The 2011 Census of India showed that Ayodhya Cantonment had a population of 12,391 in 2,014 households.[6][2]
There were 7,744 males and 4,647 females.[6][2] The sex ratio was 600.1 females per 1,000 males.[6]
There were 1,368 children of six and under:[6] 716 boys and 652 girls, giving a sex ratio of 910.6 girls per 1,000 boys.[6]
There were 9,783 literates (89% of the population over six), of which 6,595 were male and 3,188 were female (85% and 69% of the male and female population over six).[6]
^"Home page", Ayodhya Cantonment Board, Ministry of Defence, The Cantonment Board Ayodhya (CBA) is an autonomous body under the control of Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India and discharges obligatory and discretionary functions as per the provisions of Cantonment Act 2006.