

土耳其軍隊進入伊茲密爾(收藏於獨立戰爭博物館英语War of Independence Museum


  • 土耳其佔領士麥那英语Turkish capture of Smyrna
  • 希臘軍隊撤離西安納托利亞
  • 参战方
    土耳其 希臘王國 希臘
    • 2318人死亡,9360人受傷,1697人失蹤,101人被俘
    • 總計: 13476人[5]
    • 35000人死傷,15000人被俘
    • 總計: 50000人[6][7][8][9]

    大攻勢土耳其語Büyük Taarruz鄂圖曼土耳其語بیوك تعرض‎)為土耳其獨立戰爭中規模最大,同時為最後一場軍事行動。交戰方為效忠土耳其大國民議會政府土耳其軍隊希臘王國,並最終結束了第二次希土戰爭。進攻始於1922年8月26日的杜姆盧珀納爾戰役英语Battle of Dumlupınar,為此土耳其集結了98000大軍,對希臘約13萬大軍發動進攻──這使土方自開戰以來集結的最大數量。[10][11]爾後從8月31日至9月9日期間,隨著希臘軍隊節節敗退,土耳其前線往前推進了300 km(190 mi)。[12]土耳其缺乏車輛,是以他們的軍隊由步兵與騎兵組成;後勤則基本上依靠牛車來進行補資。[13]

    土耳其軍隊於9月9日抵達海岸並解放了伊茲密爾英语Turkish capture of Smyrna,整體行動於同月的18日結束,期間又佔領了埃爾代克比加。這場慘敗導致希臘軍隊產生極大不滿,致使喪失軍心,並不願繼續綻露下去,最重要的,是許多有效的希臘戰鬥單位盡數被土耳其包圍、摧毀,這意味著希臘失去了進攻的能力,同時也無法井然有序的撤退,最終促使了大量希臘軍隊被俘。


    進攻始於1922年8月26日的杜姆盧珀納爾戰役英语Battle of Dumlupınar,土耳其軍隊在四天就擊敗了希臘軍隊,為快速推進的可能奠定基礎。在穆斯塔法·凱末爾·阿塔圖克對大國民議會政府下達命令後,土耳其軍隊主力開始朝伊茲密爾進軍,其他軍隊則從埃斯基謝希爾開始朝布爾薩前進。[14]後來希臘小亞細亞軍隊英语Army of Asia Minor總司令尼古拉斯·特里庫皮斯英语Nikolaos Trikoupis於8月29日投降。[15][16]到了9月7日,艾登蓋爾門哲克庫沙達瑟相繼落入土耳其之手,到了9月16日,最後一批希臘軍隊撤離切什梅,兩天後希臘第三軍團英语NRDC-GR撤離埃爾代克。對此,英國參謀長感到敬佩。[17]




    1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Belgelerle Türk tarihi dergisi, Editions 28–31, Menteş Kitabevi, 1999, page 35 (土耳其語)
    2. ^ 2.0 2.1 A. Dural: His Story: Mustafa Kemal and Turkish Revolution, ISBN 0595412513, iUniverse, 2007, page 93
    3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Nizamettin Nazif Tepedelenlioğlu: Bilinmiyen taraflariyle Atutürk, Yeni Çığır Kitabevi, 1959, page 64 (土耳其語)
    4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Assertion of unitary, independent national states in central and southeast europe (1821–1923), Bibliotheca historica romaniae Edition 62, Edited by Viorica Moisuc and Ion Calafeteanu, Section des sciences historiques de l'Académie de la République Populaire Roumaine., 1980, page 340 (footnote 94)
    5. ^ Ali Çimen, Göknur Göğebakan: Tarihi Değiştiren Savaşlar, 2. Edition, ISBN 9752634869, page 321. (土耳其語)
    6. ^ Armistice sought by Greeks as Turks press near Smyrna页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), New York Times, published 8 September 1922
    7. ^ Clodfelter, Micheal. Warfare and armed conflicts : a statistical encyclopedia of casualty and other figures, 1492/2015 Fourth. : 346. ISBN 1476625859. 
    8. ^ Chronicling America - Historic American Newspapers, Turk Cavalry Routs Greeks页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), The Ogden standard-examiner (Ogden, Utah), 7 September 1922, page 2.
    9. ^ Armistice Sought By Greeks As Turks Press页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 8 September 1922.
    10. ^ Bruce Clark: Twice a Stranger: The Mass Expulsions That Forged Modern Greece And Turkey, Harvard University Press, 2006, ISBN 0674023684, page 22.
    11. ^ International Committee of Historical Sciences, 1980, page 227.
    12. ^ International Committee of Historical Sciences. 1980, page 227.
    13. ^ International Committee of Historical Sciences, 1980, page 227.
    14. ^ International Committee of Historical Sciences. Commission of comparative military history, Revue internationale d'histoire militaire (Editions 46–48), University of Michigan, 1980, page 227.
    15. ^ “Trikupis” veya “Trikopis”, Büyük Larousse Sözlük ve Ansiklopedisi, 22. Cilt, Milliyet Yay., İstanbul.
    16. ^ Aggelomatis, Chr., "Chronicle of Great Tragedy" (The Epic of Asia Minor), Estia, 1963, pp. 194-5
    17. ^ Elisabeth Özdalga: The Last Dragoman: The Swedish Orientalist Johannes Kolmodin as Scholar, Activist and Diplomat, Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, 2006, ISBN 9789186884147, page 62.


    • Kemal Niş, Reşat Söker, Türk İstiklâl Harbi, Batı Cephesi, Büyük Taarruz’da Takip Harekâtı (31 Ağustos – 18 Eylül 1922), Cilt 2, Kısım. 6, 3. Kitap, Genkurmay Başkanlığı Basımevi, Ankara, 1969. (土耳其語)
    • İsmet Görgülü, Büyük Taarruz: 70 nci Yıl Armağanı, Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Basımevi, Ankara, 1992. (土耳其語)
    • Celal Erikan, Komutan Atatürk, Cilt I-II, Üçüncü Basım, Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul, 2001, ISBN 975-458-288-2. (土耳其語)
