赫里斯托斯·哈里劳斯·帕帕季米特里乌(希臘語:Χρίστος Χαρίλαος Παπαδημητρίου,羅馬化:Christos Harilaos Papadimitriou,1949年8月16日—)是一名生於希臘的電腦科學家,現任教於柏克萊加州大學。帕帕季米特里乌在演算法領域做出研究,並曾先後任教於哈佛大學、麻省理工學院、國立雅典理工大學、史丹佛大學、聖地牙哥加利福尼亞大學、與柏克萊加州大學。
他的成就在ICALP上曾獲得特別介紹。[2]與此同時,帕帕季米特里乌也在教育方面有所成就,並撰寫了著名計算理論教科書Computational Complexity。
- Elements of the Theory of Computation (with Harry R. Lewis). Prentice-Hall, 1982; second edition September 1997.(英文)
- Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and Complexity (with Kenneth Steiglitz). Prentice-Hall, 1982; second edition, Dover, 1998.(英文)
- The Theory of Database Concurrency Control. CS Press, 1986.(英文)
- Computational Complexity. Addison Wesley, 1994.(英文)
- Turing (a Novel about Computation). MIT Press, November 2003.(英文)
- Life Sentence to Hackers? Kastaniotis Editions, 2004.(希臘文)
- Algorithms (coauthored with Sanjoy Dasgupta and Umesh Vazirani). McGraw-Hill, September 2006.(英文)
- Logicomix, An Epic Search for Truth (coauthored with Apostolos Doxiadis, with artwork by Alecos Papadatos and Annie di Donna). Bloomsbury Publishing and Bloomsbury USA, September 2009.(英文)