X-ach hin b'aj-a'.
COM-2SB 1SA scold-TV
"I scold you.”
X-ach b'aj-lay w-uj.
COM-2SB scold-PSV 1SA-by
"You are scolded by me.”
a. Max k'och-lay ixim nal (y-uj cham winaq).
COM shell-PSV CL corn 3A-by CL.HON man
‘The corn was shelled (by the old man).’
b. Max k'och-chaj ixim nal y-uj cham winaq.
COM shell-PSV CL corn 3A-by CL.HON man
‘The old man was able to shell the corn.’/
?‘The corn could be shelled by the old man’
^Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin; Bank, Sebastian (编). Qʼanjobʼal. Glottolog 2.7. Jena: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. 2016.
^Mateo Pedro, Pedro. 2009. “Nominalization in Q’anjob’al.” In Stephanie Lux and Pedro Mateo (eds.), Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics 31:46-63, University of Kansas.
Mateo Pedro, Pedro. 2009. “Nominalization in Q’anjob’al.” In Stephanie Lux and Pedro Mateo
(eds.), Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics 31:46-63, University of Kansas.