在對抗突厥人的問題上,波斯沙阿伊斯瑪儀一世一直與神圣罗马帝国的查理五世和匈牙利的拉約什二世保持著交流。後來成為西班牙國王的查理五世在1516年至1519年間向波斯派遣使節,冀能建立同盟關係[2]。拉約什二世亦以同一目的在1516年也派遣一名叫彼得魯斯·德·蒙特·利巴諾(Petrus de Monte Libano)的修士到波斯[3]。
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(英文)Jackson, Peter; Lockhart, Laurence, The Cambridge history of Iran: The Timurid and Safavid periods, Cambridge University Press, 1986, ISBN 0521200946
(英文)Gmara, Lpez De, Annals of the Emperor Charles V, BiblioBazaar, 2009, ISBN 1110337876
(英文)Reston, James, Defenders of the faith: Charles V, Suleyman the Magnificent, and the battle for Europe, 1520-1536, Penguin Press, 2009, ISBN 1594202257
(英文)Vehse, E., Memoirs of the Court Aristocracy and Diplomacy of Austria Part One, Kessinger Publishing, 2004, ISBN 141791937X
(英文)Papadopoulo, Alexandre, Islam and Muslim art, H. N. Abrams, 1979, ISBN 0810906414
(英文)Lambton, Ann Katherine Swynford; Lewis, Bernard, The central islamic lands from pre-islamic times to the first world war2, Cambridge University Press, 1978, ISBN 0521291356
(英文)Garnier, Edith, l'Alliance impie ; François Ier et Soliman le magnifique contre Charles Quint, Felin, 2008, ISBN 2866456785
(英文)Topping, Margaret, Eastern voyages, Western visions: French writing and painting of the Orient, Peter Lang, 2004, ISBN 3039101838
(英文)Savory, Roger, Iran Under the Safavids, Cambridge University Press, 2008, ISBN 0521042518