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60 Minuten – Gender & Diversity in der Wikipedia am 28. Oktober 2024Der nächste Workshop findet online am Montag, den 28. Oktober 2024 von 19:00 bis 20:00 Uhr statt. Auszeichnung zum Wartungsbausteinwettbewerb
60 Minuten – Gender & Diversity in der Wikipedia am 25. November 2024Der nächste Workshop findet online am Montag, den 24. Juni 2024 von 19:00 bis 20:00 Uhr statt. Mitteilungsblatt der Wikimedia Foundation, DezemberausgabeHier folgt eine schnelle Übersicht über die Höhepunkte bei der Wikimedia Foundation seit der zweiten Novemberausgabe des Mitteilungsblatts. Es wird das letzte Mitteilungsblatt für 2024 sein, in der zweiten Januarhälfte 2025 folgt die nächste Ausgabe. Bitte hilf bei der Übersetzung.
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Wikimedia Apps newsletter – Fourth quarter of 2024Hello, and welcome to the app's final newsletter of 2024! In this edition, we’ll highlight the key updates and progress made during October and November 2024! iOS Updates Personalized Wikipedia Year in Review In November, we released the first iteration of the Personalized Wikipedia Year in Review to users in Italy and Mexico, covering Italian, Spanish, and English Wikipedia! This experimental feature offers personalized insights based on reading, editing, and donation history for iOS app users for 2024. If this initial version is successful, we hope to improve upon it and make it available to everyone within the iOS app in January 2025. For more information on how your data is used and how to access your Year in Review, please visit the project page, or watch a short video demonstration of the feature. The alternative text experiment concluded on November 4, and we are currently analyzing the results. The edits are being reviewed by accessibility experts and moderators active on the iOS app for additional feedback. Preliminary results show that prompting users on an image they’ve just added leads to higher completion rates (18%) compared to unrelated images (6%). The overall revert rate for alt text edits was 3.4%, lower than the app’s average revert rate of 8.1%. We’ll decide next steps for this feature after completing the analysis. We completed the first phase of our Navigation refresh, and released a new profile menu into the production version of the app. Our work was coordinated in this Epic: T373714 Android Updates Private Donor Recognition Experiment We launched an experiment in France and the Netherlands, exploring the impact of private donor recognition on current and prospective donors. Users who donated through the app will see an active badge on the contributions page, while those who haven’t donated will see a prompt to do so. The experiment will run for 20 days, after which we will evaluate the results. This work was coordinated under Epic: T376303. The team began work on the "Rabbit Holes" experiment to increase retention among new readers. The experiment is designed to help users more easily discover and connect with content they are interested in. It is being coordinated under Epic: T378612. The Recommended Content in Search experiment showed promising results. Personalized recommendations led to higher retention (86.5%) compared to non-personalized recommendations (64.9%), with positive feedback from users. We added a launcher shortcut for quicker access to the "Places" feature in the app. (T375367) Looking Ahead As we close out 2024, we’re excited about all the progress made and the work ahead in 2025. Keep an eye out for more updates and improvements we hope will enhance your Wikipedia experience! Thank you for being part of this journey, and don’t forget to subscribe to the newsletter for the latest updates! |