Paul Carpenter Standley, född den 21 mars 1884 i Avalon, Missouri, död den 2 juni 1963 i Tegucigalpa, Honduras,[1] var en amerikansk botaniker.
Standley forskade i västra Nordamerika och Centralamerika (speciellt i Guatemala). Han samlade växter från Nya Världens flora. Standley intresserade sig särskilt för Pteridophyta (ormbunksväxter), Bryophyta (bladmossor), och Spermatophytes (fröväxter).[2] Han namngav 5 712 arter.
Standley utbildade sig vid Drury College i Springfield, Missouri och New Mexico State College i Las Cruces, New Mexico. [3]
- The Allioniaceae of the United States with notes on Mexican spices Washington, D.C. 1909
- The type localities of plants first described from New Mexico Washington, D.C. 1910
- The Allioniaceae of Mexico and Central America Washington, D.C. 1911
- The grasses and grasslike plants of New Mexico Medförfattare Elmer Ottis Wooton 1912
- Three new plants from Alberta Washington, D.C. 1912
- A new leather flower from Illinois Washington, D.C. 1912
- Wootonella, a new genus of Carduaceae Washington, D.C. 1912
- The North American species of Nymphaea Washington, D.C. 2012
- Description of new plants. (förhandsrapport om pågående arbete med Mexikos flora. Medförfattare Elmer Ottis Wooton.) 1913
- Five new plants from New Mexico Washington, D.C. 1913
- Studies of tropical American phanerogams (Tre delar) Washington, D.C. 1914 – 1919
- The genus Arthrocnemum in North America 1914
- Flora of Mexico. Medförfattare Elmer Ottis Wooton. 1915
- The application of the generic name Achyantes Washington, D.C. 1915
- The North American tribes and genera of Amaranthaceae Washington, D.C. 1915
- The genus Espletia 1915
- Fungi of Mexico 1916
- Tidestromia, a new generic name Washington, D.C. 1916
- Ammocodon, a new genus Allioniaceae, from the Southwestern United States 1916
- New East African plants Washington, D.C. 1917
- The Mexican and Central American species of Ficus Washington, D.C. 1917
- The Chenopodiaceae of the North American flora 1917
- Six new species of trees and shrubs from Mexico Washington, D.C. 1918
- Flora of the District of Columbia and vicinity. Medförfattare Albert Spear Hitchcock. 1919
- Six new species of plants from Mexico Washington, D.C. 1920
- Trees and shrubs of Mexico Washington, D.C. 1920 – 1926 (Fem delar, drygt 1 700 sidor)
- Flora of Glacier National Parc, Montana (19 fotografier) Washington,. D.C. 1921
- Ten new species of trees from Salvador 1923
- New species from Salvador 1923
- Nine new species from Central America 1924
- Eight new species from Mexico 1924
- The genus Forchammeria 1924
- Orchid collecting in Central America Washington, D.C. 1925
- Lista preliminar de las plantas de El Salvador Medförfattare Salvador Calderón 1925
- Suplemento
- 2 Suplemento (11 illustrationer) 1927
- New plants from Chiapas collected by C. A. Purpus 1926
- The genus of Calatola 1926
- The Costa Rican species of Ilex 1926
- The ferns of Barro Colorado Island 1927
- Plants of Glacier National Park Washington, D.C. 1927
- The flora of Barro Colorado Island (Panama) Washington, D.C. 1927
- Flora of the Panama Canal Zone Washington, D.C. 1928 (Faksimilutgåva 1968)
- Studies of American plants I – XI (11 rapporter) Chicago 1929 – 1940
- The Rubiaceae of Colombia, Chicago 1930
- Flora of Yucatan, Chicago 1930
- Flora of the Vancetilla Valley, Honduras, Chicago 1931
- The Rubiaceae of Equador, Chicago 1931
- The Rubiaceae of Bolivia, Chicago 1931
- The Rubiaceae of Venezuela, Chicago 1931
- New plants from British Honduras (Förhandstryck 1932)
- New plants from the Yucatan peninsula. Washington, D.C. 1935
- The forests and flora of British Honduras, Chicago 1936
- Flora of Costa Rica, Chicago 1937 – 1940, 1 616 sidor
- Flora de Costa Rica, San José 1937 – 1940 [3]
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