這棟別墅是由皇室傳承下來的。約翰·達姆斯(John D'Arms)認為提比略在阿格里帕死後成為了博斯科特雷卡塞別墅的主人。[15]雖然塔西佗在其《編年史》中確實提到了提比略在一棟可以俯瞰懸崖的別墅中處理事務,但並未具體說明是哪棟別墅,因此達姆斯的論點有待商榷。[16]然而,人們普遍認為最後一位別墅的所有者和管理者是克勞狄時期的自由民尤蒂厄斯(Euthyeus),因為在別墅的挖掘過程中發現了刻有「Tiberius Claudius Eutychi Caesaris Liberati」名字的青銅印。 [8]
^, Elizabeth Johnston. The Year One: Art of the Ancient World East and West. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 2000: 45. ISBN 0870999613. OCLC 884668332.
^ 5.05.1Leach, Eleanor Winsor. The Social Life of Painting in Ancient Rome and on the Bay of Naples. Cambridge University Press. 2004: 144. ISBN 1107690463. OCLC 939787728.
^Blanckenhagen, Peter Heinrich von. The Paintings from Boscotrecase. F.H. Kerle. 1962: 65. OCLC 459562599.
^Leach, Eleanor Winsor. The Social Life of painting in Ancient Rome and on the Bay of Naples. Cambridge University Press. 2004: 48. ISBN 1107690463. OCLC 939787728.
^Milleker, Elizabeth Johnston. The Year One: Art of the Ancient World East and West. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 2000: 46. ISBN 0870999613. OCLC 884668332.
^Blanckenhagen, Peter Heinrich von. The Paintings from Boscotrecase. F.H. Kerle. 1962: 18. OCLC 459562599.
^Blanckenhagen, Peter Heinrich von. The Paintings from Boscotrecase. F.H. Kerle. 1962: 14. OCLC 459562599.
^Knauer, Elfriede R. Roman Wall Paintings from Boscotrecase: Three Studies in the Relationship between Writing and Painting. Metropolitan Museum Journal. 1993, 28: 13–15. ISSN 0077-8958. JSTOR 1512917. doi:10.2307/1512917.
^Knauer, Elfriede R. Roman Wall Paintings from Boscotrecase: Three Studies in the Relationship between Writing and Painting. Metropolitan Museum Journal. 1993, 28: 17. ISSN 0077-8958. JSTOR 1512917. doi:10.2307/1512917.
^Clarke, John R., Augustan Domestic Interior: Propaganda or Fashion?, The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Augustus, Cambridge University Press: 268, 2005, ISBN 9780521003933, doi:10.1017/ccol0521807964.012
^ 28.028.1Blanckenhagen, Peter Heinrich von. The Paintings from Boscotrecase. F.H. Kerle. 1962: 20. OCLC 459562599.
^Blanckenhagen, Peter Heinrich von. The Paintings from Boscotrecase. F.H. Kerle. 1962: 22. OCLC 459562599.
^, Elfriede R. Roman Wall Paintings from Boscotrecase: Three Studies in the Relationship between Writing and Painting. Metropolitan Museum Journal. 1993, 28: 20. ISSN 0077-8958. JSTOR 1512917. doi:10.2307/1512917.
^Blanckenhagen, Peter Heinrich von. The Paintings from Boscotrecase. F.H. Kerle. 1962: 15. OCLC 459562599.
^Blanckenhagen, Peter Heinrich von. The Paintings from Boscotrecase. F.H. Kerle. 1962: 22–23. OCLC 459562599.
^Blanckenhagen, Peter Heinrich von, (1909-1990), Auteur. The paintings from Boscotrecase. F.H. Kerle. 1962: 23. OCLC 489759241.
^Blanckenhagen, Peter Heinrich von. The Paintings from Boscotrecase. F.H. Kerle. 1962: 38. OCLC 459562599.
^, Peter Heinrich von. The Paintings from Boscotrecase. F.H. Kerle. 1962: 17. OCLC 459562599.
^Knauer, Elfriede R. Roman Wall Paintings from Boscotrecase: Three Studies in the Relationship between Writing and Painting. Metropolitan Museum Journal. 1993, 28: 29. ISSN 0077-8958. JSTOR 1512917. doi:10.2307/1512917.