Travels through the Alps of Savoy and Other Parts of the Pennine Chain, with Observations on the Phenomena of Glaciers. Black, Edinburgh 1843. (Digitalisat)
Karte des Eismeeres von Chamouni und der anliegenden Berge. Nach ausführlichen Untersuchungen im Jahre 1842. 1845. (Digitalisat)
Norway and its Glaciers visited in 1851; Followed by Journals of Excursions in the High Alps of Dauphiné, Berne and Savoy. Black, Edinburgh 1853. (Digitalisat)
A review of the progress of mathematical and physical science in more recent times, and particularly between the years 1775 and 1850, being one of the dissertations prefixed to the eight edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica Encyclopaedia Britannica. Black, Edinburgh 1858. (Digitalisat)
Occasional Papers on the Theory of Glaciers, now first collected and chronologically arranged, with a prefatory note on the recent progress and present aspect of the theory. Bläck, Edinburgh 1859. (Digitalisat)
A Tour of Mont Blanc and Monte Rosa, being a personal narrative, abridged from the author's "Travels in the Alps of Savoy". Black, Edinburgh 1855 (Digitalisat)