Cooku with Comali 4 is the fourth season of the Tamil-language reality cooking TV show Cooku with Comali, that launched on 28 January 2023 on Star Vijay. Over four years, Cooku with Comali has rolled out three seasons and Rakshan has officially once again been appointed as the host for the fourth time. Chef Damodharan and Kamal Haasan as the Judges. Actor Suresh appeared as a guest judge in lieu of chef Kamal Haasan absence. Manimegalai has re-joined as the co-host.[1]Mime Gopi won the title on 30 July 2023.[2][3]
The first promo was released on 6 January 2023[7] with the slogan "Cook with Comali Sirika Readya Pangali". First episode was telecasted on 28 Jan sat 9.30 pm [8]