
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 哺乳纲 Mammalia
目: 灵长目 Primates
科: 人科 Hominidae
属: 人属 Homo
羅德西亞人 H. rhodesiensis
Homo rhodesiensis
Woodward, 1921

羅德西亞人学名Homo rhodesiensis)是可能的人族[1]其他在形態上相似的遺骸亦在南部非洲[2]東非[3][4]北非發現。羅德西亞人的遺骸估計屬於12.5-60萬年前。


有研究比較了希臘佩特拉羅納顱骨及羅德西亞人。[5][6]現時大部份學者相信羅德西亞人是屬於海德堡人。根據蒂莫西·懷特(Tim White)所指,羅德西亞人可能是長者智人的祖先。[7]


  1. ^ Woodward, Arthur Smith. A New Cave Man from Rhodesia, South Africa. Nature. 1921, 108: 371–372. 
  2. ^ Singer Robert R. and J. Wymer. Archaeological Investigation at the Saldanha Skull Site in South Africa. The South African Archaeological Bulletin. 1968, 23 (3): 63–73. 
  3. ^ Rightmire, G. Philip. The Lake Ndutu cranium and early Homo Sapiens in Africa. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 2005, 61 (2): 245–254. 
  4. ^ Asfaw, Berhane. A new hominid parietal from Bodo, middle Awash Valley, Ethiopia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 2005, 61 (3): 367–371. 
  5. ^ Murrill, Rupert I. A comparison of the Rhodesian and Petralona upper jaws in relation to other Pleistocene hominids. Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Anthropologie. 1975, 66: 176–187. 
  6. ^ Murrill, Rupert Ivan. Ed. Charles C. Thomas , 编. Petralona Man. A Descriptive and Comparative Study, with New Information on Rhodesian Man. Illinois: Springfield. 1981. ISBN 0-398-04550-X. 
  7. ^ White; et al. Pleistocene Homo sapiens from Middle Awash, Ethiopia. Nature. 2003, 423 (6491): 742–7. doi:10.1038/nature01669. 
