Tawarikh Tigernach

Tawarikh Tigernach (abbr. AT, bahasa Irlandia: Annála Tiarnaigh) merupakan kronik yang mungkin berasal dari Clonmacnoise, Irlandia. Bahasanya adalah campuran dari Bahasa Latin, Bahasa Irlandia Kuno dan Bahasa Irlandia Pertengahan. Banyak catatan prasejarah berasal dari MS abad kedua belas, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson B 502.[1] Namun, pentingnya kronik ini untuk periode 489766, 9731003 dan 10181178.[1]


  1. ^ a b Hughes, Early Christian Ireland: Introduction to the Sources, pp. 99-162.



  • O'Conor, Charles. Rerum Hibernicarum scriptores veteres. 4 vols. Buckingham, 1814-26. Superseded by Stokes' edition. Available from Google Books.


Bacaan selanjutnya

  • Evans, N. (2010) 'The Present and the Past in Medieval Irish Chronicles', Woodbridge & Rochester, Boydell & Brewer
  • Grabowski, K.; Dumville, D. (1984). Chronicles and annals of mediaeval Ireland and Wales: the Clonmacnoise-group texts. 
  • Macalister, R.A.S. (1944). "The sources of the preface to the Tigernach annals". Irish Historical Studies. 4:13: 38–57. 
  • Mac Néill, Eoin (1914). "The authorship and structure of the Annals of Tigernach". Ériu. 7: 30–113. 
  • Ó Murchadha, Diarmuid (1996–97). "A reconsideration of some place-names from The annals of Tigernach". Ainm. Ulster Place-Name Society. 7: 1–27. 
  • Ó Murchadha, Diarmuid (1997). The Annals of Tigernach: Index of Names. Irish Texts Society, Subsidiary Series 6. London. 
  • Walsh, Paul (1941). "The dating of the Irish annals". Irish Historical Studies. 2:8: 355–75. 
  • Walsh, Paul (1940–41). "The annals attributed to Tigernach". Irish Historical Studies. 2:6: 154–9. 

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