美國紅人牌嚼菸及丹麥Oliver Twist嚼菸
嚼菸 (英語:Chewing tobacco ),又作嚼煙 ,一種供口嚼的菸草 產品,使用方式為將一塊嚼菸,放入口中咀嚼,就如吃口香糖 和檳榔 一樣。咀嚼時,嚼菸會釋出香味及尼古丁 ,這些成份會經由口腔黏膜吸收到人體中,咀嚼後的嚼菸會被吐掉。
嚼菸最早起源於美洲原住民 ,現仍流行於美國及歐洲。美國品牌的嚼菸,一般以雪茄 煙葉製成。由於菸草本身含有許多致癌物質 ,醫學界認為嚼菸可導致口腔癌 ,牙齦萎縮等。
嚼煙是尼古丁的來源之一,因此很容易上癮,[ 1] 戒掉咀嚼菸草與戒菸一樣具有挑戰性。[ 2]
使用咀嚼菸草會導致多種有害影響,如牙醫疾病、口腔癌、食道癌、胰臟癌、冠狀動脈心臟病,以及對生殖的負面影響,包括死產、早產和低出生體重。[ 3] [ 4] 咀嚼菸草比傳統燃燒產品帶來的健康風險更低。[ 5] 然而,它並不是吸煙的健康替代品,[ 6] 不同類型的產品和產地的風險程度各不相同,[ 7] [ 8] 咀嚼煙草沒有安全的使用水準。[ 6] 在全球範圍內,咀嚼煙草每年導致 65 萬人死亡。[ 9]
^ Vidyasagaran, A. L.; Siddiqi, K.; Kanaan, M. Use of smokeless tobacco and risk of cardiovascular disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis (PDF) . European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2016, 23 (18): 1970–1981 [2024-07-01 ] . ISSN 2047-4873 . PMID 27256827 . S2CID 206820997 . doi:10.1177/2047487316654026 . (原始内容存档 (PDF) 于2024-06-01).
^ Lipari, R. N; Van Horn, S. L. Trends in Smokeless Tobacco Use and Initiation: 2002 to 2014. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. 31 May 2017. PMID 28636307 . 本文含有此來源中屬於公有领域 的内容。
^ Vidyasagaran, A. L.; Siddiqi, K.; Kanaan, M. Use of smokeless tobacco and risk of cardiovascular disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis (PDF) . European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2016, 23 (18): 1970–1981 [2024-07-01 ] . ISSN 2047-4873 . PMID 27256827 . S2CID 206820997 . doi:10.1177/2047487316654026 . (原始内容存档 (PDF) 于2024-06-01).
^ Gupta, Ruchika; Gupta, Sanjay; Sharma, Shashi; Sinha, Dhirendra N; Mehrotra, Ravi. Risk of Coronary Heart Disease Among Smokeless Tobacco Users: Results of Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Global Data . Nicotine & Tobacco Research. 2019-01-01, 21 (1): 25–31 [2024-07-01 ] . ISSN 1469-994X . PMC 6941711 . PMID 29325111 . doi:10.1093/ntr/nty002 . (原始内容存档 于2024-05-31) (英语) .
^ Hajat, C.; Stein, E.; Ramstrom, L.; Shantikumar, S.; Polosa, R. The health impact of smokeless tobacco products: a systematic review . Harm Reduction Journal. 4 December 2021, 18 (1): 123. ISSN 1477-7517 . PMC 8643012 . PMID 34863207 . doi:10.1186/s12954-021-00557-6 (英语) .
^ 6.0 6.1 Lipari, R. N; Van Horn, S. L. Trends in Smokeless Tobacco Use and Initiation: 2002 to 2014. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. 31 May 2017. PMID 28636307 . 本文含有此來源中屬於公有领域 的内容。
^ Abrams, David B.; Glasser, Allison M.; Pearson, Jennifer L.; Villanti, Andrea C.; Collins, Lauren K.; Niaura, Raymond S. Harm Minimization and Tobacco Control: Reframing Societal Views of Nicotine Use to Rapidly Save Lives . Annual Review of Public Health. 2018, 39 (1): 193–213. ISSN 0163-7525 . PMC 6942997 . PMID 29323611 . doi:10.1146/annurev-publhealth-040617-013849 .
本條目含有来自此处的 文本,作者為David B. Abrams, Allison M. Glasser, Jennifer L. Pearson, Andrea C. Villanti, Lauren K. Collins, and Raymond S. Niaura,以CC BY 4.0 授權條款釋出。
^ Hajat, C.; Stein, E.; Ramstrom, L.; Shantikumar, S.; Polosa, R. The health impact of smokeless tobacco products: a systematic review . Harm Reduction Journal. 4 December 2021, 18 (1): 123. ISSN 1477-7517 . PMC 8643012 . PMID 34863207 . doi:10.1186/s12954-021-00557-6 (英语) .
^ Chugh, Aastha; Arora, Monika; Jain, Neha; Vidyasagaran, Aishwarya; Readshaw, Anne; Sheikh, Aziz; Eckhardt, Jappe; Siddiqi, Kamran; Chopra, Mansi; Mishu, Masuma Pervin; Kanaan, Mona; Rahman, Muhammad Aziz; Mehrotra, Ravi; Huque, Rumana; Forberger, Sarah. The global impact of tobacco control policies on smokeless tobacco use: a systematic review . The Lancet Global Health. June 2023, 11 (6): e953–e968 [2024-07-01 ] . PMID 37202029 . doi:10.1016/S2214-109X(23)00205-X . (原始内容存档 于2024-06-03) (英语) .