
活的宪法(英語:Living Constitution)是有关宪法的一种主张,这一主张认为美国宪法和其他宪法具有动态含义,即使宪法本身没有正式修改,其内含也应顺应新形势而做出调整和演变。宪法应随着社会的需要而发展并为政府治理提供更为灵活的工具。该主张与解释宪法时应顾及当今社会的观点有关。[1]与之相对的主张是原典主义


  1. ^ Winkler, Adam. A Revolution Too Soon: Woman Suffragists and The "Living Constitution". 76 NYULR 1456, 1463 ("Based on the idea that society changes and evolves, living constitutionalism requires that constitutional controversies, in the words of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., "must be considered in the light of our whole experience and not merely in that of what was said a hundred years ago.")