Every infinite-dimensional, separable Fréchet space is homeomorphic to the Cartesian product of countably many copies of the real line
Kadec norm: A norm on a normed linear space is called a Kadec norm with respect to a total subset of the dual space if for each sequence the following condition is satisfied:
If for and then
Eidelheit theorem: A Fréchet space is either isomorphic to a Banach space, or has a quotient space isomorphic to
Kadec renorming theorem: Every separable Banach space admits a Kadec norm with respect to a countable total subset of The new norm is equivalent to the original norm of The set can be taken to be any weak-star dense countable subset of the unit ball of
Sketch of the proof
In the argument below denotes an infinite-dimensional separable Fréchet space and the relation of topological equivalence (existence of homeomorphism).
A starting point of the proof of the Anderson–Kadec theorem is Kadec's proof that any infinite-dimensional separable Banach space is homeomorphic to
From Eidelheit theorem, it is enough to consider Fréchet space that are not isomorphic to a Banach space. In that case there they have a quotient that is isomorphic to A result of Bartle-Graves-Michael proves that then
for some Fréchet space
On the other hand, is a closed subspace of a countable infinite product of separable Banach spaces of separable Banach spaces. The same result of Bartle-Graves-Michael applied to gives a homeomorphism
for some Fréchet space From Kadec's result the countable product of infinite-dimensional separable Banach spaces is homeomorphic to
The proof of Anderson–Kadec theorem consists of the sequence of equivalences