《艾爾弗雷德傳》[注 1](拉丁語:De rebus gestis Alfredi/Vita Ælfredi regis Angul Saxonum/Ælfredi Regis res Gestæ;英語:The Life of King Alfred/Life of Alfred, King of the Anglo-Saxons)是一本英國古代史書,作者为阿塞爾(又譯阿塞、阿瑟、阿色耳),是威塞克斯(又譯西撒克遜)艾爾弗雷德大王(又譯阿爾弗雷德大王)時期的僧侶及學者,曾侍奉艾爾弗雷德學習。阿塞爾在893年以拉丁文編寫本書,全書篇幅有106章,內容記載艾爾弗雷德的生平、威塞克斯國情、對維京人的征戰等事跡。本書是首部有關盎格魯-撒克遜君王的傳記,書中包含了不少艾爾弗雷德時代的珍貴史料,但在後世曾被懷疑是偽書,故此史家對它既重視,又對其內容審慎使用。
第一部分,為第1章至第86章。講及艾爾弗雷德大王生平,敘述時間至到887年,包括國王童年時的詳情(第22至25章)、對威塞克斯(又譯西撒克遜)國王布里特里克之妻埃德伯(英语:Eadburh)的論述(第14至15章)、與維京人之間的多場戰事,如878年的埃丁頓之役(英语:Battle of Edington)大捷(第56章)、國王37歲(885年)時的一場大病(第74章)、他的兒女(第75章)、招募學者在宮中講授,包括作者本人的應募(第76至81章)等等。
^現代英語譯本原文是:“From his twenteith year until his forty-fifth (which is now in course).”
^Asser: Life of King Alfred, in Alfred the Great, Asser's Life of King Alfred and other contemporary sources, p.99. Penguin Books Ltd., Middlesex, England.
^《盎格魯-撒克遜編年史》,北京商務印書館,99頁;Simon Keynes and Michael Lapidge: Alfred the Great, Asser's Life of King Alfred and other contemporary sources: Introduction, p.48-53. Penguin Books Ltd., Middlesex, England.
^Asser: Life of King Alfred, in Alfred the Great, Asser's Life of King Alfred and other contemporary sources, p.101. Penguin Books Ltd., Middlesex, England.
^Simon Keynes and Michael Lapidge: Alfred the Great, Asser's Life of King Alfred and other contemporary sources: Introduction, p.48-53. Penguin Books Ltd., Middlesex, England;J·W·湯普森《歷史著作史》上卷第一分冊,謝德風譯,北京商務印書館,236-237頁。
^Simon Keynes and Michael Lapidge: Alfred the Great, Asser's Life of King Alfred and other contemporary sources: Introduction, p.55-56. Penguin Books Ltd., Middlesex, England.
^ Michael Lapidge, John Blair, Simon Keynes, and Donald Scragg: Asser, in The Blackwell encyclopedia of Anglo-Saxon England, p.49. Blackwell Publishers Ltd., Malden, Mass, England.
^See the chapters in Asser's Life of King Alfred, and Simon Keynes and Michael Lapidge: Introduction, in Alfred the Great, Asser's Life of King Alfred and other contemporary sources: Introduction, p.55-56. Penguin Books Ltd., Middlesex, England.
^Simon Keynes and Michael Lapidge: Alfred the Great, Asser's Life of King Alfred and other contemporary sources: Introduction, p.48. Penguin Books Ltd., Middlesex, England.
^Simon Keynes and Michael Lapidge: Alfred the Great, Asser's Life of King Alfred and other contemporary sources: Notes, p.223-227. Penguin Books Ltd., Middlesex, England.