土耳其軍隊於9月9日抵達海岸並解放了伊茲密爾(英语:Turkish capture of Smyrna),整體行動於同月的18日結束,期間又佔領了埃爾代克和比加。這場慘敗導致希臘軍隊產生極大不滿,致使喪失軍心,並不願繼續綻露下去,最重要的,是許多有效的希臘戰鬥單位盡數被土耳其包圍、摧毀,這意味著希臘失去了進攻的能力,同時也無法井然有序的撤退,最終促使了大量希臘軍隊被俘。
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^Clodfelter, Micheal. Warfare and armed conflicts : a statistical encyclopedia of casualty and other figures, 1492/2015 Fourth. : 346. ISBN 1476625859.
^Chronicling America - Historic American Newspapers, Turk Cavalry Routs Greeks (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), The Ogden standard-examiner (Ogden, Utah), 7 September 1922, page 2.
^Bruce Clark: Twice a Stranger: The Mass Expulsions That Forged Modern Greece And Turkey, Harvard University Press, 2006, ISBN0674023684, page 22.
^International Committee of Historical Sciences, 1980, page 227.
^International Committee of Historical Sciences. 1980, page 227.
^International Committee of Historical Sciences, 1980, page 227.
^International Committee of Historical Sciences. Commission of comparative military history, Revue internationale d'histoire militaire (Editions 46–48), University of Michigan, 1980, page 227.
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