

企業在市场营销品牌推广時可能會引入色彩心理学相關知識。营销人员认为颜色很重要,因为颜色可以影响消费者对商品和服务的感覺和看法。公司的標誌很重要,因为標誌可以吸引更多的顾客。当顾客认为公司的標誌与公司的商品和服务氣質吻合时,就会出现这种情况,例如维多利亚的秘密使用很多粉红色[5]。颜色对于商店的窗口展示也很重要。研究表明,尽管蓝色等冷色调更受青睐,但红色等颜色往往也能吸引顧客[6]。红色和黄色组合後可以刺激饥饿感,这可能有助于解释為何麦当劳汉堡王In-N-Out漢堡等快餐店可以成功[7]。这一现象又被称为 "番茄醬芥末 "理论[8]


  1. ^ Roohi, Samad; Forouzandeh, Aynaz. Regarding color psychology principles in adventure games to enhance the sense of immersion. Entertainment Computing. May 2019, 30: 100298. ISSN 1875-9521. doi:10.1016/j.entcom.2019.100298. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Effect of colour of drugs: systematic review of perceived effect of drugs and of their effectiveness. BMJ. 1996, 313 (7072): 1624–6. PMC 2359128可免费查阅. PMID 8991013. doi:10.1136/bmj.313.7072.1624. 
  3. ^ Alter, Adam. I See Red. Slate. March 21, 2013 [2021-11-19]. (原始内容存档于2018-08-13). 
  4. ^ Birren, Faber. Colour Psychology & Colour Therapy. Secaucus, N. J: The Citadel Press. 1961: 198. ISBN 0806506539. 
  5. ^ Color psychology: effects of perceiving color on psychological functioning in humans. Annual Review of Psychology. 2014, 65: 95–120 [2022-07-16]. PMID 23808916. doi:10.1146/annurev-psych-010213-115035. (原始内容存档于2003-04-24). 
  6. ^ Color psychology: a critical review. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs. November 1990, 116 (4): 385–411. PMID 2289687. 
  7. ^ Why You Feel Hungry When You See The Color Red. So Yummy. 2019-01-14 [2021-09-08]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-19). 
  8. ^ Findlay, Paul. The ketchup and mustard theory of advertising, AKA learning to taste your brand. Mumbrella. 2018-09-12 [2021-09-08]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-19) (美国英语).