西端沿用了詹姆斯·吉布斯在圣马田教堂建立的门廊、前厅和塔楼的基本布局。 [12]前厅的八角形圆顶天花板模仿风之塔,上方的塔楼也使用了相同结构的细节。东端是一座后殿,两侧是教堂最原始的特征:两个模仿厄瑞克忒翁神庙设计的讲坛,以及由女像柱支撑的檐壁。与厄瑞克忒翁神庙上的女像柱不同,这里的每一根女像柱都象征性地拿着一支熄灭的火炬或一个空水罐,这与它们在墓穴入口上方的位置相称。每个雕像的人物后面都有一个石棺,石棺的檐口上镶嵌着狮子头。 [13]女像柱由科德石制成,分段建造在铸铁柱周围,由约翰·查尔斯·菲利克斯·罗西 (John Charles Felix Rossi)设计,建筑上所有的科德石都由他提供。上层被设计成教堂会议室。 [14]
^Britton, John; Pugin, August. Illustrations of the Public Buildings of London 1. London. 1825: 154–166.
^Walter H. Godfrey and W. McB. Marcham. St. Pancras Church. Survey of London: volume 24: The parish of St Pancras part 4: King’s Cross Neighbourhood. Institute of Historical Research. 1952 [12 May 2012]. (原始内容存档于2014-08-29).
^Ceremony Of Laying The First Stone Of St. Pancras Church. The Times. 2 July 1819: 3.
^Walter H. Godfrey and W. McB. Marcham. St. Pancras Church. Survey of London: volume 24: The parish of St Pancras part 4: King’s Cross Neighbourhood. Institute of Historical Research. 1952 [12 May 2012]. (原始内容存档于2014-08-29).
^Britton, John; Pugin, August. Illustrations of the Public Buildings of London 1. London. 1825: 154–166.
^Britton, John; Pugin, August. Illustrations of the Public Buildings of London 1. London. 1825: 154–166.
^ 10.010.1Britton, John; Pugin, August. Illustrations of the Public Buildings of London 1. London. 1825: 154–166.
^Walter H. Godfrey and W. McB. Marcham. St. Pancras Church. Survey of London: volume 24: The parish of St Pancras part 4: King’s Cross Neighbourhood. Institute of Historical Research. 1952 [12 May 2012]. (原始内容存档于2014-08-29).
^Summerson, John. Georgian London revised. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. 1962: 218.
^Britton, John; Pugin, August. Illustrations of the Public Buildings of London 1. London. 1825: 154–166.
^Walter H. Godfrey and W. McB. Marcham. St. Pancras Church. Survey of London: volume 24: The parish of St Pancras part 4: King’s Cross Neighbourhood. Institute of Historical Research. 1952 [12 May 2012]. (原始内容存档于2014-08-29).
^Britton, John; Pugin, August. Illustrations of the Public Buildings of London 1. London. 1825: 154–166.
^Walter H. Godfrey and W. McB. Marcham. St. Pancras Church. Survey of London: volume 24: The parish of St Pancras part 4: King’s Cross Neighbourhood. Institute of Historical Research. 1952 [12 May 2012]. (原始内容存档于2014-08-29).