
Encounter Bay
埃利奥特港英语Port Elliot沿岸的因康特湾
位置南澳大利亚州弗勒里厄半岛理查德爵士半岛英语Sir Richard Peninsula
坐标35°34′40″S 138°35′35″E / 35.57778°S 138.59306°E / -35.57778; 138.59306[1]
岛屿花岗岩岛普伦岛 (南澳大利亚州)英语Pullen Island (South Australia)海豹岛 (南澳大利亚州)英语Seal Island (South Australia)怀特岛 (南澳大利亚州)英语Wright Island (South Australia)
古尔瓦英语Goolwa, South Australia米德尔顿埃利奥特港英语Port Elliot

因康特湾(英語:Encounter Bay,也译作遭遇湾相遇湾等)是位于南澳大利亚州中南部的一处海湾。距离州府阿德莱德以南约100余公里处。维克多港位于该海湾。当地的拉明杰里人英语Ramindjeri称此海湾为拉蒙(Ramong)。[2][3]墨累河向西注入此海湾。[4]


当地的原住民为噶林杰里人英语Ngarrindjeri的分支拉明杰里人英语Ramindjeri[5],他们称呼该海湾为“拉蒙”(Ramong)。[2]有些文献中将他们称呼为“因康特湾人”(Encounter Bay people)。[6]

1802年4月8日,英国航海家马修·弗林德斯与法国航海家尼古拉·博丹在此相遇(参见尼古拉·博丹与马修·弗林德斯的相遇法语Rencontre entre Nicolas Baudin et Matthew Flinders),虽然当时英法两国正在交战,但两位船长在相遇后友好地互相交换了一下测绘笔记,因此而被马修·弗林德斯命名为“相遇湾”(当时双方都不知道当年3月28日签订的亚眠和约)。[7][8]



  1. ^ Encounter Bay (SA). Gazetteer of Australia online. Geoscience Australia, Australian Government. [2022-07-14]. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Ramindjeri. Mobile Language Team. 17 November 2020 [17 November 2020]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-03). 
  3. ^ Ramindjeri (SA). South Australian Museum. [17 November 2020]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-29). 
  4. ^ 夏征农; 陈至立. 大辞海 第16卷 世界地理卷. 上海: 上海辞书出版社. 2015.12: 552. ISBN 978-7-5326-4555-8. 
  5. ^ Map of Indigenous Australia. AIATSIS. [17 November 2020]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-04). 
  6. ^ E.A.韦斯特马克. 人类婚姻史 第1卷. 北京: 商务印书馆. 2017.07: 54. ISBN 978-7-100-13338-8. 
  7. ^ 约翰·布莱克; 李树军 主译. 海图发展图解史. 北京: 海潮出版社. 2014.06: 191. ISBN 978-7-5157-0224-7. 
  8. ^ Flinders, Matthew. A Voyage to Terra Australis : undertaken for the purpose of completing the discovery of that vast country, and prosecuted in the years 1801, 1802, and 1803 in His Majesty's ship the Investigator, and subsequently in the armed vessel Porpoise and Cumberland Schooner; with an account of the shipwreck of the Porpoise, arrival of the Cumberland at Mauritius, and imprisonment of the commander during six years and a half in that island. Facsimile. Adelaide: Libraries Board of South Australia. 1966: 263 [1814] [3 January 2014]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-24). 
  9. ^ South Australian Company.. South Australian Gazette And Colonial Register I (2) (South Australia). 3 June 1837: 4 [9 September 2018] –通过National Library of Australia. 
  10. ^ Kostoglou, Parry; McCarthy, Justin; Paay, Jeni; South Australia. State Heritage Branch; Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology, Whaling and sealing sites in South Australia, State Heritage Branch, Dept. of Environment and Planning: 41–44, 1991, ISBN 978-0-646-06723-0 
  11. ^ Encounter Bay Region, Victor Harbor, SA, Australia页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Website Department of the Environment and Energy Australian Government, 27/03/2001