理查德·阿尔丁顿(英語:Richard Aldington,1892年7月8日—1962年7月27日),英国作家和诗人,出生于朴茨茅斯,是一个律师的儿子。曾就读于伦敦大学但由于经济条件没有毕业。1913年和希尔达·杜利特尔结婚。
- ^ Doyle, Charles (2016) Richard Aldington: A Biography, Springer, pp xiv – xx
- Richard Aldington: An Englishman (1931) Thomas McGreevy
- Richard Aldington by C. P. Snow
- Richard Aldington: An Intimate Portrait (1965), edited by Alister Kershaw and Frédéric-Jacques Temple
- Richard Aldington 1892–1962: A Catalogue of The Frank G. Harrington Collection of Richard Aldington and Hilda H.D. Doolittle (1973)
- The Poetry of Richard Aldington (1974) Norman T. Gates
- A Checklist of the Letters of Richard Aldington (1977), edited by Norman T. Gates
- Richard Aldington: Papers from the Reading Conference. (1987), edited by Lionel Kelly
- Richard Aldington: A Biography (1989) Charles Doyle ISBN 0-8093-1566-1
- Richard Aldington: Reappraisals (1990) edited by Charles Doyle
- Richard Aldington: An Autobiography in Letters (1992) edited by Norman T. Gates
- Richard Aldington: Poet, Soldier and Lover 1911–1929 (2014), by Vivien Whelpton. ISBN 978-0-7188-9318-7
- Richard Aldington: Novelist, Biographer and Exile 1930–1962 (2019), by Vivien Whelpton. ISBN 978-0-7188-9477-1