馬尼卡尼卡(Manikarnika)於1842年5月與詹西王公甘格達爾·拉奧(英语:Gangadhar Rao)結婚[5][20]後來被稱為拉克什米·芭伊(Lakshmibai或Laxmibai),以紀念印度教女神拉克什米,並根據馬哈拉施特拉邦婦女被授予的傳統結婚後的新名字。1851年9月,她生下一個男孩取名為達莫達爾·拉奧(Damodar Rao),但出生四個月後因慢性病去世。在詹西王公去世的前一天,他收養了一個名叫阿南德·拉奧(Anand Rao)的孩子,他是甘加達爾·拉奧表弟的兒子,後來改名為達莫達爾·拉奧(英语:Damodar Rao of Jhansi)[21]。養儀式是在英國政治官員在場的情況下進行的,英國政治官員收到了詹西王公的一封信,指示要尊重這個孩子,並將詹西政府終身交給他的遺孀。
1853年11月詹西王公去世後,由於達莫達爾·拉奧(原名阿南德·拉奧)是養子,總督達爾豪斯侯爵下的東印度公司適用失效學說,拒絕達莫達爾·拉奧的王位繼承權,將國家吞併領土。當她得知此事時,她大喊“Main apni Jhansi nahi doongi”(我不會交出我的詹西)。1854年3月,拉克什米·芭伊獲得每年盧比的退休金。六萬人並被命令離開宮殿和堡壘[22][23]。
1857年5月10日,印度叛亂在密拉特爆發。當叛亂的消息傳到佔西時,拉克什米向英國政治官員亞歷山大·斯基恩上尉(Captain Alexander Skene)請求允許召集一支武裝人員來保護她;斯基恩對此表示同意[25]。1857年夏天,在地區騷亂中,這座城市相對平靜,但拉克什米在詹西所有婦女面前舉行了盛大的名為哈爾迪·庫姆庫姆(英语:Haldi Kumkum)的儀式,向她的臣民保證,並讓她們相信英國人都是膽小鬼,不要害怕他們。[26][27]。
直到此時,拉克什米還不願意反抗英國人。1857年6月,第12孟加拉原住民步兵團(英语:Bengal Native Infantry)的叛亂分子佔領了詹西星堡(Star Fort of Jhansi),裡面藏著財寶和彈匣[28],說服英國人放下武器並承諾不會傷害他們後,他們食言並屠殺40名英國人。拉克什米是否參與了這場大屠殺仍然是一個爭論的話題[29][30]。一位軍醫托馬斯·洛(Thomas Lowe)在叛亂後寫道,將她描述為“印度的耶洗別……年輕的王后,頭上沾滿了被殺者的鮮血”[31]。
大屠殺四天后,土兵離開詹西,從拉克什米那裡獲得一大筆錢,並威脅要炸毀她居住的宮殿。此後,作為該市唯一的權威來源,拉克什米感到有義務承擔行政管理責任,並寫信給索戈爾分部(英语:Saugor and Nerbudda Territories)厄斯金少校(Major Erskine),解釋導致她這樣做的事件[32]。7月2日,厄斯金回信要求她“為英國政府管理該地區”直至英國總監到來[33]。拉克什米的軍隊挫敗叛亂分子企圖爭奪對手王子薩達希夫·拉奧(Sadashiv Rao)(甘加達爾·拉奧的侄子)的王位的企圖,後者被俘虜並被監禁。
Whatever her faults in British eyes may have been, her countrymen will ever remember that she was driven by ill-treatment into rebellion and that she lived and died for her country, we cannot forget her contribution to India.[註 1]'[49]
——馬勒森上校(Colonel Malleson)
根據,據稱由「達莫達爾·拉奧」撰寫的回憶錄,這位年輕的王子在1858年中印度戰役(英语:Central Indian campaign of 1858)中與他母親的軍隊和家人在一起。他與其他在戰爭中倖存下來的人(大約60名隨從、60頭駱駝和22匹馬)一起逃離比圖爾的拉奧· 薩赫布,而本德爾坎德村的村民因為害怕英國人的報復而不敢幫助他們,他們被迫住在森林裡,遭受許多貧困。兩年後,大約有12名倖存者,他們與遇到的另一組24人一起前往賈爾拉帕坦市,那裡有更多來自詹西的難民。詹西的達莫達爾·拉奧 (Damodar Rao)向一名英國官員自首,他的回憶錄於1860年5月結束。一萬人、七名家臣,由蒙什·達瑪納拉延(Munshi Dharmanarayan)監護。整部回憶錄以馬拉地語出版於 YN Kelkar (1959) Itihasachyaaa Sahali(「歷史航行(Voyages in History)」)。這篇文章很可能是根據口頭流傳的王子生活故事編寫的書面版本,而他身上發生的事情仍然未知。
ती पराक्रमाची ज्योत मावळे इथे झाशिवाली /
... /
घोड्यावर खंद्या स्वार, हातात नंगि तर्वार /
खणखणा करित ती वार /
गोर्यांची कोंडी फोडित पाडित वीर इथे आली /
《叛逆王后:一部小說》(Rebel Queen: A Novel),作者:米歇爾·莫蘭(Michelle Moran)的小說《試金石之書》(A Touchstone Book)紐約:西蒙與舒斯特(New York: Simon and Schuster),2015年3月 (ISBN978-1476716367)
^Meyer, Karl E. & Brysac, Shareen Blair (1999) Tournament of Shadows. Washington, DC: Counterpoint; p. 138--"The Rani of Jhansi ... known to history as Lakshmi Bai, she was possibly only twelve in 1842 when she married the .. Rajah of Jhansi ..."
^ 2.02.1Though the day of the month is regarded as certain historians disagree about the year: among those suggested are 1827 and 1835.
^Lebra, Joyce. 反抗印度的婦女:詹西王后的軍隊. Institute of South Asian Studies, Singapore. 2008: 2. ISBN 978-9812308092. 神話和歷史在詹西王后的生活中緊密地交織在一起,童年時被稱為馬努......她出生在聖城瓦拉納西至卡哈達婆羅門,Moropant Tambe
^Copsey, Allen. 拉克什米·芭伊,詹西王后–早期生活. Copsey-family.org. 23 September 2005 [7 July 2012]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-28). (gives the date of birth as 19 November 1835)
^N.B. Tambe and Sapre are clan names; "Bai" or "-bai" is honorific as is "-Ji" the masculine equivalent. A Peshwa in a Maratha state is the chief minister.
^David, Saul (2002) The Indian Mutiny 1857, London: Penguin, p. 368
^"One Indian source [Vishnubhat Godse] alleges that the day before the sepoys mutinied, Skene went to the Rani and asked her to 'take charge of the state'. But there is no supporting evidence. Nor is there any real basis for the assertion that she was involved in a conspiracy with the sepoys before they mutinied." – Edwardes Red Year, p. 115
^Lowe, Thomas (1860) Central India during the Rebellion, cited in Edwardes, Michael (1975) Red Year. London: Sphere Books, p. 117
^Edwardes, Michael (1975) Red Year. London: Sphere Books, p. 118
^ 33.033.1Edwardes, Michael (1975) Red Year. London: Sphere Books, p. 119
^Edwardes, Michael (1975) Red Year. London: Sphere Books. p. 117
^Edwardes, Michael (1975) Red Year. London: Sphere Books, pp. 117–19
^Edwardes, Michael (1975) Red Year. London: Sphere Books, p. 119, citing Vishnubhat GodseMajha Pravas, Poona, 1948, in Marathi; p. 67
^Lebra-Chapman, Joyce (1986) The Rani of Jhansi. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
^Edwardes, Michael (1975) Red Year. London: Sphere Books, pp. 120–21
^ 39.039.1Edwardes, Michael (1975) Red Year. London: Sphere Books, pp. 119 & 121
^The English version of the notice reads: "Rani Jhansi jumped from this place on horseback with her adopted son"
^Jhansi. Remarkable India. [27 October 2012]. (原始内容存档于10 October 2012).
^David, Saul (2003), The Indian Mutiny: 1857, London: Penguin; p. 367
^Ashcroft, Nigel (2009), Queen of Jhansi, Mumbai: Hollywood Publishing;
^Edwardes Red Year: one of two quotations to begin pt. 5, ch. 1 (p. 111); History of the Indian Mutiny was begun by John Kaye but Malleson both rewrote parts of it and completed the work.
^The Rani of Jhansi: Gender, History, and Fable in India (Harleen Singh, Cambridge University Press, 2014)
Vishnubhat Godse|Vishnu Bhatt Godse.Maza Pravas: 1857 cya Bandaci Hakikat (Marathi "My journey: the truth about the 1857 rebellion")
Meyer, Karl E. & Brysac, Shareen Blair. Tournament of Shadows Washington D.C.: Counterpoint, 1999; pp. 138–45.
Verma, Janki Sharan Amar Balidani
Zila Vikas Pustika, 1996–97, Jhansi
Jerinic, Maria. How we lost the empire: retelling the stories of the Rani of Jhansi and Queen Victoria. Homans, Margaret; Munich, Adrienne (编). Remaking Queen Victoria. Cambridge University Press. 1997 [2019-06-16]. ISBN 9780521574853. (原始内容存档于2020-10-30).
毘濕奴巴特·戈德斯(英语:Vishnubhat Godse).Maza Pravas: 1857 cya Bandaci Hakikat (Marathi "My journey: the truth about the 1857 rebellion")
Meyer, Karl E. & Brysac, Shareen Blair. Tournament of Shadows Washington D.C.: Counterpoint, 1999; pp. 138–145.