聖水牛的化石最早在河南被發現,大英博物館研究員胡步伍(Arthur T. Hopwood)檢視樣本後,於1925年發表為新種[3],其種小名mephistopheles源自梅菲斯托費勒斯,為惡魔之意,因其角心與西方惡魔的形象相似而得名[4]。霍普渥德認為與聖水牛外觀最相似的動物為婆羅洲的水牛亞種Bubalus bubalis hosei[3]。1928年至1936年間,殷墟挖掘過程中出土了超過千隻本種水牛的遺骸,古生物學家德日進與楊鍾健將其中文名稱翻譯為「聖水牛」[5]
^Li, Zhichao. New Fossil Record of a Subspecies of Bubalus from the Weihe Area, Shaanxi, China. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 2017, 19 (05): 1207–1212. ISSN 1560-8530. doi:10.17957/IJAB/15.0423.
^ 10.010.1Yang, Dongya Y.; Liu, Li; Chen, Xingcan; Speller, Camilla F. Wild or domesticated: DNA analysis of ancient water buffalo remains from north China. Journal of Archaeological Science. 2008, 35 (10): 2778–2785. ISSN 0305-4403. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2008.05.010.
^Lander, Brian; Brunson, Katherine. WILD MAMMALS OF ANCIENT NORTH CHINA. Journal of Chinese History. 2018, 2 (2): 291–312. ISSN 2059-1632. doi:10.1017/jch.2017.45.
^Dong, Wei; Liu, Jin-yi; Zhang, Li-min; Xu, Qin-qi. The Early Pleistocene water buffalo associated with Gigantopithecus from Chongzuo in southern China. Quaternary International. 2014, 354: 86–93. ISSN 1040-6182. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2013.12.054.