هناك العديد من الأفلام التي لا يعرف تكلفة إنتاجها نظرًا لطبيعة سرية الأمور المالية في هوليوود. لكن حسب الأرقام الرسمية، فإن فيلم قراصنة الكاريبي: في بحار غريبة هو صاحب أعلى تكلفة على الإطلاق، حيث كلف ما يقارب 378.5 مليون دولار، بينما احتلت سلسلة الهوبيت الثلاثية المركز الأول كأغلى سلسة أفلام متتالية تم إنتاجها، بتكلفة مجتمعة بلغت 1800 مليون دولار بعد الإعفاءات الضريبية.
تتأثر تكلفة الإنتاج الأفلام بعدة عوامل خارجية؛ منها التضخم في الأسعار والتكاليف، تقنيات التصوير (مثل التصوير ثلاثي الأبعاد، والصور المنشأة بالحاسوب)، بالإضافة إلى السوق الخارجي. ارتفعت التكاليف بشكل مطرد خلال حقبة السينما الصامتة، حيث سجل فيلم «بن هور بن هور: قصة المسيح» رقماً قياسياً استمر لعشرين سنة محتفظاً بصدارة أغلى الأفلام تكلفة، حتى أنه استمر في الصدارة أثناء بدايات حقبة السينما الناطقة. كان للتلفزيون تأثير على ارتفاع التكاليف في الخمسينيات وأوائل الستينيات من القرن الماضي حيث تنافست السينما مع التلفزيون من أجل جذب الجماهير. بلغت المنافسة ذروتها في عام 1963 مع فيلم «كليوباترا»، فعلى الرغم من تحقيق الفيلم لإيرادات قياسية، إلا أنه لن يستطع أن يسترد تكاليف إصداره في العرض الأصلي له (لكن فيها بعد استطاع الفيلم تجاوز قيمة إصداره بمراحل).
ففي التسعينيات من القرن الماضي، تم كسر الرقم القياسي لأعلى الأفلام تكلفة مرتين، كأن أولها مع فيلم «ترو لايز» في عام 1994 والذي بلغت تكلفته ما يقارب 100 مليون دولار أمريكي، ثم تبعه فيلم «تيتانيك» في عام 1997 حيث بلغت تكلفته ما يقارب 200 مليون دولار أمريكي، والمصادفة أن كلاهما كانا من إخراج الكندي جيمس كاميرون. ومنذ ذلك الحين أصبح من الطبيعي أن فيلم إنتاج فيلم من قبل استديوهات الإنتاج الكبرى أكثر من 100 مليون دولار أمريكي، كذلك عدد الأفلام التي تكلف أكثر من 200 مليون دولار أمريكي في تزايد مستمر.
لا تحتوي هذه القائمة إلا على الأفلام التي تم إصدارها بالفعل لعامة الجمهور، ولا توجد أفلام لا تزال قيد الإنتاج أو ما بعد الإنتاج أو الأفلام التي تم الإعلان عنها للتو، حيث أن تكاليف تلك الأفلام يمكن أن تتغير أثناء عملية الإنتاج. الأرقام المدرجة في هذه المقالة تمثل التكلفة الصافية السلبية: والتي تمثل تكاليف التصوير الفعلي، ولا تشمل التكاليف الترويجية (مثل الإعلانات والإعلانات التجارية والملصقات وما إلى ذلك). تم ترتيب الأفلام حسب التكاليف المعترف بها رسميًا من قبل شركات الإنتاج. يذكر أن معظم شركات الإنتاج لا تدلي بتكاليف الإنتاج الفعلية، عندئذ تتوفر فقط تقديرات الباحثين المحترفين وكتاب صناعة السينما. فعندما تتعارض تقديرات الميزانية، يتم اعتماد تقديرات تكاليف الإنتاج أقل تكلفة.
أغلى أفلام (بدون احتساب التضخم)
فقط تم ذكر الإصدارات التي كلف إنتاجها عن 200 مليون دولار دولار أمريكي.
نظرًا لتأثير التضخم على ميزانية الأفلام، تم إنتاج جميع الأفلام (باستثناء فيلم تيتانيك) في القرن الحادي والعشرين.
^ ابجFinancial statements filed in the United Kingdom show that production costs for Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides totaled $410.6 million between October 2009 and April 2013 offset by a tax rebate of $32.1 million.[1]
^ ابDisney spent $444 million on Avengers: Age of Ultron but $79 million of this was offset by payments from the UK tax authority.[2][103]
^ ابIn an interview with Victoria Alonso, executive vice-president of physical production for Marvel Studios, هوليوود ريبورتر placed the budget of the film at "upwards of $300 million".[104] Financial statements filed in the United Kingdom show that Avengers: Infinity War had accumulated £248 million of production costs.[105] Between January 2017 (when principal photography started) and April 2018 (the date of the film's release) the dollar to pound conversion rate fluctuated between $1.20 and $1.45 to £1,[106] which would put the budget at approximately $300–360 million. ددلاين هوليوود estimated the dollar equivalent at $316 million.[4]
^ ابجدهوPirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End were produced together on a combined budget of $450 million.[94]تجاوز التكاليف reportedly pushed the final cost of the joint production up to a total of $500 million. The individual budget estimates conjecture how the overall budget was divided between the two films, but many of the costs are indivisible such as the fees for the actors who appeared in both films and would most likely have been contracted for a single fee, and the cost of the sets common to both films.[18]
^ ابFinancial statements filed in the United Kingdom show that production costs for Solo: A Star Wars Story came to $275 million between 2015 and 2017. The figure does not include post-production work so the final figure is expected to rise.[10]ددلاين هوليوود estimated the final budget to be slightly higher at $300 million.[120]
^ ابFinancial statements filed in the United Kingdom show that production costs for John Carter totaled $306.6 million between 2010 and 2013 offset against a tax rebate of $42.9 million. The net budget was $263.7 million, a figure consistent with Disney's claim that the film cost "around $250 million".[11][107][108]
^ ابThe budget for Batman v Superman was at least $250 million, after rebates and tax incentives, with the gross figure as high as $325 million.[119]FilmL.A. estimates the gross budget at $300 million, before factoring in an incentive of $37 million.
^ ابThe budget for Star Wars: The Last Jedi was $317 million before taking an incentive of $54.7 million into account.[13]
^ ابAccording to company accounts filed in the United Kingdom Disney spent £204 million making Star Wars: The Force Awakens, offset against a £31.6 million tax credit.[121]فارايتي estimates that this would be equivalent to a $306 million cost and $47.4 million rebate ($259 million after deducting the rebate).[122]
^ ابA source told هوليوود ريبورتر that the budget for The Lion King was "roughly $250 million",[22] although ددلاين هوليوود reported the film cost over $260 million.[126]نيويورك تايمز estimated that the film cost $400 million to produce and market.[127]
^ ابThe studio stated the budget for Transformers: The Last Knight was $217 million;[128] however FilmL.A. estimates the gross budget at $260 million, before factoring in an incentive of $21 million.[13]
^ ابEstimates for Avatar's cost have varied considerably with some as high as $500 million.[111] The $500 million figure also incorporates the $150 million marketing budget, and the costs of developing the necessary 3-D cameras and motion capture technology which were independently financed by private investors and none of which are included in the production cost.[112][113] Recent estimates put the production costs at about $310 million, although a 15% tax rebate from New Zealand is expected to reduce the final bill by $25–30 million,[114][115] which would ultimately put the cost at around $280 million.[112]Avatar was initially budgeted at $190 million[116][117] but the studio later acknowledged it cost $237 million after its budget came under intense media scrutiny.[23] A further $1 million per minute were spent on the nine minutes of extra footage in أفاتار.[118]
^ ابExpenditure on The Dark Knight Rises is estimated to be about $250–300 million, with the cost of production coming down to around $230 million after tax credits.[24]
^ ابInternal memos that were leaked during the اختراق سوني بيكتشرز انترتينمنت revealed that the budget for Spectre at the time stood in the "mid $300Ms" with Sony actively pursuing measures to reduce the expenditure.[129] The leaked figure continues to be widely reported by the media, but after rebates the production ultimately cost $250 million before taking a rebate of $20 million into account.[2]
^ ابThe budget for Captain America: Civil War was $250 million before taking an incentive of $20 million into account.[12]
^ ابThe budget for The Fate of the Furious was $250 million before taking an incentive of $20 million into account.[13]
^ ابThe budget for Maleficent was $263 million before taking an incentive of $37 million into account.[28]
^ ابStudio reps for أفلام والت ديزني state the cost of the production was $225 million, although other estimates put the film's cost at around $250 million with over $150 million spent on worldwide marketing and distribution.[30]
^ ابPeople close to وارنر برذرز and the film's production offered slightly different estimates for its final cost, ranging between $225 million and $270 million, split between the studio and ليجنداري إنترتينمنت LLC.[130]
^ ابThe budget for Rogue One was $265 million before taking an incentive of $45.5 million into account.[12]
^ ابSome estimates put the production budget for Men in Black 3 at nearly $250 million;[131] however, a $38 million tax rebate from New York is expected to bring the final cost down to about $215 million.[132]
^ ابشركة والت ديزني claim that Oz the Great and Powerful cost $215 million,[40] although an insider suggests its cost was approximately $235 million.[134]
^ ابThe budget for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was $235 million before taking an incentive of $26.4 million into account.[28]
^ ابThe budget for The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies was $250 million before factoring in a tax rebate of $41 million.[28]
^ ابMost reports put the cost of X-Men: Days of Future Past at around $200 million,[153][154] but وول ستريت جورنال gives a precise net figure of $215 million.[155]
^ ابجوارنر برذرز put the production cost of Superman Returns at $223 million, and around $204 million after factoring in tax credits. Some other estimates place the figure higher, but these higher numbers include the development costs of earlier aborted projects, taking the total figure to $263 million.[50] Warner later stated it cost $209 million,[199] although the film's director براين سينجر maintains that the approved budget was $184.5 million, and it eventually came in at $204 million: "So the hard, honest number is $204 million."[51]
^ ابThe official cost of The Amazing Spider-Man is unknown; however, various estimates put its cost at $200 million,[71] $215 million,[144] $220 million,[145] and $230 million.[146]
^ ابA knowledgeable source says the first two installments cost $315 million each, and that's with Jackson deferring his fee. A studio source insists that number is wildly inflated and, with significant production rebates from New Zealand, the cost is closer to $200 million a movie.[73]
^ ابThe Amazing Spider-Man 2 cost over $200 million, with some sources placing the budget at over $250 million.[168]
^ ابFinancial documents filed in New Zealand show that production costs on The Hobbit trilogy totaled $745 million through March 2014 against a $122 million tax rebate.[93]
^ ابWingnut Films stated that the budget for the three Lord of the Rings films was $260 million, however estimates of the cost during production varied from $270 million to $360 million, none of which were confirmed or denied by Wingnut.[96] Other estimates put the final cost at $281 million and $285 million.[207][208][5]
^ ابThe Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions were produced together at a reported cost of $127 million[201][202][203] and $110 million[204] respectively for a combined total of $237 million. Some reports put the combined cost of the production at $300 million.[205][206]
^سمت إنترتاينمنت projected a total cost of $263 million for both parts, with $127.5 million to be spent on the first part, and the second costing $136.2 million.[100] After tax rebates, Part 1 cost $110 million,[101] and Part 2 cost $120 million.[102]
^ ابAfter Waterworld ballooned from its initial $100 million budget,[196] people involved in the project estimated the final production cost at around $175–180 million,[197] with Kevin Costner—also a producer on the film—confirming it had cost $172 million.[109] Including distribution and marketing the total cost of producing and releasing the film came to $235 million.[198]
^ ابWith top tickets set at an all-time high of $5.50,Cleopatra had amassed as much as $20 million in such guarantees from exhibitors even before its premiere. Fox claimed the film had cost in total $44 million, of which $31,115,000 represented the direct negative cost and the rest distribution, print and advertising expenses. (These figures excluded the more than $5 million spent on the production's abortive British shoot in 1960–61, prior to its relocation to Italy.) By 1966 worldwide rentals had reached $38,042,000 including $23.5 million from the United States.[125]
^The production budget for Terminator 3 was initially set at $169–170 million,[139][140] making it the most expensive film ever to be greenlit at the time.[141][142] Budget statements put the final cost of the film at $187 million (or $167 million excluding the production overhead).[138][143]
^ The figure for Who Framed Roger Rabbit includes the production overhead. أمبلين إنترتاينمنت and توتشستون بيكشرز placed the actual expenditure on the film itself at around $50 million,[184] but it is not clear if the figures for the other films on the list include or exclude the overhead. Interest payments on the budget came to $17,105,000 which brought the full financial commitment on production to over $75 million.[183]
^ ابتوينتيث سينشوري فوكس put the official budget of James Cameron's الهاوية (1989) at $43 million;[186] however, some estimates place the true cost as high as $70 million, which would have made it the most expensive film made up to that point.[187]
^Estimates put the budget for True Lies between $100 million[194][195] and $120 million,[53] but either way it was still the first film to cost over $100 million.[193]
^ ابجدهوزحطMcDonald، Adrian (أغسطس 2018). "2017 Feature Film Study"(PDF) (ط. 3). Film L.A. ص. 21–23. مؤرشف من الأصل(PDF) في 2018-12-24. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2018-11-26.
^ ابجدهWyatt، Justin؛ Vlesmas، Katherine (1999). "The Drama of Recoupment: On the Mass Media Negotiation of Titanic". في Sandler، Kevin S.؛ Studlar، Gaylyn (المحررون). Titanic: Anatomy of a Blockbuster. Rutgers University Press. ISBN:978-0-8135-2669-0.
^ ابCook، David A. (2000). Lost Illusions: American Cinema in the Shadow of Watergate and Vietnam, 1970–1979. أبناء تشارلز سكرايبنر[لغات أخرى]. ج. Volume 9 of History of the American Cinema, Richard Koszarski. ص. 58. {{استشهاد بكتاب}}: |المجلد= يحوي نصًّا زائدًا (مساعدة)صيانة الاستشهاد: علامات ترقيم زائدة (link)
^Glancy، H. Mark (1992). "MGM Film Grosses, 1924-28: The Eddie Mannix Ledger". Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television. ج. 12 ع. 2: 127–144. DOI:10.1080/01439689200260081.
^Raftery، Brian M.؛ Spalding، Rachel Fischer (25 نوفمبر 2001). "'Burne Rubber". إنترتينمنت ويكلي. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2018-12-24. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2010-02-19.
^Johnson، Ross (27 يونيو 2005). "The Lawsuit of the Rings". نيويورك تايمز. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2015-05-29. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2019-06-27. The "Rings" film trilogy, produced for an aggregate $281 million, has made more than $4 billion in retail sales from worldwide film exhibition, home video, soundtracks, merchandise and television showings, and cleared more than $1 billion for New Line after payments to profit participants, according to one of Mr. Jackson's lawyers, Peter Nelson.
^Swaine، Jon (10 أكتوبر 2010). "The Hobbit 'could be most expensive film ever made'". ديلي تلغراف. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2010-10-20. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2019-06-27. It would also mean The Hobbit's final price-tag would be approaching twice that of the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy, which cost $281 million (£177 million).