed by an international panel in 2013,[24][25] adding clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) and radiologically isolated syndrome (RIS) as phenotypes, and finally removing the "progressive relapsing" phenotype. They also added modificators for the clinical courses based on a pair of characteristics: Active/non-active and with/without progression.

The four currently accepted courses or stages are:

  1. Clinically isolated syndrome (CIS)
  2. Relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS)
  3. Primary progressive MS (PPMS)
  4. Secondary progressive MS (SPMS)


The relapsing-remitting subtype is characterized by unpredictable relapses followed by periods of months to years of relative quiet (remission) with no new signs of disease activity. Deficits that occur during attacks may either resolve or leave problems, the latter in about 40% of attacks and being more common the longer a person has had the disease.[4][5] This describes the initial course of 80% of individuals with MS.[5] When deficits always resolve between attacks, this is sometimes referred to as benign MS,[26] although people will still build up some degree of disability in the long term.[5] On the other hand, the term malignant multiple sclerosis is used to describe people with MS having reached significant level of disability in a short period.[27] The relapsing-remitting subtype usually begins with a clinically isolated syndrome (CIS). In CIS, a person has an attack suggestive of demyelination, but does not fulfill the criteria for multiple sclerosis.[5][28] 30 to 70% of persons experiencing CIS later develop MS.[28]

Secondary progressive

Nerve axon with myelin sheath

Secondary progressive MS occurs in around 65% of those with initial relapsing-remitting MS, who eventually have progressive neurologic decline between acute attacks without any definite periods of remission.[5][23] Occasional relapses and minor remissions may appear.[23] The most common length of time between disease onset and conversion from relapsing-remitting to secondary progressive MS is 19 years.[29]

Primary progressive

The primary progressive subtype occurs in approximately 10–20% of individuals, with no remission after the initial symptoms.[4][30] It is characterized by progression of disability from onset, with no, or only occasional and minor, remissions and improvements.[23] The usual age of onset for the primary progressive subtype is later than of the relapsing-remitting subtype. It is similar to the age that secondary progressive usually begins in relapsing-remitting MS, around 40 years of age.[5]

Progressive relapsing

Progressive relapsing MS describes those individuals who, from onset, have a steady neurologic decline but also have clear superimposed attacks. This is the least common of all subtypes.[23]

Atypical MS

Unusual types of MS have been described; these include Devic's disease, Balo concentric sclerosis, Schilder's diffuse sclerosis, and Marburg multiple sclerosis. There is debate on whether they are MS variants or different diseases.[31] Multiple sclerosis behaves differently in children, taking more time to reach the progressive stage.[5] Nevertheless, they still reach it at a lower average age than adults usually do.[5]


Since the first description of multiple sclerosis (MS) by Charcot, the Neurological community has been striving to create reliable and reproducible criteria for diagnosis of MS.[32] The first attempts were made by Charcot himself, followed by Marburg and later Allison. The first criteria however were lacking in sensitivity and specificity for clinical use.[32]

The first landmark event in the history of diagnostic criteria for MS was the development of the Schumacher criteria. These were the first internationally recognized criteria for diagnosis of MS and introduced very important diagnostic concepts that are the cornerstone of MS diagnosis nowadays, such as the clinical definition of MS and the requirement of dissemination in time and space for accurate diagnosis.[citation needed]

Since then, other diagnostic criteria have been proposed. Among them, Poser criteria utilized several laboratory and paraclinical studies to enhance the diagnostic accuracy. McDonald criteria, which are the ones used today, successfully introduced MRI findings as surrogates for the criterion of dissemination in time and space when clinical data are lacking, thus allowing earlier diagnosis of MS.[32]

Historic diagnostic criteria

Schumacher criteria

To get a diagnosis of CDMS a patient must show the following:[33]

  1. Clinical signs of a problem in the CNS
  2. Evidence of two or more areas of CNS involvement
  3. Evidence of white matter involvement
  4. One of these: Two or more relapses (each lasting ≥ 24 hr and separated by at least 1 month) or progression (slow or stepwise)
  5. Patient should be between 10 and 50 yr old at time of examination
  6. No better explanation for patient's symptoms and signs

The last condition, no better explanation for symptoms, has been heavily criticised, but it has been preserved and it is currently included in the new McDonalds criteria in the form that "no better explanation should exist for MRI observations"[This quote needs a citation]

Poser criteria

Poser criteria can be summarized in this table:

Any of the five conclusions have subpossibilities. Here a table is shown with each one of them:

Clinical Presentation Additional Data Needed
CDMS * Two or more attacks (relapses) Two clinical evidence
One clinical and one paraclinical evidence
LSDMS * At least one attack and oligoclonal bands Two attacks and one evidence (clinical or paraclinical)
One attack and two clinical evidences
One attack, one clinical and one paraclinical evidences
CPMS * At least one attack Two attacks and one clinical evidence
One attack and two clinical evidences
One attack, one clinical and one paraclinical evidences
LSPMS * Two attacks No more evidence is required

If none of these requirements is fulfilled, the diagnosis is "No MS", meaning that there is not enough clinical evidence to support a clinical diagnosis of MS.

Barkhof-Tintoré criteria

Barkhof criteria,[34] later modified by Tintoré[35] were an early attempt to use MRI to diagnose MS. It was developed by Frederik Barkhof.[34]

Their observations were taken into account when McDonald criteria were published, and therefore they can be considered deprecated by the latter.


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Territorial settlement which ended the Russo-Turkish War of 1828–29 For other treaties signed in Adrianople (Edirne), see Treaty of Edirne (disambiguation). Moscow Triumphal Gate in St. Petersburg (1836–1838) commemorates Russia's victory in the Russo-Turkish War of 1828–1829. Territorial changes since the Treaty of Adrianople.[1] The Treaty of Adrianople (also called the Treaty of Edirne) concluded the Russo-Turkish War of 1828–29, between Imperial Russia and the Ottoman Empire.…

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In this Vietnamese name, the surname is Nguyễn, but is often simplified to Nguyen in English-language text. In accordance with Vietnamese custom, this person should be referred to by the given name, Điền. You can help expand this article with text translated from the corresponding article in Vietnamese. (May 2024) Click [show] for important translation instructions. Machine translation, like DeepL or Google Translate, is a useful starting point for translations, but translators must re…

Patterson HoodPatterson Hood, 2022Background informationBorn (1964-03-24) March 24, 1964 (age 60)Muscle Shoals, AlabamaUnited StatesGenres Southern rock country rock rock and roll Occupation(s)MusiciansongwriterInstrument(s)VocalsguitarYears active1984–presentLabels ATO Records MapleMusic Recordings New West Records Websitepattersonhood.comMusical artist Patterson David Hood (born March 24, 1964) is an American singer-songwriter and co-founder of the band Drive-By Truckers. Early life Hoo…

Short polemical book published in 1940For the Colombian film, see Guilty Men (film). Guilty Men is a British polemical book written under the pseudonym Cato that was published in July 1940, after the failure of British forces to prevent the defeat and occupation of Norway and France by Nazi Germany. It attacked fifteen public figures for their failed policies towards Germany and for their failure to re-equip the British armed forces. In denouncing appeasement, it defined the policy as the delibe…

Australian politician The Right HonourableSir Frederick Matthew DarleyGCMGSir Frederick Darley6th Chief Justice of New South WalesIn office29 November 1886 – 4 January 1910Preceded bySir Julian SalomonsSucceeded bySir William CullenLieutenant-Governor of New South WalesIn office26 November 1891 – 30 March 1910Preceded bySir Alfred StephenSucceeded bySir William CullenMember of the Legislative Council of New South WalesIn office13 October 1868 – 1 December 188…

Part of the LGBT rights seriesLegal status ofsame-sex unions Marriage Andorra Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Denmark Ecuador Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Iceland Ireland Liechtenstein* Luxembourg Malta Mexico Nepal Netherlands1 New Zealand2 Norway Portugal Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan United Kingdom3 United States4 Uruguay Recognized Israel5 Civil unions andregistered partnerships Bolivia Croatia Cyprus Czech Rep…

For related races, see 2018 United States Senate elections. 2018 United States Senate election in Maine ← 2012 November 6, 2018 2024 → Turnout59.96%   Nominee Angus King Eric Brakey Zak Ringelstein Party Independent Republican Democratic Popular vote 344,575 223,502 66,268 Percentage 54.31% 35.23% 10.45% County results Congressional district results Municipality resultsKing:      40–50%      50–60%   …

1954 novel by William Golding This article is about the novel by William Golding. For the film adaptations, see Lord of the Flies (1963 film) and Lord of the Flies (1990 film). For other uses, see Lord of the Flies (disambiguation). Lord of the Flies The original UK Lord of the Flies book coverAuthorWilliam GoldingCover artistAnthony Gross[1]GenreAllegorical novelPublisherFaber and FaberPublication date17 September 1954Publication placeUnited KingdomPages224[2]OCLC47677622 L…

يفتقر محتوى هذه المقالة إلى الاستشهاد بمصادر. فضلاً، ساهم في تطوير هذه المقالة من خلال إضافة مصادر موثوق بها. أي معلومات غير موثقة يمكن التشكيك بها وإزالتها. (فبراير 2016) صورة قديمة لمدرسة التوفيقية مدرسه التوفيقيه الثانوية هي مدرسة مصرية قديمة وعريقة يرجع تاريخ إنشائها إلى ع…

دينيس سواريز (بالإسبانية: Denis Suárez)‏  معلومات شخصية الاسم الكامل دينيس سواريز فيرنانديز الميلاد 6 يناير 1994 (العمر 30 سنة)سالثيدا دي كاسيلاس، إسبانيا الطول 1.76 م (5 قدم 9 1⁄2 بوصة) مركز اللعب وسط مهاجم الجنسية إسبانيا  معلومات النادي النادي الحالي فياريال الرقم 12 …

中国共产党 历史 - 章程 - 组织 - 领导 最高领导人 中央委员会主席 中央委员会副主席 中央委员会总书记 中央政治局常务委员会委员 中央委员会秘书长 中央书记处总书记 标志和制度 党旗、党徽、党报、党刊 领导集体、干部制度、民主集中制 纪律检查机关 指导思想 马克思列宁主义 毛泽东思想 中国特色社会主义理论体系 邓小平理论 “三个代表”重要思想 科学发展观 习近平…