The sixth and final season of the American television sitcom 2 Broke Girls premiered on CBS on October 10, 2016, and concluded on April 17, 2017. The series was created and executively produced by Michael Patrick King and Whitney Cummings. The season focuses on Max Black and Caroline Channing, a sarcastic below-the-poverty-line waitress, and Caroline Channing, a disgraced New York socialite turned waitress, as they continue their cupcake business venture.
This is the second time that a season premieres on October instead of September, and the first time the season ended in April instead of May. On May 12, 2017, it was announced the series was canceled after six seasons. The season finale, titled "And 2 Broke Girls: The Movie", now serves as a de factoseries finale.[1][2][3]
The final season follows Max Black (Kat Dennings) and Caroline Channing (Beth Behrs) as they continue to delve into their business venture, Max's Homemade Cupcakes, as their personal lives and relationships become more and more complicated. Following the end of season five, Max and Caroline are now part-owners of the Brooklyn diner, along with Han. Sophie and Oleg navigate through the complications of becoming new parents, as their differences and similarities come into play on their now growing family.
In the first half hour, the girls try to balance working at the diner, in which they now own a majority share, and opening their dessert bar. In the second half hour, Sophie delivers her baby daughter, Barbara. Throughout each episode, Max is continually sexting and video-chatting with Randy, who has moved back to California.
The girls go out of their way to get a hip, wealthy crowd to patronize their dessert bar, but only succeed in attracting a group of tough women who are into arm wrestling. Meanwhile, Oleg and Sophie are both going crazy over the fact that Sophie cannot have sex for 30 days after delivering her baby.
Oleg's mother Olga (Mercedes Ruehl) arrives from Ukraine for Barbara's Christening, and quickly disapproves of Max and Caroline being the godparents. Remembering that Earl is an ordained minister, Oleg, Sophie and the girls arrange to have a secret baptism performed in the dessert bar.
Final tally for cupcake business venture: $1,845.25
After a local trade magazine reviews the dessert bar, Caroline is invited to speak to a business class at Wharton, her alma mater. She brings along Max, who is determined to give Caroline the full college experience she missed out on as a student. Meanwhile, Sophie won't ever let Barbara out of her sight, causing Oleg to take drastic measures to ensure he gets time for bonding with his daughter.
Final tally for cupcake business venture: $2,710.15
When Randy tells Max he has an upcoming hour layover in Newark, Caroline insists that Max go there to meet him. Max is otherwise occupied making a special-order cake for a dessert bar customer, and Han later accidentally destroys the cake. Meanwhile, an old flame of Earl's from 1961 returns from Cuba and looks him up.
Final tally for cupcake business venture: $3,710.65
When the girls take a bartending class in order to expand the cocktail menu at their dessert bar, Caroline must think quickly when she has to take the class exam solo after Max gets chicken pox from Han. Also, Sophie creates a creepy lookalike video monitor doll to keep tabs on baby Barbara.
Final tally for cupcake business venture: $3,340.35
The girls hire a bartender who has a "following" and it leads to a very successful night at the dessert bar. His specialty drink contains cacao, to which Han becomes addicted as he tries to create a duck stamp for a U.S. Postal Service contest. Meanwhile, Sophie finds she has no time to do her hair and makeup with Barbara taking all her attention.
Max and Randy arrange a "double date" with Caroline and Randy's young New York associate, Tyler, though Randy is only available via computer screen on FaceTime. Caroline, who hasn't had sex in two years, tries everything she can to be alone with Tyler, but Max's breakup with Randy gets in the way. Meanwhile, Oleg is upset when Sophie insists he sell his beloved Toyota Yaris so they can buy a minivan.
Final tally for cupcake business venture: $5,821.62
As the dessert bar prepares to host a large event, a hurricane hits Brooklyn, causing a power blackout. Max ponders whether her recent breakup from Randy is real, while Oleg worries because Sophie is at home alone with Barbara's handsome "manny".
Final tally for cupcake business venture: $5,521.62
Max wants to get back with Randy, and decides to travel to LA along with Caroline and Han. Han's car breaks down on-route, so they hitch a ride with a trucker called Becky who tells them about her friend "Sloppy Joe" who owns a plane that could get them to LA. The girls decide to travel on the plane, and Max continues to obsess over Randy. Max discovers that Randy is currently shooting a movie in Austin, Texas. Oleg and Sophie are left behind to run the diner while the group is away.
Final tally for cupcake business venture: $3,521.62
After being dropped off (quite literally) in the middle of nowhere by Sloppy Joe, the girls find their purses and all their money are missing. They stow away on a riverboat casino bound for New Orleans, and have to work as waitresses after being caught. Back home, Sophie and Oleg are taking care of Chestnut when they stumble upon a way to make money off of the horse.
Max and Caroline make it to Austin to see Randy on the movie set, where they are recruited to play extras in a zombie film. Meanwhile, Oleg tries to make repairs in the dessert bar, while lamenting the fact that Barbara keeps calling him "mama".
Upon returning home, Caroline loves the renovations in the dessert bar, and soon falls for Bobby (Christopher Gorham), the contractor Oleg hired. Before Caroline can act, Max gets a call that Randy had an accident in Manhattan and is in the hospital. Max and Randy get closure on their relationship, as Randy says he can't leave his business behind in L.A., while Max says she now has people in her life that are important to her. Meanwhile, Sophie joins a mothers group, but learns they all leave their babies with someone else and prefer to just party.
Caroline is reluctant to go on a "night date" with Bobby, because it means leaving Max to run the dessert bar alone. All during the date, Caroline constantly leaves Bobby to check in on Max, but it turns out Max is handling things fine, albeit differently than Caroline would.
Caroline goes all out to prepare for the crucial third date with Bobby, including buying some sexy underwear and taking burlesque lessons. Meanwhile, Max proclaims that she is done with sex and does one of the least sexy things possible – going golfing with Han.
Caroline visits Bobby's home to meet his mother (Nora Dunn), who is still hung up on Jessica, the woman to whom Bobby was "engaged to be engaged" over a year ago. Complicating things, the entire diner crew invite themselves to the party.
Final tally for cupcake business venture: $5,672.72
Han's therapist convinces him to close the diner on a Sunday for some "me" time, and Han later informs Max that he thinks he's located her father and set up a rendezvous in a Rhode Island diner. The diner crew takes a road trip in Oleg and Sophie's minivan, but Max's father doesn't show.
Final tally for cupcake business venture: $6,475.54
"And the Baby and Other Things"
Chris Poulos
Story by : Michael Lisbe & Nate Reger & Justin Sayre Teleplay by : Brian Rubenstein
Max sees a text on Bobby's phone that makes her suspect Jessica is having Bobby's baby. Trying to confirm it, she and Han pretend to be an engaged couple and visit Jessica's wedding planning business. Meanwhile, Caroline gets on the bad side of Bobby's mom (again) when she unknowingly convinces Bobby's sister Denise to quit working for their mom.
Final tally for cupcake business venture: $6,922.14
"And the Alley-Oops"
Jude Weng
Story by : Charles Brottmiller Teleplay by : Patrick Walsh & Michael Glouberman
Bobby reveals to Caroline that he has a passion for bowling, and invites her along to watch his team, the Alley Oops, play for a championship. Caroline later accidentally slams a door on the hand of the team's best bowler, forcing Max to bowl as a substitute. Meanwhile, Oleg and Sophie are determined to win Barbara a stuffed animal from a claw machine.
Final tally for cupcake business venture: $7,836.72
Caroline and Max are invited to an exclusive sneak preview of the movie made about Caroline's life. Candy Andy returns (the film's producers thought it would play better if Caroline ended up with him) making Bobby jealous, but he doesn't want to admit that to Caroline. Meanwhile, Earl and Sophie learn that their characters were combined into one person.
Final tally for cupcake business venture: $9,999.12
As the girls prepare for the premiere of The Princess and The Ponzi, they ask Han for a week leave to get properly dressed and they call in a top fashion designer. At the premiere, Caroline has a mishap with a $10,000 "on loan" dress, while Randy shows up unannounced. Max flees to the dessert bar, but Randy follows and says he's moving to New York permanently. He proposes to Max, and Caroline soon arrives to see the ring on Max's finger. It's then revealed that Bobby and Randy know each other and are enemies, due to Randy's firm rejecting Bobby's mother and sister for a reality show. As Max and Caroline are excited for the future, their men start to fight.
Final tally for cupcake business venture: $0.00
Viewership and ratings per episode of 2 Broke Girls season 6