
一氧化碳瀰漫量(英語:Diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide,簡稱DLco或TLco[1])為一項測量肺泡血液之間的氣體交換能力的檢查。本方法最早於1909年發展出來[2]


本方法會先讓受試者吸入微量的一氧化碳(CO),閉氣數秒後呼出氣體,再測量呼出氣體的一氧化碳分壓[3]。一氧化碳與紅血球具有高度親和性,因此該指標與肺泡及血液的交換能力較為相關,較不會受心輸出量英语cardiac output影響[4]








  1. 肺泡壁交換障礙,如纤维化肺泡炎英语Extrinsic allergic alveolitis血管炎
  2. 肺容積減低,如限制型肺病英语Restrictive lung disease
  3. 肺氣腫:肺泡遭到損傷,減少交換表面積[8]
  4. 肺栓塞
  5. 心臟衰竭
  6. 肺高壓
  7. 博来霉素(用量超過200單位時)
  8. 慢性心衰竭[9]
  9. 低血容性貧血
  10. 胺碘酮累積用量過高;每日用量逾 400 mg。



可能導致DLco增加的因子包含紅血球增多症英语polycythaemia、氣喘(也可能正常),以及因為運動導致的肺臟血流量上升。其他因素還包含左至右心內分流(left to right intracardiac shunting)或肺泡出血(alveolar hemorrhage)[10]


DLco 低於 60% 者代表若施行肺臟切除術,預後會不佳。FEV1英语FEV1有同樣效果,但預測效果不若DLco好[11]


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  5. ^ American Thoracic society, Single Breath Carbon Monoxide Diffusing Capacity (transfer factor) Recommendations for a Standard Technique- 1995 Update, Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 152 pp 2185-2198 (1995).
  6. ^ J.E. Cotes 1993, Lung Function, 5th Edition., Blackwell Scientific Publications, London
  7. ^ J.E. Cotes, J.M. Dabbs, P.C. Elwood, A.M. Hall, A. McDonald, and M.J. Saunders. Iron-deficiency anaemia: its effects on transfer factor for the lung (diffusing capacity) and ventilation and cardiac frequency during submaximal exercise. Clin. Sci. 42:325-33 (1972).
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  9. ^ Puri, Sundeep; Baker, B. Leigh; Dutka, David P.; Oakley, Celia M.; Hughes, J. Michael B.; Cleland, John G. F. Reduced Alveolar–Capillary Membrane Diffusing Capacity in Chronic Heart Failure: Its Pathophysiological Relevance and Relationship to Exercise Performance. Circulation. 1995-06-01, 91 (11): 2769–2774 [2018-04-28]. ISSN 0009-7322. PMID 7758183. doi:10.1161/01.CIR.91.11.2769. (原始内容存档于2018-06-24) (英语). 
  10. ^ Ruppel, G. L. (2009). Manual of Pulmonary Function Testing. ISBN 978-0-323-05212-2
  11. ^ Diffusion lung capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO) is an independent prognostic factor for long-term survival after curative lung resection for cancer (p n/a) Michael J. Liptay, Sanjib Basu, Michael C. Hoaglin, Neil Freedman, L. Penfield Faber, William H. Warren, Zane T. Hammoud, Anthony W. Kim. Journal of Surgical Oncology. Published Online: Oct 1 2009 8:20AM doi:10.1002/jso.21407

