湖畔詩人(Lake Poets)是19世紀前半期生活于英格蘭湖區的一批詩人,除去生活在湖區這一點之外,他們的寫作風格其實沒有太多相同點,只不過可以籠統地算入浪漫主義文學的範疇。
湖畔詩人(亦稱Lake Poet School、Bards of the Lake、Lake School)最初是一個貶義詞,給人一種憂鬱、滿腹牢騷的印象[1][2]。後來漸漸失去貶義,讀者們開始喜歡上他們詩歌中描繪的湖區風景[3]。
- ^ Coleridge (1983), p. 51.
- ^ Wilson, Frances (2009). A Ballad of Dorothy Wordsworth: a Life New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
- ^ Bradshaw (2011), p. 79.
- Bradshaw, Penny. Romantic poetic identity and the English Lake District. Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society. 3. 2011, 11: 65–80.
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. James Engell and W. Jackson Bate , 编. Biographia literaria : or biographical sketches of my early life and opinions [reprint of 1817 edition]. The collected works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, v.7. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1983: cxxxvi, 409. ISBN 9780691018614.
- De Quincey, Thomas. Recollections of the Lakes and the Lake Poets. Edited by David Wright; New York, Penguin, 1970.
- Nicholson, Norman. The Lakers : the adventures of the first tourists [reprint of 1955 ed. published by Robert Hale]. Milnthorpe: Cicerone Press. 1995: 1–200. ISBN 1852841753.
- Thompson, Ian. The English Lakes : a history. London : New York: Bloomsbury. 2010: [viii],[1]-343. ISBN 9780747598381.
- Victoria and Albert Museum. The discovery of the Lake District : a Northern Arcadia and its uses. [London]: V & A. 1984: [1]-174. ISBN 0905209966.