Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke är en brittisk professor i ämnet västlig Esoterism vid University of Exeter.
Goodrick-Clarke har publicerat flera böcker vilka bland annat behandlar kopplingen mellan nazism och ockultism.
- Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, The Western Esoteric Traditions: A Historical Introduction, 1988, ISBN 0-19532-099-9.
- Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, The Occult Roots of Nazism: The Ariosophists of Austria and Germany, 1890-1935, 1985, ISBN 0-85030-402-4.
- Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, Hitler's Priestess: Savitri Devi, the Hindu-Aryan Myth, and Neo-Nazism, New York University, Press, 1998, hardcover: ISBN 0-8147-3110-4, paperback: ISBN 0-8147-3111-2.
- Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke & Hans Thomas Hakl, Unknown Sources: National Socialism and the Occult, ISBN 1-55818-470-8.
- Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, Enchanted City - Arthur Machen and Locality: Scenes from His Early London Years, 1880-85, 1987, ISBN 0-948482-03-6.
- Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, editor, Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity, New York University Press, 2002, hardcover: ISBN 0-8147-3124-4; reissue edition, 2003, paperback: ISBN 0-8147-3155-4.
- Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, introduktör och editor, Helena Blavatsky, 2004, ISBN 1-55643-457-X.
- Clare Goodrick-Clarke & Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, introduktörer och editors, G.R.S. Mead and the Gnostic Quest, ISBN 1-55643-572-X .
- Ernst Benz, översättare och introduktör, Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, Emanuel Swedenborg: Visionary Savant in the Age of Reason, ISBN 0-87785-195-6.
- Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, editor, Paracelsus: Essential Readings, ISBN 1-55643-316-6.
- Ursula Groll, översättare Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, Swedenborg and New Paradigm Science, ISBN 0-87785-303-7.
- Kevin Coogan, förord av Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, Dreamer of the Day: Francis Parker Yockey and the Postwar Fascist International, Autonomedia, Brooklyn, NY 1998, ISBN 1-57027-039-2.